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brighter stock lights

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i know its better to upgrade the stock light harness and get nicer lights but right now i just want a good pair of bright sealed beam lights for my truck so i can tell when I'm driving at night my lights are on my stock lights are very dim and one went out yesterday need new and better ones. any ideas

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In my humble opinion the relays are the best mod, hands down. Shouldn't cost much and should only take an afternoon to do. Plus you'll greatly reduce the amperage trying to flow through those tiny ancient wires and your headlight switch. :thumbsup:

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  mnkyboy said:
I have the silverstars in mine,they are a big improvement over stock


They are some improvement, been there, but if wired through relays, elimating the voltage drop from the too small AWG OEM wiring, only then they will be a BIG improvement. :cheers:

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I havnt done my lights yet but i did convert my heater fan to a relay,it made a huge difference over how it was before.


My brother converted his entire land cruiser to curcuit breakers and relays,it looked kinda cool and worked well.

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  LoTGoD said:
This is on my short list!!! Gonna run some Hella Vision Plus lights with it.


If you're going to go Hella, I'd highly recommend the E-codes over the Vision Plus lamps. I've had both, and H4 bulb E-codes are much brighter than the Vision Plus. Nice sharp cutoff too so if they are aimed right you won't blind oncoming traffic. :cheers:



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I've changed my mind already...


Now I'm gonna do IPF housings: http://www.4wd.com/productdetails.aspx? ... rtID=11264


With IPF X4 bulbs: http://www.4wd.com/productdetails.aspx? ... rtID=14888


Or go the cheap route on bulbs and get these IPCW H4 bulbs: http://www.4wd.com/productdetails.aspx? ... rtID=13200


The only nice thing is that I get them pretty cheap... :brows:

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  dakal said:
i bought rampage lights from quadratracgreat lights $80.00 no need to upgrade harness


If you used these Rampage lights to replace existing factory Jeep driving lights, you may be okay because the factory driving lights were wired thru a relay. If you just added them and installed your own wiring & switch, they should definitely be on a relay especially with an H4 bulb.

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