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Garage-Mahal 3.0

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The exterior is nearly finished! Today I made up the door insert panels and painted them. 



I need to touch up the brown trim, paint the exposed sides of the 6x12s, seal around the windows, and caulk around the new door panels. Soon enough I’ll be ready for my final inspection to close my permit. 



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The tarp came down but it was in preparation for some weather we got. Then he went over his deck with a pressure washer to prep for staining which he did on what seemed like the windiest day of the year. Can you guess which side of my shed has a texture to it now? He pretty much fogged the whole neighborhood. HE’s lucky I didn’t have a vehicle parked down there. :brickwall:

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  • 5 weeks later...

So... moving on. With the change in the weather it’s time to be thinking about what’s next. I figure that if I’ve got insulation on standby and conduit trenched in, then I can still pick at things when I get warmer days this winter.




Throughout this whole project I’ve been taking advantage of the local building supply that’s all of a half mile away from the house. Today it only took me three trips but the insulation was taken care of. 



Then there’s the conduit. When the concrete was poured I thought ahead to go under the sidewalk next to the shop. Since then there’s been a stake marking where that stopped. Needless to say, digging a trench in a mountain town is no joke. 



I only got about a third of the way. It’s slow going. Still small amounts of progress. 

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17 hours ago, Pete M said:

looks like a good workout. :L:    did you know there are people that pay to go to a gym?  :dunno: 

Those people are suckers.


It was cold this morning so I didn’t get out there right away. Managed another 10’! :banana:



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Had a friend come over this morning to hang insulation with me. Still need to finish framing the gable ends and then hang plastic sheet and nailers on the walls. I’m not too far off from framing the loft and air compressor closet. 



I need power soon. 

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Today I got most of my vapor barrier up and then started framing the loft. I’m getting tired of looking at and moving a big pile of 2x10s that I got for free well over a year ago.




The walls are sure creeping in and seeing it all come together gives the impression that I’ll never comfortably have anything in this shop bigger than a midsize pickup. Perfect! None of my past shops have had much more room length wise either.


More tomorrow. 


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It’s a loft!




... and it works! I’m an even 6’ tall so I wanted to have some kind of relief up in the loft. From the floor to the peak, it’s just over 6’ with a 7’ 8” ceiling height under it. The framing is all 2x10s that I would’ve gotten while doing a demo job at my last job. They’ve been sitting around for a while so it’s great to get them out of the way. I had more than enough so I ripped down the rest into 2x4s. These were then used for framing my air compressor closet. 



Each end of the loft was finished up with the off cuts of the 6x12s from the carport. They’re big, chunky, and I like them. 



The little shop really took on a new feel this weekend. Today I caught myself cleaning up and using the loft for getting things off the floor and then walking from corner to corner and all around the new dedicated work space under the loft. I’m already figuring where tools and equipment will live. 



It’s still a mess in here but it’s a much more workable mess. Unfortunately, I’m leaning towards selling off the two post car lift I got WAY back before the ground was even broken. The floor space is huge right now! I think the one post that’d end up in the middle of the floor will really kill the work vibe. Also, it’s a shorter two post too so it’s got a ramp to drive over between the posts. If I were to want to move my welding table out, I’ll need to work around it. I dunno... for what I paid for it, there’s no way I’ll be out anything. We’ll see. 

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Right? For how often it’d get used I think it’d be more in the way. Think about bending tube... where does it make sense to put a bender? Right smack in the middle of the room so you’ve got space all the way around it to work. What if there’s a permanent post in the way? Bummer. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So... I’m not quite as far as I would’ve preferred to be by the end of the year, but here we are. While I should’ve been working on getting the insulation done, I decided that I’m tired of moving around my cabinets. This meant that I needed to get the walls done under the loft which then turned into trimming it all out and building a door for the closet.




Obviously the cabinets need finishing, but they’re set where they’re going to go. Over towards the right of the cabinets is enough space for my toolbox which is great because I’ve been putting on a lot of miles going up the hill to the little shed up by the house to get tools.




Then there’s the closet door. Hands down one of the most useful tools that someone can have is a table saw. When you’ve got a pile of scraps, you need a door, you’re too lazy or cheap to go out and get a door, then you need a table saw.




I decided to finish the walls with OSB because I like to staple things to my walls. There’s a giant plastic tub that I’ve been carrying around for years now that’s labeled “garage art” that will finally find a home. Stay tuned for that. A keen eye will notice that the panels in the cabinet doors are also OSB that was finished in the same way that the cherry wood and MDF was... this was the plan all along. Otherwise I’ll be finishing the rest of the shop with bright white pole barn tin.


Could I have tried harder and gotten further? Yup. At this point I don’t make deadlines. It’ll get done when it gets done and I don’t stress out over it.



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