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So my wife is pregant with her 3rd / my 1st kid (it's a girl). We're scheduled for a c-section on the 2nd of Feb. because both of her first kids (both boys) were emergency c-cections so apparently that's the safest option. Both of her previous kids were feet down, not going anywhere.


Well...MY daughter decided she wants to be stubborn and with 3 weeks left to go is head down and already 7 lbs. So of course, this means bed rest for my wife and double daddy duty for me. Picking up and dropping off both kids, working 40+ hours a week, cooking, cleaning, etc; all in hopes that this will prevent her from going into labor.


So here I sit at work with my cell phone in front of me praying to God it doesn't ring...FREAKIN' OUT. So I turn to you for a place to vent and hopefully words of wisdom and advice from other Dads. Here's hoping she holds out till the 2nd.

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Reminds me of my youngest son. She started having labor pains at 5 months. Doc required bed rest. I would get up early every day and carry her to the bathroom, bathe her, and carry her back to bed. Go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast. Feed her breakfast in bed, then make lunch for both of us. I'd put her lunch in the bedroom for her and pack mine up for work. After work, I'd do all the housework as well as care for our oldest son. Cook dinner for everyone, administer showers and crawl in bed to die just to to it all over again the next day. We went like that from month 5 to month 8 when the labor started and wouldn't stop. My youngest was born a month early (natural birth) and the only thing we were advised to do was make sure he didn't get any sort of respiratory illness until it was certain his lungs were fully developed. To hear him cry, you would think his lungs were in stellar shape. Other than that, it was life as usual with a newborn. The longest 3 months of our lives to be certain but everything worked out just fine.


If your little girl lacks only 3 weeks, I would bet she's going to be perfectly fine. I wouldn't spend the remaining few weeks before she comes freaking out. It does no one good to panic and worry over things they have no control of. So sit back at work, keep the phone close by, and daydream about all the cool things youll get to do with your little girl after she arrives.

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Already 7 pounds, it's no big deal if she goes into labor. I imagine they'll want to do the C section or induce labor a week before the 2nd comes along. My youngest (now 15 :ack: ) was feet down 18 hours before labor started. When the ex-wife went into labor she'd decided to turn upside down and came out head first.


Congrats and good luck! Kids make life worth living.

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Already 7 pounds, it's no big deal if she goes into labor. I imagine they'll want to do the C section or induce labor a week before the 2nd comes along...


She was origianlly due the 11th. They scheduled the c-section for the 2nd, but if her water breaks the Dr. told me she HAS to be at the hospital within an hour, the sooner the better. Apparently because of the other two, her muscles won't work right for a natural child birth so it would turn into an emergency c-section. Thus, the freaking out.


Not to mention the fun of having to arrange for someone else to pick up the other two kids, or us having to get them, or have someone come stay with them...it's a lot of fun. Even our landlord who lives next door offered to run over if it happens at night so we can take off. Bags are already in the car so all we need to do is get HER into the car and go (if I learned anything from the military it was be prepared). Unfortunately her family lives just over an hour away and mine is 20+ hours away in Florida. Thank God for good friends and neighbors.

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well as long as you are able to reach her you are fine as for mine she decided to go to the doctors on her own :hmm: when i told her that i was on my way :headpop: i made 3 stops to locate where she was and on the 3rd one, she had just been taken back when i got there. They sent her home and then she looked at me :???: and ask what was wrong. i must have looked like a :nuts: man based on the expression of here looks. all i needed was for her to get into an accident during that time thank God all turn out great. then the fun begins :brows:

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I guess you could say the bright side is that assuming your using the salem hospital for the delivery your only a half hour or so away. That should leave a few minute to stop at daveys jeeps or 4wd hardware along the way...... :yes: all joking aside my wife and I had our first ( a daughter) in January of 2011. She also had to have a c section due to a fractured pelvis at the time.....I feel your pain ....lol

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I guess you could say the bright side is that assuming your using the salem hospital for the delivery your only a half hour or so away. That should leave a few minute to stop at daveys jeeps or 4wd hardware along the way...... :yes: all joking aside my wife and I had our first ( a daughter) in January of 2011. She also had to have a c section due to a fractured pelvis at the time.....I feel your pain ....lol


I work at 4WD... :rotf:


And, we're going to North Side...still only about a 30 minute drive, but I'd have to get home, get her, etc...

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Had our first scare last night. She was getting really bad cramps and having contractions, so we called the doc. Her exact words:

"get her to the hospital because if she's going into labor her uterus might rip"....



Everything was fine, stayed there from about 11pm to 5am, and then had to work all day today. Fun times. At least we know out plan for getting someone here with the other two kids and getting to the hospital quickly works.


17 days and counting...if we make it that long :D

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Take some deep breaths... you need to stay calm. Everyone else can be freaking the heck out...


And don't worry about the kid being a bit early. With your wife having been pregnant twice before, stuff doesn't return to its beginning status anymore. My twins were born at 24 weeks, 3 days. Yes... three months early.


Once the kid comes... first... its okay if the kid cries for a bit. It isn't going to kill them to howl...

Second... when you feel yourself getting frustrated and cranky with the newborn baby. Remember number one.... its okay if the kid cries for a bit while you get yourself something to drink.


At first nothing you do will be done right... that's fine. Don't get pissed over it. Your a guy... killing spiders, working on broken stuff and making a mess is a perfectly fine amount of things to do well. You will never be the baby's mother. Accept that now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The time is here! 4 days early my wife started having contractions and dilated. So we're at the hospital awaiting a c-section that got moved up to this morning instead of Thursday. AND it just so happens I am wearing one of my Comanche Club t-shirt and one of the nurses asked me about it. Pics of our new daughter will be posted later I'm sure...till then please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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Congratulations! It is the most awesome thing in the world. Glad everything is going well now. Ours will be 8 in April and it seems like yesterday we were bringing her home. She just took a spill on her scooter today, another stepping stone. Take care of your wife and enjoy, take lots of pics, the baby changes every day. In 12 to 15 years remember this: the true difference between having a boy or a girl: having a boy means you only have to worry about one penis, having a girl means you have to worry about every penis!

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