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Don't you hate not having 4wd?


I would be getting that sucker finished off ASAP! If you wanna go wheeling I'd be up for it but you gotta get that 4wd working 'fore we head out. Got any places in mind down in your neck of the woods to go to?

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  $500 MJ said:
Don't you hate not having 4wd?


I would be getting that sucker finished off ASAP! If you wanna go wheeling I'd be up for it but you gotta get that 4wd working 'fore we head out. Got any places in mind down in your neck of the woods to go to?



All I need is the D30 regeared, i HAVE THE MASTER INSTALL KIT ON IT'S WAY, so just waiting to get a trutrac then it's getting installed. It will all be done by the end of June. Going up to Silver Lake for the 4th of July then down to the Badlands for the club trip on the 17th.

But yeah I know some places to ride.

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Well my brother is up from AL so I took him out in the jeep. We went on some local state land and mainly played on the back forty of my grandma's.


First hill we plaayed on...





Going down the hill I just climed in video

First rock ever climbed :roll:


Just sight seeing at Horse Shoe Lake.

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Well got my tube inserts yesterday and my heim joints today, my stock I'm getting this weekend, 1 1/2 x .25" wall, this going to be for my new steering upgrade.


Rusty's tube inserts...

RT075-RH 3/4 - 16 Right Hand Thread Insert $12.00

RT075-LH 3/4 - 16 Left Hand Thread Insert $12.00



Heim Joints and misalignment washers from Midwest Control Products...

MXM-12 3/4-16

MXML-12 3/4-16 LH





Will pick up lock nuts and bolts at the hardware store, then when get my stock, will be getting it measured up and welded and put on. :woot:

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Well went on a trail ride today to help raise money for a lovley mother to hopefully help her to walk again. It was a good time, 40 or so rigs came out, what a blast. 2wd got me throught the day well with some help from the gas peddle but yeah, it is all good. We got a little dirty. Only problems I had was getting some water in the intake, so made up a shield from a cardboard box :brows: , And I had lost my clutch, no pressure, had to bleed it and it came back up but still having problems. But nothing I didn't expect, so most likly will get me a new clutch kit to throw in it. Well here are the pics we got today...




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  • 2 weeks later...

The air Box that Trail Fanatic and I came up with to help keep water getting sucked up in the intake. Better than cardboard..



Got my stock, 1 1/2" x .25 wall dom ($41 for 8ft stick), back and cut down for my steering. Just need the tube ends welded up..


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Well, my jeep rocked in the dunes. Forgot my digital camera so had to get a quick snap one, so will get that developed and get pics up. But the jeep did great for only 2wd. Just hammered the gas and she went.

Fun fun! Was great to meet Up with 89eliminator and his parents. Was a good time and look forward to the Badlands trip and meet some more of you guys.


Got my carrier today so good to go on re-gearing the D30. jamminz.gifjamminz.gif


So got my steering on today still working out a few kinks being the trac bar bushing is shot so I'm making due. But she is great as far as the steering. Way nicer than stock. Should be getting it pulled together tomorrow. Paint too!


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Gears installed I have 4wd now :banana:


Gear install went smooth, got it right the first time so no redoing it a few times to get good pattern.


So watch out, if I couldn't be stopped in 2wd then I won't be in 4wd. :driving:



And thanks to the person who helped me out, I'd post a pic but he's to damn ugly for the net Image Not Found




jamminz.gif Alright only snapped a couple pics here they are...


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So what was that axle geared at before? What are you geared at now?


Looks like I'm not gonna make it to Silver Lake on the 4th, have fun there for the day. I don't have to work but some other things have come up at home that I need to be here for...

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  $500 MJ said:
So what was that axle geared at before? What are you geared at now?


Looks like I'm not gonna make it to Silver Lake on the 4th, have fun there for the day. I don't have to work but some other things have come up at home that I need to be here for...


Well have the 8.8 in the rear with the 4.10 LSD so to match the front up I had to take out the 3.55's and add some 4.10's. She is beatiful.

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Also some spec on the steering...


I was planning on posting them up once I got it all fined tuned. Had to cut one back down an 1" to allow for adjustments. Carpentry skills in play there, they were measured to a tight fit.


Tie rod is - 43 1/4" (tube end to tube end)

Draglink- 33 1/2" (tube end to tube end)



I ran a LH thread on the end of the stock on the left side of jeep and RH thread joints on the right hand side. This is what allow you to adjust your steering, then use lock nuts to secure them in place.



As far as the track bar I'm thinking of running a double ended heim joint stright bar over the axle. Was thinking a bushing on the axle and joint at the frame. but using the same size stock being 1 1/2" x .25 wall and get tube ends to insert then my joints.

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Well made up to Silver again, it rocked with 4wd. I even manged to find a little hole in watering hole. I love water, even ankle deep in the cab. :roll:

Cheap A/C I told the girl :D

Was up there with buddy and his wife, who works with my girl, they were rocking the purple Camero... :brows:

link to more pics here...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright well you know you love jeeps and are broke when you change your own tires manually... :nuts:

Well I got the 35's on, a free set of bald ones, but I want to see how she goes before I go and get a a good set to put on there. If I no likely then going to keep running 33's.


Well I saved $40 that I didn't have and changed my own tires. Took all day and the way I fell now I do not recommend it to anyone. "Work smarter not harder", has never met so much until now. But their on. jamminz.gif




As well as got my Co2 tank for my trail spare air tank, just have to get the necessities to go with it now. Thinking I may just go through here for my needs... http://www.redrock4x4.com/shop/categories/82_400.html



Then made some adjustments to my steering due to the taper in the knuckle, just put in a misalignment spacer in on the bottom side of the knuckle to fill the knuckle in and keep the bolt from see-sawing and working it self loose and causing my loose steering.

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Not much of a story, just was a consequence to dumb driving. Posted what happened in bicker page.



And $500mj I still may want that sunroof but if you can get rid of it before I get up there then do so.



Also would like to get a mj now but thinking I need to keep to the xj for the family's sake and that I can just swap everything right over.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well got me a new dd that has no rust, very solid. However will not be swapping over to it going to cut the top off the other and cage it.


New DD...



Then my rough layout for the cage, thinking of going with the idea of the hummer look with a small rhino lined cargo/bed and canvas just around the sitting and either half doors or tube doors. Then the cage tied into the front and rear bumpers and rock rails. Box out the taillights adding led's then tubing the fenders.






Any advice please give being I only know that triangles are strong, any help with what type and size tubing, and what to incorporate into it and all that.

This will now be my straight up trial rig however will still be making it to be able to drive to the trails.

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I like the idea Roger. I think (I don't do it often but, when I do it tends to be a good thing) that you should go for the whole Cheromanche treatment. At least then you could kinda feel like you belong at COMANCHEclub.com with that XJ of yours nutkick.gif :yes: comancheB.gif




I'm just messin with ya, you know that. But, it would be a pretty sweet deal I think to at least graft an MJ tailgate into the rear of the XJ. You'll have to fill in the area left by the hatch somehow anyway...



Also, I still have the sunroof. I'm planning to bring it along with me on my next trip to K-Zoo. I'll be coming down on the 25th with my girlfriend. Would that work for you?


Catch ya later - Brent

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