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Would you be mad?


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So, I got a parking ticket a couple days ago... At the airport in a certain crappy town in Northern Alberta... I let my meter expire, but got back within 5 minutes of it expiring. I was waiting to pick up some people, and I didn't really know when they'd be there. They showed up about 5 minutes before the meter was going to expire.


Apparently that's an $85 ticket! And the time on the ticket was exactly when it expired. So the by-law guy waited, or checked the time and came back right then. :fs1:



I was pretty mad about it. But a lot of people think I have no right since I was 'wrong' for not having placed another quarter in the meter. :dunno:

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I jusst got hooked in downtown Richmond a couple weeks ago....parked in a 1 hour spot for a customer meeting I had to go to. Meeting ran a bit long and I came back out to a nice little ticket under my wiper blade....I was 17 friggin minutes over the hour mark. Pissed? yes, but technically I was guilty (they time-mark your tire with chalk as soon as you park, apparently)


Paid the fine begrudgingly.....but it was only $20, not $85 :ack:



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I agree that the $85 ticket IS excessive, but well, you are ealing with a high traffic area, I would say. Hopefully, the clerks' office can help on the fine being lowered? Yeah, I know about the "time" marks, too. I have ACTUALLY had one of the meterwhores mark my tire before I even shut the engine off. I looked at her long enough to get her name and badge number then told her "Wrong. THIS one isn't staying." I then went on down the block to another spot, and helped my wife out of the truck so that she could go to work. A parked vehicle is one thing, but another thing when the vehicle has literarally just pulled in to the spot, and the driver HAS NOT EVEN HAD A CHANCE TO GET OUT. Freakin' change jockeys. Piss on 'em. Oh, and calling the "station" is no help either, as the response was pretty much " you pulled into the spot, therefore you were parked." Never mind that I hadn't even had a chance to shut down the engine, let alone get out to feed the meter. IF I had gotten the chance, then yes, I would have fed the meter so don't even start the "Boo-hoo, you were going to break the law" crap. But instead I went farther down the street, for the "more direct" exit from the truck, instead of walking with my wife.

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I wouldn't doubt it if a lot of the modern meters could actually tell the meter maid when they are about to go.

Either way, $85 is pretty dang steep. :eek:



Well, I'm sure they could afford the best meter technology available given the amount of $85 fines they hand out. Or the $500 fine they give if somebody parks in the handicapped spot without a valid decal for it (it's one of the other check boxes on the ticket, I went :ack: ).

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Well, I'm sure they could afford the best meter technology available given the amount of $85 fines they hand out. Or the $500 fine they give if somebody parks in the handicapped spot without a valid decal for it (it's one of the other check boxes on the ticket, I went :ack: ).

I don't have any problem with a $500 fine for parking in a handicapped space when you're not handicapped. I think $1,000 is not unreasonable.


Remember, we (most of us, anyway) are the class of citizens known as the "temporarily able-bodied." You never know when an accident might put you behind one of those handicapped decals. At that time, you would curse the healthy, ego-invested clowns who think they have a "right" to park in handicapped spaces.

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I think what ticks me off more than people parking in those spots is the bastards who are driving a car with disabled plates, who obviously aren't disabled.


I must admit, though, it has been nice being able to park in the Pregnant Mothers spots when we're out and about.

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Well, I'm sure they could afford the best meter technology available given the amount of $85 fines they hand out. Or the $500 fine they give if somebody parks in the handicapped spot without a valid decal for it (it's one of the other check boxes on the ticket, I went :ack: ).

I don't have any problem with a $500 fine for parking in a handicapped space when you're not handicapped. I think $1,000 is not unreasonable.


Remember, we (most of us, anyway) are the class of citizens known as the "temporarily able-bodied." You never know when an accident might put you behind one of those handicapped decals. At that time, you would curse the healthy, ego-invested clowns who think they have a "right" to park in handicapped spaces.



Yes, I agree, I don't like seeing people who don't need the handicapped spots using them. However, like Geonovast says, there is a lot of abuse of that particular part of the system. Hell, here you can get a permit for simply being TOO FAT. Screw 'em, make 'em park in the back 40 and they can walk those excess calories off. Anyways, that's beside my point.


I think that a $500 fine is unwarranted if there is nothing stating that that is the consequence (besides had I looked up the local by-laws in the regional district office), or it is not universally so. I had no idea that I would be faced with an $85 fine for letting my meter expire, I probably would have been absolutely anal about throwing more change in it had I known, typically such a fine would be $20 at most with a reduction for early payment (the last ticket I payed was $10 after reduction for being early).

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There are some places in the US that give out the disable window hangers if you have difficulty operating a cell phone.


Yet my neighbor, who has an inoperable foot, can't read, has a plate in her head, and is likely to die from Lupis in the next 20 years, has been fighting for a disability settlement for nearly 23 years.


Sometimes, I really hate this country.

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There are some places in the US that give out the disable window hangers if you have difficulty operating a cell phone.


Yet my neighbor, who has an inoperable foot, can't read, has a plate in her head, and is likely to die from Lupis in the next 20 years, has been fighting for a disability settlement for nearly 23 years.


Sometimes, I really hate this country.


A couple of buddies and I went to the movies last evening.. Both of them are handicapped. One has only one leg and the other has a couple of circulation disorders that make it very hard for him to walk very far. There is a wrangler on about 6 or 7 inches of lift with 40 inch tires parked in the van accessible handicapped spot sporting a windshield hanger handicap tag. There is no possible way an honestly handicapped person could have managed climbing into this cheerleader-mobile. We ended up parking about halfway down the row and unloading the guy in the wheelchair out in the middle of the drive and I parked the van.


When we came out, I just pulled the van cross-ways in the parking lot and helped my buddy get his chair onto the lift. Blocked the traffic out of the theatre parking lot for 4 or 5 minutes while we got everything together.

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