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All but one set of florescent lamps have been converted to LED. Found out that one of the garage ballasts leaked pretty damn badly and the other one was starting to fail. Glad I changed them out.


And how many of you can say you had to do repairs/fixes to a 50+ year old Kirby vacuum? Had to change out the dual speed switch on mine after the originals 54 year run gave up on the floor setting but I now can finally use the hose again after the switch being stuck on the floor speed.

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12 minutes ago, MiNi Beast said:

I can say I have. :grinyes: my moms got one of them kirbys from some random person going door to door in 1988. Them are some great ones. 👍 


That’s pretty awesome! The one I have still has the original dealer sticker on it and the company still exits at the address on the sticker! 

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Back in May we ordered a book shelf for all of our books and some records. Well I didnt realize I never posted about it so in early July we got our bookshelves and damn we have alot of books





Also my dad found an air compressor in the bulk trash and he knew I love to tinker and fix stuff. So i took a stab at fixing the compressor itself, ordered the parts and ther were wrong. So i am sending them back and converted the tank into an expansion for my little rink-a-dink compressor.




Not my favorite stickers in the world on the compressor tank but hey it was free!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy crap what a rollercoaster it has been. So I’ve been doing fine in terms of money, turns out my auto draft water bill didn’t come out. Whoops so I paid that along with this months. Power cost went down drastically since converting the fluorescent lights to LED. The girlfriend dragged me to Disneyland, ugh. Haven’t been since ‘09 but a lot has changed but I’m not gonna go into it other than I did actually enjoy smugglers run and there’s a whole other reason why we made the trek out to commiefornia for Disneyland but I’ll leave it at that. Anyways came back from an expensive trip, paid some bills, living a bit broke, nothin new with the house other than the solar panels finally got activated after being installed for a month. I guess there was and issue with the permits and what not so it took a month to sort that stuff out. But other than that I’ve been watching the system and it’s kinda like taking candy from a baby. Not sure what the payout is but ill be watching my power bill closely. 

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16 minutes ago, Pete M said:

I really want to get solar on the GA house.  both for electricity and for blocking the sun from the roof.  that attic gets CRAZY hot. :crazy:

So far it seems to be worth it. There was a huge scam/scandal out here that you could get solar on the house but you never ever owned the panels. You basically payed the company who installed them an extreme amount of money for a little payout from the power company for the power you don't use. Now you actually own the panels and they can move with you if you move to a different house. That and AZ is really cracking down on those scams so AZ can go full solar in a decade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New garage door is in wooo!!




Granted the door isnt closed here but I got both Jeeps in and thats great! Now the door is really nice. No more opening by hand. Now it gets better. The motor I chose for the door, was discontinued. So I got an upgrade for it. Same with the springs. The springs I chose werent in stock so they gave me a 10 year labor warranty on the install for the door vs the single year they came with the install.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Little update, pool has been leaking more lately, found out its the caulk that seals the skimmer area from the ground and what not so were gonna fix that. Also gonna drain the pool and do alot of maintenance to it like plaster some chipped areas and get a new drainer cover. Fun stuff like that.


Also treated myself:





This set was an absolute blast to build.

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