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Axle swap issue

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I am doing the 4wd swap and have run into an issue with the front axle. Axle is in except for the pass side upper control arm. I can't get that last bolt to line up. It needs to move back about a 1/2 inch to get the bolt in. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

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I am doing the 4wd swap and have run into an issue with the front axle. Axle is in except for the pass side upper control arm. I can't get that last bolt to line up. It needs to move back about a 1/2 inch to get the bolt in. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Hard to say if you are doing anything wrong without more information but make sure you don't tighten any other bolts until they are all in. If you do, it will bind and be almost impossible to get the last bolt in. I would also recommend installing both uppers and then move to the lowers. The uppers are harder to access so do this first and the lowers will be much easier. It takes a lot of wiggling but it will all come together.

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Best trick I know of is to bolt in the lowers loosely, then use a floor jack to raise and lower each side individually until you get the holes "close" to lining up for the uppers. You'll typically get one side of the arm lined up and you can start the bolt in, but the other side will be misaligned. Take a punch (or a screwdriver to help square the holes up, then hammer in the bolt on the other side. Be sure to use a deadblow or a softer hammer to drive them in so you don't screw up the head. Sometimes as you get it close to the other side using an impact or air ratchet will be useful to thread it through.


You'd be surprised how much you might have to raise one side to get it to line up, just keep working it. Oh, and don't tighten them down when it's jacked up, or in an odd position, leave everything loose until you get it all hooked up.



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shelbyluvv you won the internet today! I have been fighting with that axle for several hours and your trick took about 25 minutes. Had to fiddle with getting the jack set right but after that it was lift up or down to get the bolts in. Thank you very much huge help!

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