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An Apocalyptic Event Has Occurred


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I aint putting my Gloria cap on, but over the years working in the construction field I have come across

a few women who could hold there own against many men. Besides their differences in plumbing, many of them

were way more dedicated reliable and a lot better employees than some of the men. Something about

bearing children that men will never understand. Myself, being mom and dad for my daughter, I sympathize with them.

Granted a submariner has always been a traditionally male role but look at where we are at as far as humanity, and technological advances,

we have the best war machines in the world, I'm pretty sure that a woman call pull the trigger same as a man

when the time comes. To say that a submariner (woman) couldn't, wouldn't,won't does disservice to those that earned their dolphins and those

crew that are on those boats who have to have trust and rely on every other qualified crew member (those that wear the dolphins) to keep them alive.

Don I know you aren't saying smack (hope not anyway) just a change of times, tradition, I think women, properly trained will

do just as good a job as a man if not better when the time comes.

I say give them a chance.

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Lol, Judging from the topic name, and author,

I thought this was going to be about Youk going over to the dark side.



That too. :fs1:


I'm all for women's equality in both the military and civilian life, but not on the boats. Keep them on the tenders and other surface craft; morale is tough enough to maintain as it is. But with today's military and the way the mission has changed, it was only a matter of time before this happened. AFAIK, subs were the last to allow women to serve on them. Admiral Rickover must be rolling over in his grave..........

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That too. :fs1:


I'm all for women's equality in both the military and civilian life, but not on the boats. Keep them on the tenders and other surface craft; morale is tough enough to maintain as it is. But with today's military and the way the mission has changed, it was only a matter of time before this happened. AFAIK, subs were the last to allow women to serve on them. Admiral Rickover must be rolling over in his grave..........


Does not sound like you are for equality at all if you are saying they can not do something. :P


Besides, a good woman can do a lot for your moral. ;)

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Does not sound like you are for equality at all if you are saying they can not do something.


Who said anything about what women can or can't do? They can probably perform their jobs better.


Sooner or later when you're cooped up for 3+ months underwater like the boomer boats do, with zero privacy, sharing the same head, some asshat young sailor will try something. It happens all the time on surface craft and it'll just be escalated on a boomer. It's a bad idea.

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Who said anything about what women can or can't do? They can probably perform their jobs better.


Sooner or later when you're cooped up for 3+ months underwater like the boomer boats do, with zero privacy, sharing the same head, some asshat young sailor will try something. It happens all the time on surface craft and it'll just be escalated on a boomer. It's a bad idea.


Replace woman with aggressive ghey male and the same situation would occur. If they can not handle being in cramped conditions like that then they are not up to the job.

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c'mon - All these how many angels can dance on the head of a pin sexual senarios are bogus - DH is right - It's a bad idea - Mainly because of the distraction caused - I, like most, have always behaved, but the attraction-distraction is ever present - always has been-always gonna be - From the garden of Eden til sometime later this month around th 21st - That and you gotta be half off to get on one of those things anyhow - Ditto for those that jump from airplanes - They just don't need any more distraction than what's already clouding their better judgement. 'tis a bad idea.



This day and age we're living in

Gives cause for apprehension

With speed and new invention

And things like fourth dimension.


Yet we get a trifle weary

With Mr. Einstein's theory.

So we must get down to earth at times

Relax relieve the tension


And no matter what the progress

Or what may yet be proved

The simple facts of life are such

They cannot be removed.


You must remember this

A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.

The fundamental things apply

As time goes by. . . . .


it's still the same old story

A fight for love and glory

A case of do or die.

The world will always welcome lovers

As time goes by.



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Sad fact of the matter is, women don't want protecting. It's the times we're in. As bad as an idea it is, there's not much that can be done. The best we can do is hope that since these women have made it as far as they have, they can hold their own.

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Sad fact of the matter is, women don't want protecting. It's the times we're in. As bad as an idea it is, there's not much that can be done. The best we can do is hope that since these women have made it as far as they have, they can hold their own.


Hoping women can handle it doesn't hack it on a sub. When you earn your dolphins, it means you can respond to any situation at any time anywhere on the boat. Danbyrambler hit it on the head stating females would be a distraction. Distractions cause mistakes. The safety record for submarines is pretty damn good mainly because every crew member knows exactly what to do in any given situation. I'm not saying females are unable to do this, but I'd prefer not to take that chance.


The submarine service is purely voluntary. You can transfer out whenever you want to. And from what I'm reading, a lot of them are doing just that lately.

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Besides, a good woman can do a lot for your moral. ;)


this is the exact reason why women should not be on subs. it isnt because of equal rights or anything. bad isht is gonna happen with that many men on board and a couple of females. the military already has a large enough issue with sexual assualt and rape. even if the woman is willing, it is still creates a non-cunducive work environment for everyone around you.

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