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VOIP (Voice over Internet) Phone Service

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Looking for an alternative for my current home phone service.  Currently bundled with my internet provider but at close to $30 a month it is getting pricey for a line that I don't use much, but am not ready to ditch just yet and go cell only.  I have heard of one, (https://www.ooma.com/) and the monthly price is good after you get through the start up costs.  Anyone else use this?  Other options you use and are happy with?



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I have ring central for my business VOIP, but don't think VOIP is what you're looking for unless you want to only make calls from your computer. I just looked to see what the OOma is seems like a waste of money for a basic phone.  


If you like to tinker could do this for cheap to start and free to continue. 


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21 hours ago, Car Enthusiast said:

My question would be why would VOIP be different from any of the social media

VOIP is a fancy term for using the internet connection as a functional replacement of the original dedicated physical phone line.  At the user end it operates the same as a classic phone line, so doesn't really work like social media services.

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15 hours ago, Smokeyyank said:

I have ring central for my business VOIP, but don't think VOIP is what you're looking for unless you want to only make calls from your computer. I just looked to see what the OOma is seems like a waste of money for a basic phone.  


If you like to tinker could do this for cheap to start and free to continue. 


Thanks, I'll look at the raspberry choice, I don't know if I want to tinker that way, but I might.  This approach is probably about what the ooma service is doing, then selling that.


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My choice of words used in my OP,  "alternative for my current home phone service" may have been misleading as to what I meant to ask.  I am wanting to replace my current home phone service that is around $30 a month, with something that works the same, but cost less.  And wondering if anyone else has done this and been happy with what they switched to.


Using ooma pricing as a starting point, that service would cost the same as what I pay now over the first 6 months, at 1 year the overall expense would be $137 less. and going forward, the monthly $6.85 cost would be around $23 less each month, so quite a bit less than my current basic phone.  So ooma is probably where I'll go but if someone has something better to suggest, that still works the same, I'm all ears....



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I know my mother and both of my sisters have something like this.  It's a box that plugs into a cable modem/router internet connection somewhere in the house and then ties into the phone lines already in the house.  The old copper phone company feed has to be disconnected at the box coming into the house.  But it works like a regular old style home phone and they like it.


I'll have to ask what brand they have.


I've been cell phone only for about 15 years now and have been happy with it.

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My parents are in their upper 70s and used to have just a landline phone, then they got a cell, and slowly they realized the cell is more practical, so last year they cut out the landline altogether and don't miss it at all. Seemed the only ones who called it were telemarketers anyways. 

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23 hours ago, derf said:

I've been cell phone only for about 15 years now and have been happy with it.

Yeah, I should probably go cell only, but just haven't convinced myself to do it yet!  One reason it just I am not one that quickly embraces change (as evident with my presence here as still driving my 1990 Jeep except when I am driving my 1994 car :laugh:).  I also like my landline when I purchase or sign up for something and they force me to include a phone number, I can give them one that can't get text, and keep my cell off their spam list :smile:.

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5 minutes ago, AnotherOldJeepGuy said:

I also like my landline when I purchase or sign up for something and they force me to include a phone number, I can give them one that can't get text, and keep my cell off their spam list.


↑↑↑ Concur. Expensive but well worth it. ↑↑↑

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I've had Vonage voip pretty much since its inception.  My sister has Ooma.  We both have foreign family connections and needed inexpensive ways to call either Europe or Australia.  Currently I just use Telegram on my desktop or cell when necessary.  The ability to fax was a necessity for my business also.  I used to spend a lot of time in Europe and taking the router with me and just plugging it in made calling the U.S. a local call from there.  I keep it because there are too many things connected to that number, I also like it because that is the number I give out when a phone number is needed and only give out my cell number when absolutely necessary.  I get spam maybe 3 or 4 times a year on my cell that way.  Of course my cell is quite frequently sitting in my car with a dead, or near dead, battery anyway.  People know to call me on my voip.  I don't need to connect the voip to the house phone lines (though I could).  I just have a few of cordless phone placed strategically around the house.  I don't usually answer it unless the caller ID is someone I recognize.  Well worth it to me.

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On 3/21/2025 at 6:14 AM, AnotherOldJeepGuy said:

Thanks, I'll look at the raspberry choice, I don't know if I want to tinker that way, but I might.  This approach is probably about what the ooma service is doing, then selling that.



I'm currently tinkering with something like this just way more advanced but basic premise is the same. I just picked up some used jabra 450s and then building the rest based on PI. From there will need try to figure some basic programming and use a voip provider. Tricky part with my set up is using DECT phone with a usb and not wanting tonuse a ATA. I'll let you know what I figure out. 


Just a side bar thought about the needing a phone number to complete a form type thing. I use my old companys fax number. Works like a charm. 

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