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Bike riding and house fires...crazy day so far...


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I was out for a ride getting my exercise when I came around a corner in my neighborhood and smelled what I knew was a house burning. I saw the smoke, and then another neighbor running out to the house yelling FIRE, FIRE... I dropped my bike, pulled my cell phone out and called 911. We discovered that the owner (a man in his 70's) was still inside trying to fight it with a garden hose, and he would not listen to us and get out. We made the decision to go in and get him...just as the windows blew out and flames went up through the tree in front. We grabbed him, feeling like out skin was burning, and dragged him out of harms way.


Here is a short video of the scene after things settled down a bit...

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As one who carries the red axe in, what you did was very corageous, or very stupid. Props for saving the ol' guy. But there is some nasty stuff going on inside a burning house. Its never easy, but what sounds like happened was a little bit of flashover. When everything get so hot in a room (like an oven), and just spontaneously combusts, all that heat broke the windows, and introduced a whole lot more oxygen.


We try to get there as quick as we can.


Speaking of, been awhile since we had a good fire in my neck of the woods... I'm getting bored sitting at home all night.

Rob L.

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I'll have a YouTube version ready in a few minutes.


A Mountain Pie Iron, aka; Pie Iron, Camp Pie Iron, is a tool used to make these really good toasted sandwiches in a campfire. Check them our here... http://www.pieiron.com/what.htm

Oh ok yeah that would be sweet!!


I know its a hard decision to rush into a burning structure.. I'm glad you and the old guy came out safely.. What crazy ol hoot trying to fight a complete house fire with a garden hose,,, but I'd probably do the same thing if all I had was going up.. Well... maybe not.. Something like that you never know really what you'd do until it happens.

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Something like that you never know really what you'd do until it happens.

That's exactly it! The other guy and I just looked at each other with some indecision, but it seemed that we both came to the same conclusion together...we have to get this guy out. Valiant...yes; Stupid...yes, but sometimes you put your faith in God and believe that he is the one making the decision. My angel was there...no doubt.


The more I have thought about it in the last two hours...the more scared I feel now, but I didn't feel it then. :dunno:

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:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:


Adrenalin tends to drown out common sense. :D


And pie irons are awesome. Some bread, a little butter and a can of your favorite pie filling and you've got one deeeelicious dessert around the campfire. Just remember to check on them frequently until you get a hang of how long it takes to cook one. As soon as it's golden brown, flip it. Repeat, then remove and let cool. A little powered sugar makes for a great topping. :thumbsup:

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:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:


Adrenalin tends to drown out common sense. :D

You ain't kidn'...


And pie irons are awesome. Some bread, a little butter and a can of your favorite pie filling and you've got one deeeelicious dessert around the campfire. Just remember to check on them frequently until you get a hang of how long it takes to cook one. As soon as it's golden brown, flip it. Repeat, then remove and let cool. A little powered sugar makes for a great topping. :thumbsup:

You can put all kinds of thing in them. One of my favorites is Peanut Butter-Marshmallow-Chocolate, but I have done PBJ, Bologna, Pizza, etc, etc... :thumbsup: The iron we got does two at a time :yes:

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Speaking of, been awhile since we had a good fire in my neck of the woods... I'm getting bored sitting at home all night.

Rob L.



Nice shooting Tex... You just doomed yourself to a summer full of dumpster fires, CO detectors and overheated central air units. Have fun!!!!

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Taz...........You got your 15 minutes of fame now........ :thumbsup:


Or was not riding your bike enough exercise for the day :hmm:


Anywho.........Nice job, I guest you thinking about it now, but the way the story plays out, the guy would not be in the hospital tonight, well, not in a bed at least.



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Great job Brent. When these things happen, there's no thinking involved, adrenalin takes over and you just act. The thinking comes after the fact, like "What the flock did I just do?" :D It's a measure of character; you either act or you don't, fight or flight. Unfortunately most don't as the many examples shown in the media of bystanders watching someone getting mauled by gang bangers and doing nothing. Again, great job mate! :cheers:

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Thanks again guys :oops:


Bob, I was coming to the end of a 6 mile ride when all of this happened, so I was already sweaty and tired, but all that just seemed to disappear until a couple hours later when things calmed and I felt it.


My throat is a little sore tonight from the smoke I took in, but the headache is gone and the smell is finally gone.

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Saint Florian had your back Brent....... :cheers:


One brew....no, make it three, in respect for your brand of humanity. The world needs more like ya.







There aren't many good-hearted people left it seems, but stories like this help keep my faith in society.


One a side note, I just watched WAY too many rescue bunny videos, those damn things are cute.

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Saint Florian had your back Brent....... :cheers:


One brew....no, make it three, in respect for your brand of humanity. The world needs more like ya.







There aren't many good-hearted people left it seems, but stories like this help keep my faith in society.

Ya'll are too kind...thank you.


One a side note, I just watched WAY too many rescue bunny videos, those damn things are cute.

Thanks :thumbsup: We currently have 6 rescues in the house--along with the three that we own. I built a website for all the bunnies that you can see here -- www.hugabunny.net -- if you wish.

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Well...I went out for another bike ride today, and the same news people tracked me down. They pulled up beside me while I was riding and asked me for another interview; I granted it and found out some interesting information in the process.


CLICK HERE to see what I found out about the man that we saved.

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If you knew this would you still have done it? I bet you would have, even though some might say that guy deserved it..

That is one of the questions the reporter asked today too. My answer was as you suspected: Yes, I would have done what I did regardless. It is not my place to judge any man. What I did was about human life--nothing more, nothing less.

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CLICK HERE for the report and video from todays interaction. I have a much smaller part in the video today, but I still made my point, as they actually used the part I thought they would cut out.



Proud to see you represent with the Jeep Hat.. Too bad it wasnt a CC hat... :cheers:

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