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    Trussville, AL
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    Aviation, my Comanche, travel

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MJ Junkie (6/11)

  1. Link to fan clutch wrench on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MTo3ODEwOTU3NzY3NTAxNzExOjE3MjE5NTk1ODQ6c3BfYXRmOjMwMDI5NTUxNzE3OTcwMjo6MDo6&url=%2F8MILELAKE-Clutch-Wrench-Compatible-Mercedes-Benz%2Fdp%2FB01GDXC4OM%2Fref%3Dsr_1_3_sspa%3Fcrid%3D129XS07BNOLPO%26dib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.u9Yg8Kq8x67GKVJHqVNqjReClhKIaqZgfOY0_jGGpltNiwfxevjdTKMdDa8IJgy8x-csE4aPOtm4hQq2epA2zft_Z1ut0CY7FGV4mdS2JlKxbobHRs86qdot_-g4_HSzxefJiqixiVWxbKKEs2i1STkPhUyeZoSUGc-pWvh11oZBFDRL2ROTV6Izyed8MV5q4AaVSpxqEn_WA7rf5uMCfFjifSUnPlVkSkIpdWq6mZfGlX1xLo5VKrYyG2GUPAQrvVTLoJmng-Xh4Pb39cMNwvlERJyaAcTRxbmnIswS1a0.dLj1Rkn415FrwJGCIhFms_HdodmBcqLhwg-UERUj73I%26dib_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Dfan%2Bclutch%2Bwrench%26qid%3D1721959584%26sprefix%3DFan%2Bclutch%2B%2Caps%2C234%26sr%3D8-3-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY%26psc%3D1
  2. To trial fit electric radiator fans I had to remove the stock shroud and the fan and fan clutch. I got a loaner fan clutch wrench kit from O’Reilly’s but couldn’t get it on the hub of the fan clutch. The wrench was too thick and did not have any offset to clear the clutch and slip between the heads of the water pump pulley bolts and the heads of the bolts holding the fan to the clutch. I also learned that the 36 mm wrench end was not wide enough to fit on the hub. Before trying Advance or Auto Zone for loaners, I looked on Amazon and found a fan clutch wrench kit with a 36 mm end (fits the hub) and a 32 mm end with offsets on both ends to clear the fan clutch and go onto the hub. The kit also had a tool to slip over the heads of the water pump pulley bolts to keep it from turning while the clutch was removed. That tool didn’t work, so save some money and just buy the wrench. The 36 mm end of the wrench would only go onto the hub about halfway, but a few minutes with a file and it slipped all the way on. One good hit with a 24 oz. ball peen hammer on the end of the wrench broke the clutch loose and I screwed it off. I paid around $20 for the kit and the wrench by itself was a few bucks less. If you have Amazon Prime there’s no shipping charge. If you don’t find a buddy who does and will order it for you. I’ll try to post links or photos of the wrench in a follow- up post.
  3. August issue of Hemmings Motor News and Marketplace has a notice that a 1988 Comanche Laredo 4.0L, auto trans, 4x4 with 15,500 miles sold for $35,525, beating the previous record for a Comanche ($25,300) in September, 2021. It looked good in the small photo, but didn’t look like $35K.
  4. Where can you get the plugs/caps/whatever for the holes? I may be lucky enough to get another Comanche one day and I’m 97.5% sure it will need floor work.
  5. Sorry to hear that, brother. Hope it turns around soon for you.
  6. Buff the paint out or get it done. That’s a good looking MJ and, with the no damage history, definitely worth more than $5K. I sold my ‘91 Eliminator and kept my Ram (for business travel/use) when we bought a new house with a small garage. Guess what - COVID happened, my job changed to more management/less travel. Wound up selling the Ram and buying a smaller truck. Bottom line, should have kept the MJ and sold the Ram when we moved. Really miss that truck. DON’T SELL IT!!!!!
  7. It has been quite some time since I’ve seen a Comanche on the road in AL. I think the fellow who bought mine still has it somewhere around Albertville. I know of a black longbed in my area, but haven’t seen it lately. Does anyone know where Don’s truck is now?
  8. If you are ever in Chattanooga, TN you can tour Coker Tire and the Coker Tire Museum that is now associated with Honest Charley’s speed shop. At the time I went (several years back) they had one or two guided tours on weekdays. They have a large display of their tires and classic OEM style replacement wheels/wheel center caps/hubcaps. There is also a custom built roadster powered by a Buick straight eight that was driven cross-country several times. At that time, they also took you through the shop where they build and reconditioned wood wheels for antiques. Then there is the museum with Corky Coker’s collection of cars, trucks and motorcycles. A very large number of vehicles that are in excellent condition. I think they charge $8 admission now, but it’s well worth the price.
  9. I’m also fairly allergic to poison ivy and have had a few bad rashes from it and highly recommend the products like Technu for use after potential contact. We had a lot of undergrowth in the tree line behind our previous home, some of which was poison ivy that got me a few times. I kept Technu on the janitors sink I had in the basement garage and would wash my hands, arms and face with it if I thought there was a chance I had touched any poison ivy or oak. Seemed to work well if used correctly and shortly after contact. When I planned to remove the stuff I would wear old clothes I could discard instead of taking a chance spreading the oil by washing the clothes. I would prewash my hands, remove my shirt and pants by turning them inside out as I took them off, then put them in a trash bag and into the trash can. Then rewash with Technu and immediately take a hot shower. if a rash develops, get a steroid shot and steroid dose pack. I’ve tried the over the counter cortisone cream bur all it does for me is control the itching to some degree. I’ve used Roundup Poison Ivy/Oak spray with good results. Have not used Triclopyr but will give it a try. I just spray everything that looks like it may even be thinking about being poison ivy. Use proper protective gear as said above. I will not get close enough to the stuff to drill holes in the root. For vines, I cut it with an axe or hatchet close to the ground and again as high as I can safely reach to make sure it doesn’t grow back together. Dispose of the section cut out using disposable gloves. I don’t try to pull the vines off the tree. This way may take several years to get rid of the stuff but it minimizes contact. If yours is growing closer to your house you may have to use more drastic measures to get rid of it. As stated above DO NOT TRY TO BURN POISOnIVY/OAK/SUMAC! Breathing the smoke can kill you.
  10. Never should have sold my ‘91. Should have swapped in an automatic and sold the Ram.
  11. When you consider that each part requires several stamping operations and the production volume is low. I think I saw on the forum that there are less than 20,000 MJs on the road. That’s a maximum potential market of 60,000 pieces. The actual market is probably around 15,000 pieces (or less) because every MJ owner won’t need them I had 2 MJs and the floor plugs were still good in both.
  12. They are probably going to be expensive because of low production rate. How many MJs still on the road? How many of those owners will be willing to pay $300 (minimum price I estimate) to $500 (maybe more?) for new taillights? The lower number produced, the higher the unit cost. IF I were to get another MJ (never should have sold Mosby) and IF I were to buy a set of these, I would put LED lights in them.
  13. Keyav8r

    Streaming tv

    You can expect the price for Disney+ to go up. They are are bleeding money on their streaming services, which is one of the reasons Iger is back in charge at Disney.
  14. Off topic, but where are you moving to in AL? Wherever it is - welcome!
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