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Spotter's Fault???

MiNi Beast

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I disagree. If there's a spotter, the driver is supposed to do what the spotter says (or signals). Spotters are for situations in which the driver can't see what's going on. If there's a boo-boo in a spotter situation, the spotter is responsible.


If you can't accept that ... don't ever volunter to be a spotter. Them's the rules.

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Re watched video, in this vid the driver had not listened to the spotter.

Ah, so.


In that case, the driver IS responsible.



Nope, watch yetr again, spotter did not give directions soon enough. So spotters fault, he shall pay!!!!!!!




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I kinda think its both. First the spottedr didnt focus on the situation cause he ran the guy into the side of the rock. Then to follow up he retracted his directions and frantically pointed the other way. TO late for that but the kicker is that the driver never lifted the gas until it was way to late :dunno: just my 2c worth.



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I kinda think its both. First the spottedr didnt focus on the situation cause he ran the guy into the side of the rock. Then to follow up he retracted his directions and frantically pointed the other way. TO late for that but the kicker is that the driver never lifted the gas until it was way to late :dunno: just my 2c worth.






:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :agree: :thumbsup:

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If my memory serves me correct it was a husband/wife combo. The wife was driving, the husband was spotting.


They drove it to town after the roll, put it on a trailer and took it home. Insurance did not cover it, however the cage did fail and they sued the the cage manufacture (rock-hard) and won. Rumor has it that is the reason rock-hard has changed the design on the wrangler cages.


Like I said, it's just my memory so some of the facts my not be 100%. I have pics around somewhere of the cage failer and what it looked like after the roll. I'll see if I can find them...

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If my memory serves me correct it was a husband/wife combo. The wife was driving, the husband was spotting.


They drove it to town after the roll, put it on a trailer and took it home. Insurance did not cover it, however the cage did fail and they sued the the cage manufacture (rock-hard) and won. Rumor has it that is the reason rock-hard has changed the design on the wrangler cages.


Like I said, it's just my memory so some of the facts my not be 100%. I have pics around somewhere of the cage failer and what it looked like after the roll. I'll see if I can find them...


please do.


and yes, that's the spotter's fault.


he told the driver where to go. driver went where spotter wanted. spotter realized he f*d up right away, and changed instructions...well, driver couldn't see them in that split second, and it cost them the vehicle.

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If my memory serves me correct it was a husband/wife combo. The wife was driving, the husband was spotting.


They drove it to town after the roll, put it on a trailer and took it home. Insurance did not cover it, however the cage did fail and they sued the the cage manufacture (rock-hard) and won. Rumor has it that is the reason rock-hard has changed the design on the wrangler cages.


Like I said, it's just my memory so some of the facts my not be 100%. I have pics around somewhere of the cage failer and what it looked like after the roll. I'll see if I can find them...

That's the way I remember it as well. I remember seeing something on pirate about the cage.



I used to jump our '93 sport quite a bit. So if you bought one used from the Jeep dealer in S. Austin, TX in '95... ;)

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Either way, driver should of let off the gas when was going up. But If this was a inexperienced driver the spotter should of been more cautions. I'd be pissed either way if my jeep flipped and rolled. But good for them about the whole settlement thing. But Isn't the whole point of a roll cage to protect the people rather the jeep? Hoping no one was hurt. If so didn't the roll cage do it's advertised job???

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You all must put way too much faith in your spotter. I know mine is :nuts: so I don't pay him too much attention.


haha, what he said ^


we're more laid back than yall though apparently... the XJ flipped and noone yelled, nothin happened, we just were like... well $#!&. there goes the THIRD radiator in a row... :roll: how're we gonna get yo back on 4 wheels mate?



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seconds 13, 14, 15, spotter pointing right. seconds 13, 14, 15, driver going left. second 16, rollover begins. drivers fault. driver couldn't have been looking at the spotter.


that's an old vid, been around for probably a year or two now...

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I agree with pete the driver was going way to fast its called rock crawling for a reason. Spotter sucks though! I maintain if you are going to be mad if it gets scratched, dented, broken, flattend, or flipped (top or side) you prolly should keep it off the trail. :cheers:

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I know that I certainly would have stopped and made usre I knew what was going on when the front end lifted up like that.


I'll blame both on that video.

The spotter in the beginning, but the driver should have eased up when the front end went into the scary zone, especially in a SWB Jeep.


the Mj would have handled that no problem, other than dragging the mid section on the breakover.

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here is my take on the whole spotter driver thing. As the driver you SHOULD know what your vehicle is capable of, and at anytime you can take your foot off of the skinny pedal, or turn the wheel anyway you feel comfortable. Also as a driver it is YOUR responsability to tell the spotter the line you want to take.


AS a spotter it is your job to keep the rig on all 4's or as close as possible to it. There are a few ppl in the club I belong to.. who won't ever spot me again, cause they think that flopping or rolling ppl is funny.


IN that clip... I think it was both driver and spotters fault.



As for the cage failing... well most if not all companies have pretty good disclaimers... that cover them in 99% of the situations, but Lawyers can always find loopholes

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