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Cash-For-Clunkers Makes me want to cry


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I blew this offer off by mistake at first. My wife needs a car badly. I'm getting a Nissan Sentra, $4500+$2000 rebate. I didn't think you could get rebates with this offer, but I found out today. So, 18k car for $11.5. A good deal for us. I'll be trading in my wore out Grand worth $1500 tops, but needing $1000 in repairs. I'm keeping the Comanche, I don't want to see it crushed. Sorry, but this program works for me.


I can't fault you for taking advantage of this program, but I sure hope you express your deepest appreciation to the rest of us .... considering its OUR TAX MONEY you just received.


:cheers: Wow, I don't believe the comments I've recieved from friends over this. Mostly by people who couldn't afford a car right now. Just like my job as a firefighter, when I'm supposedly "doing nothing". People complain, but they're the first ones who want a reference when a job comes available.


I don't really think it's about being able to afford a car as much as it's about taxpayer money being used for additional dealership profits. But hey, you're a taxpayer too right? You should take advantage of the program, after all you'll be paying for it just like the rest of us.

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BS!!!!!!!! MURDER!


:wall: :wall: :wall: i couldn't even watch the whole thing, the video is over 2 mins long.


Makes me sick. Whys hould we destroy perfectly good vehicles? That jeep wasn't even rusty.


I kinda want to cry. :(

Rob L.

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I'm gonna go cry now!!!



Ya know, I generally stay out of discussions like this.........But.....That video has to be the most stupid jackass thing I've ever seen :shake:


The moron rednecks having fun trying to "destroy" an engine that way.......... :shake:


I only hope that the EPA also finds it almost as amusing as the hoe making the video.


Yea, a couple of the other videos are just as bad.


I think you senator's should have really thought about what they were voting on, not thinking that there ping tax money away, well, back into the dealer ships, that more or less, the government "owns" now anyway. Did they think that the "trade in" could be used for other agency's, you know, like give your car to the Kidney foundation, for a tax credit, and let the agency sell /scrap it :hmm:


Every one I know, or talk to, think this is a big joke, I was at the JY today, and I've know this guy for alot of years, there offering the dealers $150 a scraper, to their yard. Like they said, most of the value of the thing is gone with the engine destroyed. They will pick some parts off, and crush the rest.


The thing is........people that are in the market for a new car, it's a great deal, people that really don't need or can afford a "new" car......... :shake:


Bet ya, in 6 months, the re-po business will be booming :D


And the dealers will be crying for something else to keep afloat.


I'm done soapbox.gif

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horror........ What were they thinking to mandate vehicle destruction :nuts: It would definately be better to donate or part out the cars traded in to the program. I think the country's lawmakers just took a big dump on everyone. soapbox.gif :rant:

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i haven't put a ton of thought in to this, and only know just the surface level information of the program. that being said, it REALLY seems like gov't kneejerked on this w/out much thought at all either. When I read Wildman's post about giving the vehicles to other agencies, that made a lot of sense to me. you've got cities, towns and even states on the verge of bankruptcy. i'm sure they could all use some of these vehicles like that grand cherokee that seemed to be in excellent shape. what about FEMA, the military, the Red Cross, or other similar agencies? tech and trade schools? here's another thought. american vehicles bring big money in south america and other parts of the world. why doesn't the govt export them for $4500 each. hmm, stimulate the economy a little at a break even cost, or at least a minimal one and not at a cost of billions of dollars to the taxpayers. or why not turn around and put that money to the school system for teacher bonuses, maybe cancer research, or any of another 1000 ideas. it just seems that with a little more thought there could have been a substantial amount of "additional stimulus" or positive effect from our tax dollars aside from selling 100,000 new cars. :dunno:

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The only fun part of this... they picked probably one of the worst substances to use for this....




Sodium Silicate doesn't harden when it gets hot. It becomes more liquid the hotter it gets.


Its delivered and stored hot. It doesn't harden until it cools and is exposed to air. Than it becomes extremely hard and turns almost glass like...


Ever been to a Home Depot??? Take a look at that nice shiny floor..Its covered in a Sodium Silicate sealer. The sealer is made while its hot and shot into vacuum sealed containers.


Plus now.. when they go to sell those scrap motors, you have a big time contaminent in them making the steel less valuable.

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The only fun part of this... they picked probably one of the worst substances to use for this....




Sodium Silicate doesn't harden when it gets hot. It becomes more liquid the hotter it gets.


Its delivered and stored hot. It doesn't harden until it cools and is exposed to air. Than it becomes extremely hard and turns almost glass like...


Ever been to a Home Depot??? Take a look at that nice shiny floor..Its covered in a Sodium Silicate sealer. The sealer is made while its hot and shot into vacuum sealed containers.


Plus now.. when they go to sell those scrap motors, you have a big time contaminent in them making the steel less valuable.

Yep. Welcome to the normal stupidity of those in government that think they know everything, but are completely out of touch with what it is really like to live in this nation. Time for our Congress"persons" and Senators to be the way they were originally; everyday people with a regular job that took time out to represent us regular people and pass laws knowing what it is like to be one, and by this do what is "of and for the people."

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I wonder; is there a loophole in this Cash for Clunkers that will let dealerships take older cars they took in earlier with a trade in of less than 4500, and claim them, and by this rip us taxpayers off even more than Obama and his taxicusandspendicus group is already doing to the tune of now 3 billion of OUR dollars?

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I'm with Bob on this one...Not only do we have to watch fools in action destroying engines that good parts could be taken from, but as taxpayers we have to pay for this crap?


And, the repo man will be very busy in a short while, because if they didn't have the money for it before, how will they have the money for it now?


P.S.: If you need a rebuilt head for Renix, it just got $175.00 higher due to 'lack of adequate supply'. Just look on Ebay...

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If you need a rebuilt head for Renix, it just got $175.00 higher due to 'lack of adequate supply'. Just look on Ebay...


Yep. Sure. Within two weeks the CFC program has created a short supply? There will, be but this is BS crap where someone is cashing in on the govm't getting involved in supply and demand, which will always screw it up, and brings out those who will do all they can to screw us, like getting hundreds of dollars for a toilet seat.

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You guys are just missing the big picture. Clearly that F250 or Towncar was going to doom the entire planet and needed to be destroyed.





:rotf: Man, I couldn't even type that with a straight face.


This program is just plain depressing on so many levels. :fs1: My only silver lining is that, as a member of the unemployed, it's not my money paying for other people's cars. Or is it? Is this tab from the current budget, or some "future" budget? Where the heck is all this money coming from? :hmm:

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If you need a rebuilt head for Renix, it just got $175.00 higher due to 'lack of adequate supply'. Just look on Ebay...


Yep. Sure. Within two weeks the CFC program has created a short supply? There will, be but this is BS crap where someone is cashing in on the govm't getting involved in supply and demand, which will always screw it up, and brings out those who will do all they can to screw us, like getting hundreds of dollars for a toilet seat.


kinda makes me think of gas prices to.

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You guys are just missing the big picture. Clearly that F250 or Towncar was going to doom the entire planet and needed to be destroyed.





:rotf: Man, I couldn't even type that with a straight face.


This program is just plain depressing on so many levels. :fs1: My only silver lining is that, as a member of the unemployed, it's not my money paying for other people's cars. Or is it? Is this tab from the current budget, or some "future" budget? Where the heck is all this money coming from? :hmm:

it works out to something like $27 per tax payer, not sure when they're going to hit us for it though.

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it works out to something like $27 per tax payer, not sure when they're going to hit us for it though.


Oh, don't fret. As we let them freely spend our money and put us deeper into debt, taxes will climb greatly. And, for the most part we will complain, but we will turn our pockets inside out and let them take it as they sing to us "Hey, Hey, I'm the taxman!" :dunce:

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If you need a rebuilt head for Renix, it just got $175.00 higher due to 'lack of adequate supply'. Just look on Ebay...


Yep. Sure. Within two weeks the CFC program has created a short supply? There will, be but this is BS crap where someone is cashing in on the govm't getting involved in supply and demand, which will always screw it up, and brings out those who will do all they can to screw us, like getting hundreds of dollars for a toilet seat.


Exactly my point. The knee jerk reaction that is being prolmagated by the idiots who wrote this bill have gone far beyond reason. Destroying engines is not going to make folks stop using gas, changing thier way of thinking about transportation will. And, selling another 50,000 cars will not save the automobile industry from thier mismanagement.


As much as I hated the higher prices of fuel, it sure caused folks to use less of it. With this new program allowing the purchase of a car estimated at 20 MPG instead of 17 MPG has saved......3 MPG?


Whoo Hoo! that'll make me combine my trips to save more fuel! :roll:

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As much as I hated the higher prices of fuel, it sure caused folks to use less of it. With this new program allowing the purchase of a car estimated at 20 MPG instead of 17 MPG has saved......3 MPG?


Whoo Hoo! that'll make me combine my trips to save more fuel! :roll:


i'm not defending the program at all, but you can't look at as JUST (3) mpg. going from 17 to 20 mpg is a 17.6% increase. that's a pretty substantial savings in your fuel bill, or hypothetically if the american gas consumption was reduced by even a portion of that, that's a positive thing.

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Yes, every small amount can help...that is not what I meant. What I am trying to say is unless the general public changes the way they utilize thier vehicles just saving 3 MPG per car now isn't going to make that big of a dent.


You can achieve that extra fuel economy by simply changing you driving habits.

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i respect that the american goverment is trying to help automakers but i hope this never happens in canada because i am a 16 yearold who loves cars made many years before i was born and all cars made before the 90s and this program is would ruin my chances of finding myself a nice older car for sale in the states that would be rust free or low rust and in good shape where i can't find it in canada so i respect but really hate the cash for clunkers bill :mad:

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there was somthing i read in peterson's offroad mag that if the drivetrain is dissasembled before turning it in that the engine can be parted?? It was somthing along those lines, either the october or september issue of this year. I will try to look at what they exactly said. But what if this was true, and the gov. just "forgot" to mention it? I couldn't find reference to it anywhere on the CARS website.....

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Ive been on vacation for a week, and just went out to look at death row, glad to see there arent any Jeeps out there...yet. :( But like was said earlier... there were a couple of really nice older vehicles that someone of need could really use. Its a real shame! I'm not sure yet what we are doing to kill them yet though, I'm sure Ill find out soon enough...

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it works out to something like $27 per tax payer, not sure when they're going to hit us for it though.


Oh, don't fret. As we let them freely spend our money and put us deeper into debt, taxes will climb greatly. And, for the most part we will complain, but we will turn our pockets inside out and let them take it as they sing to us "Hey, Hey, I'm the taxman!" :dunce:


Now, I typically don't quote myself, unless I can say like Rush, "I'm right!". Well, middle class tax increase has just come on the radar screen by the Obama "officials", not administration any more, as possibly necessary to fix the economy, and the road to that is heath care reform, they say, and taxes will be needed.

http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington ... clude=Juno

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there was somthing i read in peterson's offroad mag that if the drivetrain is dissasembled before turning it in that the engine can be parted?? It was somthing along those lines, either the october or september issue of this year. I will try to look at what they exactly said. But what if this was true, and the gov. just "forgot" to mention it? I couldn't find reference to it anywhere on the CARS website.....


Nope. Car has to be running and driving when turned in. It can be barely running/driving though. My guess is external parts can be sold ie starter, alternator, throttle body, etc.

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