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The Building Of Bucky

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  On 5/6/2013 at 3:51 AM, 87Warrior said:

Wow! I am sorry to hear about your experience with your body shop guy. The poor communication is inexcusable  :shake: Don't fret too much, my '92 has been at the body shop for two years, but I know exactly what is going on with it.


TWO YEAR?! 229.gif



When I started reading that and I knew exactly where that was going...you gotta hate people like that :fs2:

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A long overdue update is in order...To make a long involved story short (and bearable)Parts of Bucky iare now in paint a clearcoat. I brought the bed home in its present condition on Thursday night. still bolted to the trailer frame. This also is making room to get the sealer and paint on the cab and doors (still at the painters). Once the cab is in paint and clear. I will haul the bed back over to cut buff and polish the clear. The U-Pol Raptor has been Shot in the bed, but can't go on the lower bed sides until the clear is wet sanded and buffed and the bushwackers re-installed.
Shooting the bushwackers, sliders, bumpers, bed rail caps with the stuff too.


Guess I will be adding the photos after I figure out the "new improved updated" photobucket.........GRRRRRR!

why when I get some nuance of computer la la land finally figured out enough to make it work..is it inevitably changed modified updated and "improved"..? generally to  the point where whatever I have learned in order to make it function...is then useless.....

This getting old sh*t sucks.



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more shots of the work on the second bed today. obviously it will be painted to match and U-Pol Raptor etc. as well, the bed that comes out the best will be the one on the truck the other will go back on the trailer frame.

Will have to do a SOA on the trailer to bring it up to the same height as Bucky. Also pictured are two of the trusty wrenching partners.

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Friday back to the painters place for the afternoon. prepped and shot the upol raptor bed liner on the sliders bumpers roll bar and bed rail plates.

I had originally considered going with the tintable version of the upol raptor, and go with a dark grey rather than the straight black. However after more thought the fact that future touchups would be needed, I did not want a hassle with getting the color to match....

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This morning I decided that after following the thread on having your tail lights stand out from the crowd, that I would try my hand at it as well.

I started by pulling all four pairs I have (2 trucks a trailer and a spare set that are really jacked up)together to figure out where to start

Decided that the set that was on the red 87' was the best set to try...no chips or breaks all the mount points good, just really scratched and oxided

I started by cleaning with dish detergent and a toothbrush, then started on the lenses with 1800 grit paper followed with 3200, 3600 and finally 4000 grit.

Here they are following a second cleaning with dish soap followed by a wipe down with alcohol

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I probably put about four good coats on with about ten minutes in between. This is lacquer so mist on the first coat so it does not react bad with the plastic.

lacquer dries pretty quick so within an hour I misted the first of four coats of Krylon chrystal clear acrylic enamel.

The last coat went on as heavy as possible without having it start to run.

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The duplicolor I used for the trim on the tail lights was a pretty close match for the color shot on the truck bed. I is a factory Mercedes color that has been "doctored up" by the painter to match the color on the wheels.

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