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Thinking about a dog (puppy)...maybe, suggestions?


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My kids could do anything to our German Sheperd and he never c ared . They rode him jumped all over him it didn't matter. If a stranger got close to my kids he would stand his ground inbetween them with his teeth barred in attack mode. It was great to know my kids where protected. He never bit anyone. He wouldn't wag his tail in the house because he knew it would knock stuff over. At 125 pounds he was intimidating but a big sweet dog.


He was trained in german so he wouldn't listen to other people.


for some reason, i find that funny...about the training in german

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seems a little feminine, but I got my wife a ShihTzu about a year ago. And it has been one of the best dogs that I have ever had. Lots of personality, loves to play with the kids on base (mostly 4 or younger, just runs around with them), does not bark much, potty trained very quickly and before then he made very small messes. love that dog, so much so that when he dies I doubt I will be able to get another.


I have had great luck in the past with black labs, and with newfies. Both are great dogs and good with kids.


The smartest dog I have ever had was a Border Collie, and he was great till he got to be around 7, then he started slowly getting very possessive and neurotic, but talk about smart.

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for some reason, i find that funny...about the training in german


I saw a lady on TV who was learning how to speak Spanish...so that her Chihuahua would understand her.


I have a friend with a Jack Russell. Very cool dog. Another friend has a cattle dog. Also very cool. I live in an apartment which doesn't allow pets. So I really enjoy playing with my friends' dogs.

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My kids could do anything to our German Sheperd and he never cared . They rode him jumped all over him it didn't matter. If a stranger got close to my kids he would stand his ground inbetween them with his teeth barred in attack mode. It was great to know my kids where protected. He never bit anyone. He wouldn't wag his tail in the house because he knew it would knock stuff over. At 125 pounds he was intimidating but a big sweet dog.


He was trained in german so he wouldn't listen to other people.


for some reason, i find that funny...about the training in german


Even better was I used German words I picked at random. They didn't mean what the comand was, but they did to the dog. :yes:

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my dog Vandal (terrier mix), rescued him from the pound when he was a year and half, an extremely loyal dog. He's smart enough to know he has a good thing going on and hasnt tried to challenge me yet. Small enough i can pick him up if he gets into trouble on a hike, but big enough that paris hilton couldnt carry him around in her purse. 8)




here's my girlfriends over-weight beagle. Disclaimer: I in no way encourage dressing up your dog in ridiculous costumes. :roll:




any dog as long its loyal will be a nice addition to your life. they stick by you no matter what, and make you smile at least once a day.

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We decided to wait until next before we went to go actually see any dogs... I'm going to Pismo to Wheel this weekend and the Wife is going to LA with her Sis to visit my niece.


We started looking at the rescue groups and such in the area online and on Petfinder.Com... I don't really still know what "breed" we want. I don't know that we will go with a set idea. I think we'd like something Small/Medium Sized and good with kids, but otherwise, not real picky...


There was a Cocker/something mix at a rescue event in San Jose that looked really cute (just saw online), but @ $500 without shots or spayed or microchipped or anything, it sounded a little high. I don't mind the Few Hundred if all that other stuff has already been done.

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We decided to wait until next before we went to go actually see any dogs... I'm going to Pismo to Wheel this weekend and the Wife is going to LA with her Sis to visit my niece.


We started looking at the rescue groups and such in the area online and on Petfinder.Com... I don't really still know what "breed" we want. I don't know that we will go with a set idea. I think we'd like something Small/Medium Sized and good with kids, but otherwise, not real picky...


There was a Cocker/something mix at a rescue event in San Jose that looked really cute (just saw online), but @ $500 without shots or spayed or microchipped or anything, it sounded a little high. I don't mind the Few Hundred if all that other stuff has already been done.


This is exactly why I will not go to a specific "rescue" organization if it is run by PETA or the SPCA. They charge a ridiculous amount to drop a dog off, Then they charge a lot to take the dog away. Often with no shots spaying or neutering. A buddy of mine went to gt a dog from a shelter, the guy in front of him in line just happened to be dropping a dog off. He like the dog and asked to have it. As he was walking out with his new dog, the lady from behind the counter came running out saying that he could not have a dog and that he had to pay (wearing tye dye and birkenstocks according to him), he got yelled at and she was threatening to call the cops and animal control on him.


The shelter near my parents house requires a background check, 3 letters of recommendation, a letter from a vet (known to them, who allows them to inspect his/her clinic at will), as well as a contract allowing them to come inspect YOUR house at will and take the dog if it is not getting the treatment that THEY think it deserves.


Dude for $500 you can get a fullbred cocker strait from a breeder, see its parents and their temperament, as well as it probably having first round shots.


Honestly, you can probably get on craigslist and find a bunch of puppies for sale, once again already wormed and many with a first round of shots for next to nothing. People are always getting rid of litters on there, all they ask is that you be kind to the animal and give it a good home. Some may ask for a donation. Some of the bet dogs I had growing up were Mutts, and free.

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We decided to wait until next before we went to go actually see any dogs... I'm going to Pismo to Wheel this weekend and the Wife is going to LA with her Sis to visit my niece.


We started looking at the rescue groups and such in the area online and on Petfinder.Com... I don't really still know what "breed" we want. I don't know that we will go with a set idea. I think we'd like something Small/Medium Sized and good with kids, but otherwise, not real picky...


There was a Cocker/something mix at a rescue event in San Jose that looked really cute (just saw online), but @ $500 without shots or spayed or microchipped or anything, it sounded a little high. I don't mind the Few Hundred if all that other stuff has already been done.


This is exactly why I will not go to a specific "rescue" organization if it is run by PETA or the SPCA. They charge a ridiculous amount to drop a dog off, Then they charge a lot to take the dog away. Often with no shots spaying or neutering. A buddy of mine went to gt a dog from a shelter, the guy in front of him in line just happened to be dropping a dog off. He like the dog and asked to have it. As he was walking out with his new dog, the lady from behind the counter came running out saying that he could not have a dog and that he had to pay (wearing tye dye and birkenstocks according to him), he got yelled at and she was threatening to call the cops and animal control on him.


The shelter near my parents house requires a background check, 3 letters of recommendation, a letter from a vet (known to them, who allows them to inspect his/her clinic at will), as well as a contract allowing them to come inspect YOUR house at will and take the dog if it is not getting the treatment that THEY think it deserves.


Dude for $500 you can get a fullbred cocker strait from a breeder, see its parents and their temperament, as well as it probably having first round shots.


Honestly, you can probably get on craigslist and find a bunch of puppies for sale, once again already wormed and many with a first round of shots for next to nothing. People are always getting rid of litters on there, all they ask is that you be kind to the animal and give it a good home. Some may ask for a donation. Some of the bet dogs I had growing up were Mutts, and free.

$500 is about what we paid, we got ours from their "stud" Willy Wonka.



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I got my cocker Gus at our local shelter for daughter #2. He was dropped off the night before supossedly because his owners moved into an apartment that would not allow animals. The shelter gave me their names, I called them, and they verified it. They also stated they had paid $600 for him, came from great stock, and they had the AKC registration papers. He was less than a year old, and looked like he had never had a trim in his life. Paid the shelter $100 for all the shots and a checkup w. a clean bill of health, and we brought him home. We then shaved him down to parade rest, and washed his stanky little body. Daughter #2 left for 'Bama U on her USAF ROTC scholarship a month later, so I am now the stuckee. :D Buy he's my pal and is a great little dog.


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I got my cocker Gus at our local shelter for daughter #2. He was dropped off the night before supossedly because his owners moved into an apartment that would not allow animals. The shelter gave me their names, I called them, and they verified it. They also stated they had paid $600 for him, came from great stock, and they had the AKC registration papers. He was less than a year old, and looked like he had never had a trim in his life. Paid the shelter $100 for all the shots and a checkup w. a clean bill of health, and we brought him home. We then shaved him down to parade rest, and washed his stanky little body. Daughter #2 left for 'Bama U on her USAF ROTC scholarship a month later, so I am now the stuckee. :D Buy he's my pal and is a great little dog.


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$100 for shots/ and checkup on a new dog is good.

$500 for nothing is crap.


You made out pretty good, I have just seen too many shelters that want more stuff from you to adopt a dog then my friends did to adopt a child.

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$100 for shots/ and checkup on a new dog is good.

$500 for nothing is crap.


You made out pretty good, I have just seen too many shelters that want more stuff from you to adopt a dog then my friends did to adopt a child.


Some of the shelters here are the same way especially the ones with cutesy names, like Pretty Paw Pets or Happy Canine Acres, etc. ad nauseum. big_barf.gif Those bastids don't care about the animals; they're in business to make as many $$ as possible. The municipal shelters run by the cities or counties are mostly squared away though.

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I used to work for Airedale Kennels in Appleton Wisconsin when I was just a pup myself. I only got bit by Cockers ~ it could just be that they didn't like me :dunno:



Maybe it's because you're a Cocker too.........and I ain't talkin Spaniel LOL! :rotfl2:

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I used to work for Airedale Kennels in Appleton Wisconsin when I was just a pup myself. I only got bit by Cockers ~ it could just be that they didn't like me :dunno:
Maybe it's because you're a Cocker too.........and I ain't talkin Spaniel LOL! :rotfl2:

All those charges were dropped :no: .


Yeah, Cockers are pretty smart Rich. 8)

If you define smart as; buttering up to all the ladies and biting the only one who would relieve your need for arse draggin - err, wait. You may have a point :shake:

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We are going to look at and maybe get this dog from a Rescue on Saturday.





I hope the sweater is not part of the deal. She's a 4 month old Lab/Retriever mix who was rescued from Taiwan and flown over. Has her first 3 rounds of shots, spayed, microchipped, crate trained, etc, etc. I talked to the rescue coordinator lady last night and it sounds like this might be a good match for us.


Will post if we get her....



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