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Front & Rear Bumper Bars

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Building a great looking COMANCHE one thing that to me sets one apart from another is the front and rear bumoer bar.

So my question is could we dedicate a thread to these.

A few pics of your bumper bars.

I get a lot of my build ideas from this great site, as many would do.

And would like to steal some aspects of the fine looking bars out there.

Just a thought what do ya think ?

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Bumper bar = Bumper. Hornbrod roo bars are for the city slickers. In my neck of the woods we would use a BULL BAR.

I will have to find some pics of the Bull Bar the rural youth ( or you may say red necks ) put on there V8 Holden utes, also known as 5 post Mack style.


I was hopening we could develop a thread to pics of bumpers, was just an idear

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COFFMAN, would an ARB front bumper not work? They're locals to you as well, no?


HI Oceanic815, i plan to build my own bumpers, have a pretty good idear of how i want it to look, Its good to check out all the cool bumpers that are

out there, and borrow some idears.

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It was a custom build. But I am certain he made patterns. I suggest you contact him via his website I would not presume to know what he would want to charge.

I had him do two complete vehicles (my MJ and my son's XJ) back to back. The top bed rail protectors are his work also and they are awsome.

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