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This just ruined my life...


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2 girls 1 cup.




at first it was like image_209027.gif :banana: :beerhead: :banana: ...for about 1.5 seconds.


downhill after that.


now I wanna go :driving: myself off a cliff in my comanche.gif


if you have a weak stomach, turn back now...


I'm not going to post the link, because I don't think it should be on the site. google it if you feel you must know what the talk is about.



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ok I did just find this and it really not all that bad I have seen worse but here is the real question what were you looking for when you found this. :D


lol...someone told me to google it and watch it (I think it was *ahem...correy...*ahem). I guess I couldn't resist...and now I wish I had.


2girls1cup.com then click on the top blue link

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Why am I suddenly grateful that I have a dial-up connection and can't even consider viewing video clips?


I seen this clip on another forum I go to... Eagle it isnt worth seeing.


I hope one of the moderators locks this or removes it, before it sullies our clubs good name

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I hope one of the moderators locks this or removes it, before it sullies our clubs good name


hey, I didn't include a direct link for just that reason.


just thought you guys should know not to see it ;)



and eagle...you should be glad that you have dialup.

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I have not and will not view it, but it gives me an idea.

Last year, we went to OSU campus and set all the campus computers we could find to have the homepage of a certain meat and a certain spin. Also changed all the laptops that drunk people would let us use.

New idea?

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