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Dang You Winter Storm


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It seems mother nature likes to throw a wrench in my wrenching plans. I left work early today to pull the leaking radiator out of my wife's WK as the replacement was scheduled to arrive today. You know, I wanted to minimize down time. 


I made it this far:

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Then I come inside to defrost and check the FedEx tracking information....that dang radiator should be here by now!


A winter storm is causing delays and disruptions across the U.S. Learn More
FedEx ® Tracking


Heck, now I am stuck and FedEx doesn't know when my shipment will arrive. 

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It seems mother nature likes to throw a wrench in my wrenching plans. I left work early today to pull the leaking radiator out of my wife's WK as the replacement was scheduled to arrive today. You know, I wanted to minimize down time. 


I made it this far:



Then I come inside to defrost and check the FedEx tracking information....that dang radiator should be here by now!



A winter storm is causing delays and disruptions across the U.S. Learn More

FedEx ® Tracking


Heck, now I am stuck and FedEx doesn't know when my shipment will arrive. 


Sucks. I'd like to say again that it's 70* down here right now, but it's not. It's down to 35*. Had a little rain is all.  :thumbsup:

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Not really much snow falling all the way up here... but this morning when I left home it was -28°F, -51°F windchill... not to one-up you all. 


And guess whose alarm didn't wake him up this morning so he woke up 25 minutes before the start of a final exam with a 20 minute drive there, so he threw on a t-shirt and pants, running shoes, and just grabbed a bunnyhug on the way out the door...smiley-frozen.gif



Sucks that your rad is late, OP.

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Geez - it's warmer in north Georgia than it is down here at the moment. Yesterday I was sweating in shorts and a t-shirt, but today I had to put on long pants and a sweater. High today is a blustery 50 degrees F. Tomorrow is supposed to be better: high 70, low 60, but 40% rain chance. :(


At least I didn't have to put on socks today to keep my feet warm.


Hope you guys farther north get a break in the weather soon so you can get stuff done.

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Hey gogmorgo, no one on this board aside from SK guys will know what a bunnyhug is LOL. Yeah F**K it's cold...

;) that's why I used it.


The worst thing though is that I didn't have time to walk from somewhere I could legally plug in, and then didn't want to run my MJ for only a couple minutes to move it, so it'll have been sitting outside unplugged for 12 hours before I can leave, and I only have that bunnyhug (read hoodie) for the drive home...


Also, getting stuff done? Who cares about the cold! Dress warm and it'll get done anyhow.

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I have no complaints about snow. I love it! The funny part of it is that the radiator arrived sometime after 7pm last night and the only 'weather' we have had this whole time was cold temperatures. FedEx must have been working overtime to get packages delivered. Started the install this morning just as the freezing drizzle set in and finished up a couple hours later.


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The wife is happy she gets to drive her WK to work Monday AM in the ice.

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