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Who carries the Rear Glass?

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Well I have called around locally and no one seems to be able to locate the rear solid glass for the truck. Anyone know of a supplier?

Also, you dealership parts guys. Is the rubber for the back glass still availible through the dealership supply chain? My parts list has this as the part #, 55007123.



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  mfpdm said:

Also, you dealership parts guys. Is the rubber for the back glass still availible through the dealership supply chain? My parts list has this as the part #, 55007123.



I can't help with the glass part.

The weather strip is discontinued, but there shows to be one left in the country on the Chrysler locator system at this dealership...


LIBERTY MOTORS INC - RAPID CITY, SD Phone: (605)-342-6666 / (800)-495-0666


Retails for about $73

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I can pick the solid back glass from the junk yard. Let me know if this is the route you want to go - seen one just this weekend. Just called LQK in St.Pete and they want $25 for the one piece glass. As long as we pack it well, I don't think shipping would be bad at all. :cheers:

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Don't glass shops CUT glass any more? Back when I was restoring a 1939 Hudson, I took it to a local glass shop and they cut sheets of flat safety glass to make new door windows, new side windows, and new vent wing windows. This is going back a number of years, but it was no big deal. The rear window is flat -- it shouldn't be hard to make one.

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  mvusse said:
You might want to get that, as I'm sure someone will want it. The 3 piece sliders are the original stock ones, and are not being made any more.

Ding-ding-ding.... That'd be me.... My glass is fine, but its missing the latch.. Wait.... Should I be writing this in the classified section??? :hmm:

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  jtdesigns said:
  mvusse said:
You might want to get that, as I'm sure someone will want it. The 3 piece sliders are the original stock ones, and are not being made any more.

Ding-ding-ding.... That'd be me.... My glass is fine, but its missing the latch.. Wait.... Should I be writing this in the classified section??? :hmm:

:no: :D :nuts: PM me about it :brows:

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Well, thanks for all the inputs. I really don't want to go with a used one but I may have too. Taz, I'll check with my jeep dealership to see if they can get that one that's left in the system. Far as having one cut, I figure that might get pricey and the guy that is doing the rest of glass does not do it. He's hooking me up so I really can't go elsewhere. Slider is really not an option because I just don't like the fact it offers an easier way to break in to the truck. Maybe I'll get lucky with some more searching. It's not like I haven't been working on the truck for over a year. :roll: What's a few more weeks.



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I really can't go elsewhere. Slider is really not an option because I just don't like the fact it offers an easier way to break in to the truck.


Dude, the nearest local rock would not deter any thug from bashing out a solid rear-glass over a slider any day of the week... :eek: In fact, thugs are more likely to just ignore the rear-glass and simply bust the frontal-door glass over busting your rear-glass. Sliders are better simply because of the breeze they allow...





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  Catatonic Comanche said:
I really can't go elsewhere. Slider is really not an option because I just don't like the fact it offers an easier way to break in to the truck.


Dude, the nearest local rock would not deter any thug from bashing out a solid rear-glass over a slider any day of the week... :eek: In fact, thugs are more likely to just ignore the rear-glass and simply bust the frontal-door glass over busting your rear-glass. Sliders are better simply because of the breeze they allow...






Yeah, I know. But it helps me sleep better at night thinking I'm right. Far as the breeze, that's what AC is for. :thumbsup:



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  Eagle said:
Don't glass shops CUT glass any more? Back when I was restoring a 1939 Hudson, I took it to a local glass shop and they cut sheets of flat safety glass to make new door windows, new side windows, and new vent wing windows. This is going back a number of years, but it was no big deal. The rear window is flat -- it shouldn't be hard to make one.



I tried that route with a local place. Well, 3. They told me they can't, and that it couldn't be done. It seemed retarded to me. However, I know a guy who does glass professionally. I asked him and it was 'Well, bring it by and I'll cut one and install it for a case of lucky'. At that point I'd managed to find one from a wrecker and have it installed, but I figured it was good to know for future reference.


It's amazing how useless some people can be, and how helpful others can.

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Glad you found what you were lookimg for. I was just reading this and was going to let you know that my brother would cut one for you and as far as the seal. you can buy a roll of seal from any glass shop and cut it to leanth when installing. we do it all the time here. the off roaders here are always breaking glass. I smaked a branch yesterday in the xj when I was down back playing in the snow cought a rutt and slid on some ice off the trail. by by windshild......oh well good thing I have afew extra part.

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  DirtyComanche said:
I tried that route with a local place. Well, 3. They told me they can't, and that it couldn't be done. It seemed retarded to me. However, I know a guy who does glass professionally. I asked him and it was 'Well, bring it by and I'll cut one and install it for a case of lucky'. At that point I'd managed to find one from a wrecker and have it installed, but I figured it was good to know for future reference.


It's amazing how useless some people can be, and how helpful others can.

Ain't it the truth. That's the trouble with the world today ... nobody wants to think. If it isn't in a catalog, "It can't be done." Unless you know somebody who has done it ...


On another forum, just yesterday somebody posted a link to a video of an excursion by some journalist to an illegal arms center (meaning the entire town, not just a building) in Pakistan. They have pics of young kids making ammunition by hand with a hammer. They showed a deaf mute making 9mm pistols entirely by hand -- not a CNC machine in sight. The video is probably a fake. After all, anyone knows you can't make guns without CNC machines.


See if this link works


http://www.vbs.tv/full_screen.php?s=DGF ... sc=1363196

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I know this is getting off topic, but ask anybody who was in SE Asia in the early 70s if "those guys" over there had or needed CNC machines.

Now after a short internet search,and from my own personal knowledge,you can't cut tempered safety glass (shatters into a million pieces),but you can cut laminated safety glass(the kind with plastic in it).I haven't done it before,bc haven't needed to but i have watched it done a few times.I wouldn't be afraid to attempt this myself,it's not that hard at all.A person should use the appropriate safety gear,take their time and they will do just fine.

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You don't need CNC to machine.. Only a drill press and vise. I'm sure they have some sort of milling or tuning machine.. I'm sure they some way of casting and forging too. CNC = Computer Numerical Control... Not milling machine or lathe. :smart:

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  64 Cheyenne said:

Now after a short internet search,and from my own personal knowledge,you can't cut tempered safety glass (shatters into a million pieces),

I do not know what info your looking at but our body man at work cuts tempered safty glass all the time for the boats. we actualy used a 4" angle grinder to shave some off the edge of a window he cut and did not fit in the 38 foot boat I steam just last month.

so maybe tempered glass for a boat is different then street use but, I had to ask my bro that has been cutting glass and doing upolstery for over 35 years now and says its not that big of a deal with the right tools for cutting glass.

but hay the info found on the internet is aways right...... right?

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