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'88 Eliminator... Feb. 2009 - Jan. 2025

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ugh... so... three of the four tires are mounted and look great! However, one was deemed "unbalanceable" by the tire shop without an absurd amount of weights. Not happy right now. Waiting to hear back from Treadwright on their solution to this problem.  :wall:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Received the replacement tire from Treadwright a couple weeks back. It balanced just fine... which made me happy to put the truck back on all fours. I like them!  :)



Emissions updates to come over the next few weeks.

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  • 2 months later...

Been driving the truck a little bit lately... 'tis the season, anyhow. I've also been working on it and cleaning up a few more things on it. Went through the sensors and did a few more fixes, along with one very important Colorado compliant piece of emissions equipment.



... it's also bath day.  :D


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  • 3 months later...

Not much for miles put on this truck this year... not under its own power, anyhow. It made the trip west just fine and the weather is finally cool enough out here to wash it up before putting it away for the year.


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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Update?!?!... kinda... not really. Really feel stupid for paying for yet another year of registration. I drove zero miles this year! The buggy got moved today but the MJ is staying right where it is until I’ve got an indoor place of my own to put it.


It did get started though. Nice to hook up the battery and it just fires right off. I truly miss this truck. 


Proof of existence:



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Proof of life!


Since I’m close to the exterior construction being complete on my new shop I can’t help but get excited to bring home my Comanche. Today it got a new battery and just a good once over. I’m yet to have any evidence of mice over the past four years and for that I’m relieved. Super smelly Bounce dryer sheets are the real hero here. Can’t say I’m all too impressed with the long term protection on the car cover. The truck has a film of dust that covers everything. Never thought it would’ve been put through this kind of test though. 



As for everything in the bed, that whole stock has dwindled over its time in storage. That used to be my inventory of good stuff but I couldn’t help but sell things off when others needed them more than I, or when I’d want to partake in a real legend of a truck. Guys like Don Hornbrook had parts I had that were straight out of my “hens teeth” stash. In the other hand it was a real joy to look over things and a see a beat up 10 slot grill once handed to me by the gentleman Jim Oshel. My little Eliminator isn’t the only thing I miss when I have the opportunity to pull off the dusty cover.




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  • 3 months later...

I just read through this truck's build thread. The evolution has been cool to follow. I may need to do what you have done with the stock front bumper, it looks great.

I also think its about time that that truck saw the new shop, wouldn't you?

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5 hours ago, WahooSteeler said:

Are those 32s or 33s on there? Always loved your truck, super nice!

Those are 31s from Treadwright. 

Hopefully this truck is coming home soon. I need to find a good weekend to run through everything since its been sitting for so long. Then the plan is to hitch up to the Comansion and make the hour or so trek. 

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47 minutes ago, WahooSteeler said:

...they never seem to look as big in person...

Current pictures of the truck are shown with a bed full of parts. It does have a slight rake to it that aren’t really presented well right now. I agree though... they do look bigger than a 31. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

House sitting for my relatives this week. Went out to the barn to give everything a once over and it all still looks great. No sign of mice anywhere. I love that this truck is my go-to for reliability: hook up battery, turn key, and it starts every time. 


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  • neohic changed the title to '88 Eliminator... Feb. 2009 - June, 2021

Today started out with a continuation of house sitting for my relatives. Typically when we watch the ranch I’ll go out and start the Eliminator. I did this… and then I moved it out…




… got fresh gas… rinsed off some dust…





… and then I didn’t have a good enough reason to put it back. 


My wife was out there with me and she popped the question, “Why can’t we bring it home?” I had no response.


Things went great!… for the most part. The drive into town felt like sitting down with an old friend. No excessive heat. No weird smells. Just a nice drive. Then there’s the last bit of the drive up to my place from the Springs that the transmission started shifting in and out of overdrive. No big deal there… it’s a winding pass uphill. Towards the top I noticed a puff of white so I pulled over. Transmission fluid everywhere. I can’t say I’m surprised though. “WHAT?! That mystery used trans I threw in it in 2006 finally blew the front seal?!” Right?… there shouldn’t be any news there especially after sitting for five years. My exhaust agrees with that diagnosis. 



Something else that my past self should’ve reminded me about was that pesky rear axle seal that was seeping back in 2016. “I’ll fix it when I get out to Colorado” I no doubt thought. Well…




… it still leaks!




A LOT!!! So, unfortunately, I’ve got some work to do before I can really start to enjoy driving it again, but at least it’s nowhere near as out of sight and out of mind. I’m now forced to move it each time I go out to the shop to work. 


Welcome home, buddy. 

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  • neohic changed the title to '88 Eliminator... Feb. 2009 - Jan. 2025

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