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ok this is probably the lamest thing that someone coud do. this year i started school at New Hampshire Technical Institue. while i never lock my doors at home ive been very careful to lock them at school, mostly because of my stereo. The ONE time i leave my driver door unlocked i come back to find my ash tray with a few dollars in change missing. why would someone take an ash tray??? if they needed the change that bad go for it but now i don't have an ash tray to put my highway money in. and while your stealing why didnt they take the amp, speakers, and head unit as well? what p!$$e$ me off the most is the lack of respect people have and knowing that people are messing around with my truck.

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Taking the ashtray out and leaving was easier than taking the change out and leaving.


Thieves are lazy low lifes who should be castrated on first offense, and billed for the operation. Second offense is summary roadside execution and bill the next of kin for corpse removal.

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  Sir Sam said:
Taking the ashtray out and leaving was easier than taking the change out and leaving.


Thieves are lazy low lifes who should be castrated on first offense, and billed for the operation. Second offense is summary roadside execution and bill the next of kin.

:agree: why don't you run for office you got my vote :cheers:
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that sucks man. a couple weeks ago while i was delivering pizzas. i was parked next to the store getting my next delivery ready when i came back to my rig and found that my change cup was stolen :mad:. There was about 20 bucks or so in change in that thing. I feel your pain man :headpop:

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Leaving loose change visible is like having a huge 'break into me' sign on your truck. A lot of low-end thieves are just looking for enough money to get a fix ($5 to $40) or a bottle, and change is an easy enough way to get that...


If you had the ash tray closed, it's one of the first places people look. And leaving the doors unlocked just asks for people to look...

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  ejndssn said:
  Sir Sam said:
Taking the ashtray out and leaving was easier than taking the change out and leaving.


Thieves are lazy low lifes who should be castrated on first offense, and billed for the operation. Second offense is summary roadside execution and bill the next of kin.

:agree: why don't you run for office you got my vote :cheers:


They would call me a flip flopper, my stance used to be summary roadside execution for the first offense, what can I say - I've been become a softy in my old age.

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man... the list of stuff stolen from my truck one time goes like this...


-1/2 of a subway sandwich.

-the remaining condoms in the box

-1/2 pack of cigarettes

-mp3 player



another break-in that annoyed the PISS out of me was when they stole my 40$ radioshack cb... SERIOUSLY? how much can it pawn for? it was cheap NEW.. and they CUT all wires to the back... they UNPLUG a$$hole. 30 dollars in wire and 40$ in radio.


oh and each occasion there was a cd player, amp, 2 6x9s, sub, the sandwich one there was a 110$ cobra cb... and all that stuff was left alone?

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Sorry to hear man but lesson learned, keep your stuff locked.


But I once got my rig stuck out on a local trail, I had to leave it for the night, the next day I came back to find my spade shovel, ewing hammer, Emergency kit from Wal-mart($15), and a tape deck from Walmart ($20) broken because they couldn't get it out of the dash.

They left about 50 tapes that were behind the seat and like $5 in change in my ash try. :nuts:


Then they did a NICE ROOSTER to say they were there. I just laughed at it all, only was irritated because I still needed the shovel, so had to go back home and get another one :D

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hey sorry to hear about your ashtray, Unfortunately I know second hand that people can be a$$holes. a lot of the time when they try to steal radios and realize they cannot get them out they just steal the faceplate just to be pricks.

I work just up the road from the tech and used to attend there also. Do you happen to drive a lifted black Comanche? if so I saw you driving down Loudon road one day, you were at the stoplight just before Burger King I was driving the other way in a silver Subaru 2.5rs with a carbon fiber hood and rims, I liked the look of your rig but didn't want to give the thumbs up cause I always feel like people will just think "the ricer kid is being an @$$ and making fun of my truck"


this is the reason I will put an alarm in my truck (when it is finally up and running :roll: ) no matter what it looks like, if there is a blinky light and possible loud noise between a thief and "his" 68 cent booty he will most likely look for another less noisy target.



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