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Do you tip your delivery boy?


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As a pizza guy i make whatever minimum wage may be at the time, pay my own insurance and pay to fix my own vehicle(without any help from the company i work for). the store charges $2.00 for delivery when i only see $0.80 from every delivery i take to help reemburse my gas.

Just because my belt snapped on me at work tonight, and almost everybody was tiping like $#!& :headpop: . I was just wondering...


What do you tip your delivery guy, and under what cercumstances? :???:

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I don't normally get delivery. Actually, I rarely eat 'fast' food but for when I'm on the road.


But I always do $5 min. Unless it's something like $16 and I just give 'em a twenty. If it's $14, I give 'em a twenty.



But it sounds like you're getting shafted. Maybe it's because there's a bit of a labour shortage here, but my bro was a driver for panago and they reimbursed him for the commercial usage insurance (which is only like $30 a year), payed him a set amount per kilometer (covered fuel in his VW, plus some), plus payed him a little more than minimum wage.

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As long as I get the right food and in the time that they said it would be there, I typically tip 20%.


I worked for Pizza Hut for almost 12 years and was a GM for about 5 of that. At the time, we charged .75 delivery charge and the driver got all of that. It seemed that when we started the delivery charge, the tips went down so it all balanced instead of being a help to the drivers... :shake:

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I tip depending on the delivery time. I have had a delivery guy sarcastically tell me "Thanks for the Tip" when he did not get one. So I said "Thanks for taking 1.5hr when your manager said 30min over the phone". The guy had been sitting outside my apartment on the phone in his car for well over 30 min. I fully understand that the delivery guy is not in complete control of what time he gets there, but this guy had the power to make it at least 30min faster...


To Insure Promptness - that is the basis I tip on, and I usually tip pretty well.

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As long as I get the right food and in the time that they said it would be there, I typically tip 20%.


I worked for Pizza Hut for almost 12 years and was a GM for about 5 of that. At the time, we charged .75 delivery charge and the driver got all of that. It seemed that when we started the delivery charge, the tips went down so it all balanced instead of being a help to the drivers... :shake:


:rotf: I work for Pizza Hut now! Delivery charge is now $2, and my dad has been a GM for almost 20 yrs, and I usually tip $4 or $5 cause I know how it is....now lets talk about when you dine in, how much do you tip??? I wait tables sometimes and I only make 2.20!!!!

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I live up a 1/4 mile dirt/slate driveway that becomes near impassable for anything other than 4x4s in the winter....Sometimes ill get delivery from Pizza Hut which is only about 5 mins away and if the little rice burrner the kid is driving makes it up he gets atleast 6 bucks. If he has 2 call and have myself and my friends come rescue him well then he only gets like 2-3....lol I'm cruel i guess but its great. I order Pizza almost every weekend and on the normal weekend he usually gets 4-6 dollars tip or i just go pick it up

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For delivery drivers.. my tipping is based on time, and how many items. Normally about 1 dollar per item.. if under 30 minutes. I live 2 miles from the delivery place.


For dine in experiences it varies greatly. Most of the time it is 20-25% but I also tip based on service, and food prep. If the waitress brings me out something that shouldn't have been served... well her tip is hurt. If the waitress makes me wait a long time for a refill or beer..


As of late I have had some bad experiences. Went to a local Italian resturant after church Sunday. Wife and I wanted a nice meal. We get seated.. waitress is on it too. We order drinks.. they are out in less then 3 minutes. We ordered our meal.... Salads came out in under 5(great so far) Well now more ppl are coming in... well the table to my right gets seated.. orders, as does my table to the left. Well 10 minutes goes by.. and both tables have their food :fs1: So I politely ask where my lunch is.. I am told 5 minutes. :???: So 10 more minutes go by.. waitress comes back and ask if I needed anything.. I said "my lunch would be nice" :dunno: So 5 more minutes go by and she starts complaining about the kitchen staff.. I say "can I have my check?" She acts or bewildered that after waiting 30 minutes I wanted to leave. Of course they comped our salds and drinks. Needless to say that place has been crossed off the places I will go and eat at. Shame to.. they make good Italian food when you get it.

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Does the Hut still pay the entire $2 to the driver?


For dine in, I tip the same 20% on average if I get what I want with no issues or delays.


The drivers see 1.50 of the 2, but my area most of who I see come in and eat are too stingy, i get 3 IF I am lucky

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I live up a 1/4 mile dirt/slate driveway that becomes near impassable for anything other than 4x4s in the winter....Sometimes ill get delivery from Pizza Hut which is only about 5 mins away and if the little rice burrner the kid is driving makes it up he gets atleast 6 bucks. If he has 2 call and have myself and my friends come rescue him well then he only gets like 2-3....lol I'm cruel i guess but its great. I order Pizza almost every weekend and on the normal weekend he usually gets 4-6 dollars tip or i just go pick it up

back when i had my integra last year working for dominos, i deliverd to that kind of situation. My car couldn't make it so instead of calling the customer and making it inconvinient for them, i walked my @$$ threw a good foot of snow. and the cheap b*@$£ only gave me $1!

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All i care about is if people are fair. There are times where i will get to someones house in 15 minutes, the person will answer the door and say something to the effect of "holy $#!& that was fast!" BUT then they will give me $0.14 or maybe a $1 if I'm lucky. I'm not expecting to get rich on everysingle one of my deliverys i take, but its aggravating as hell when i bust my @$$(especially in winter) and someone says "thanks" but doesnt tip. I'd rather get a tip, cuz hey actions speak louder than words right?

i understand if I'm an hour late or something that somone wouldn't tip, but most people don't realize that more times than not, it really isnt the drivers fault.

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For delivery drivers.. my tipping is based on time, and how many items. Normally about 1 dollar per item.. if under 30 minutes. I live 2 miles from the delivery place.


For dine in experiences it varies greatly. Most of the time it is 20-25% but I also tip based on service, and food prep. If the waitress brings me out something that shouldn't have been served... well her tip is hurt. If the waitress makes me wait a long time for a refill or beer..


As of late I have had some bad experiences. Went to a local Italian resturant after church Sunday. Wife and I wanted a nice meal. We get seated.. waitress is on it too. We order drinks.. they are out in less then 3 minutes. We ordered our meal.... Salads came out in under 5(great so far) Well now more ppl are coming in... well the table to my right gets seated.. orders, as does my table to the left. Well 10 minutes goes by.. and both tables have their food :fs1: So I politely ask where my lunch is.. I am told 5 minutes. :???: So 10 more minutes go by.. waitress comes back and ask if I needed anything.. I said "my lunch would be nice" :dunno: So 5 more minutes go by and she starts complaining about the kitchen staff.. I say "can I have my check?" She acts or bewildered that after waiting 30 minutes I wanted to leave. Of course they comped our salds and drinks. Needless to say that place has been crossed off the places I will go and eat at. Shame to.. they make good Italian food when you get it.

Ha this actually happend to me at a pizza hut before. NOBODY would serve my table, so i kept asking for more beers from the counter. after i had a good buzz and me and my girlfriend were sitting there for a good 40 minutes, we just walked up to the counter and said we were leaving. Atleast i got free beer out of the situation :cheers:

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Does the Hut still pay the entire $2 to the driver?


For dine in, I tip the same 20% on average if I get what I want with no issues or delays.

the franchise i work for doesnt give the whole thing to the driver at all. They give some excuse that after the $0.80 i recieve for gas the rest of it goes to insurance :huh???: its a bunch of crap i think. if it were up to me the whole thing would go to the drivers or just get rid of the stupid delivery charge all together

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To be honest, not much. Places around here charge already for delivery, so add that to the inflated cost of a pizza and there really isn’t much incentive to tip big to the person who delivers it… The only reason I tip anything, is so that the delivery person doesn’t spit in my pizza.


If you’re making minimum wage and only getting .80 every trip – I would look for another source of employment. You’re probably losing money if your not getting reimbursed (federal standards) for mileage.

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Depends on my mood, what I ordered... We ordered once in a torrential downpour... guy was pretty quick, so I tipped like $10 for a $25 order. Other times, if it's slow and I'm in a pissy mood, might only be a buck or two...


I can't tell you the last time I had pizza delivered actually...any anything delivered for that matter... except for Jeep Parts from the UPS man, but he won't take tips...



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except for Jeep Parts from the UPS man, but he won't take tips...



The big brown Jeep-parts delivery truck paid me a visit yesterday as I was pulling into my driveway after work. They're running 2 guys per truck, and they were hauling azz (had deliveries at about every third house on my street). I tried to slide them each $5 for beer money or something, but they wouldn't take it either. Must be company policy :dunno:



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I'll usually tip 20% of bill. A lil more if weathers inclement, etc.. I also ask when it will be delivered and tell the person taking the order that if they can't ensure delivery on time don't send it as it will not be accepted if it's more than 10 minutes past their stated time. and please note on the order delivery will not be accepted after 7:17. Their usually here a few minutes before the deadline. I've had them knock for 10 minutes before. I wonder if they eat that stuff on the way back to the shop.

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Well, to elaborate on what I said, if the service is satisfactory I still always tip the $5 min (unless like I said, it happens to work out to about $4 if I'm rounding to $20). Obviously, if I order $100 worth of food (been there more than once) I tip on percentage basis (15-20%, rounded to convenient denominations).


If the service is bad, I tip nothing. I feel if I give 'em a loonie, they just think I'm cheap. If I give them nothing (pay cash and require EXACT change) they will get my point.


At the same time, I am at least understanding of their situation. If I order during a snow storm, I'm not going to be expecting it to be fast. That and I know most of them aren't exactly being payed great, and fuel costs were huge during the summer.



In restraunts I will walk out on a bill if it takes too long. Or I will make it painfully clear, again by demanding exact change...

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I live up a 1/4 mile dirt/slate driveway that becomes near impassable for anything other than 4x4s in the winter....


Oh......how I know......it's even hard to get a cube van and a car hauler up your "Driveway" in the spring time :shake:


And it's more like a 1/2 mile :roll:

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Pizza.. a buck per pie.


Dine in.. depends.. 0-?


Today wife and I where at Village Inn for lunch.. $20.65 bill. $25.00 left. Waitress was one of my favorites. She's nice.. prompt.. and even knew our drink order.. only ask to confirm. We go about 3-4 times a month since it's across the street.

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