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&%#$* Transfer Case

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It would appear the friggin' transfer case is popping.

Chain perhaps?


Did it a year or so ago.  Got one out of a junkyard and now this one is doing it.


How new of a 231 can I put into this thing?


What fits? 


I don't want to get another "old" one again and have it last only a year.

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What is this popping sound your talking about?

I've been trying to diagnose a popping noise when I let go off the clutch....

I'm thinking it may be my clutch..I've checked u-joints and they're good...but after reading This thread I may have to put it up on jackstands to check it out....

It instantly happen when let off the clutch to accerlarate after first gear...

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What is this popping sound your talking about?

I've been trying to diagnose a popping noise when I let go off the clutch....

I'm thinking it may be my clutch..I've checked u-joints and they're good...but after reading This thread I may have to put it up on jackstands to check it out....

It instantly happen when let off the clutch to accerlarate after first gear...


I would assume he only gets the popping sound when 4WD is engaged?    Thats why he is thinking TC


I have heard that sound many times myself..........like mentioned above the chain (once the T-case is out) is about a 40 minute repair  :thumbsup:

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It would appear the friggin' transfer case is popping.

Chain perhaps?


Did it a year or so ago.  Got one out of a junkyard and now this one is doing it.


How new of a 231 can I put into this thing?


What fits? 


I don't want to get another "old" one again and have it last only a year.

Even if you get one out of a 2001 XJ (which will have the new-style, inferior, vibration-prone output shaft), it will be 13 years old. Why not just put a chain in the one you have?

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  • 1 month later...

Just an update. Bought a chain on ebay. Installed pretty easily. Frankly removing the tcase from the truck was the hardest part. Sat on the workbench for a bit as other things got done first. You know how that is. Reinstalled this past weekend. All is good.

now back to the brakes. :)

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When I installed a heavy duty slip yoke eliminator (for which you have to get into the case just a little bit deeper than just replacing the chain), I did it under the truck; didn't bother to take the case out from under, or even unbolt it from the transmission. Jacked up the truck, set a transmission jack under the cross member, unbolted the cross member from the frame rails and lowered it down a few inches.

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