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WRZ's comanche Now the 96 od2 swap in progress


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How's everyone doing, I'm new to this forum and finally bought a comanche after searching for a few months. I've owned a few zj's and have a xj as a dd currently. I have high hopes for this build and we shall see where it takes me, can't say I have a budget since its a JEEP

Bought it from a member here on CC for $900 and got beat up on the shipping costing me a total of $1525 to my door. Needs a trans seal to get it running ( trans in bed )

1990 comanche pioneer lwb
174k auto 4x4 355 gears
Solid frame
Newer engine with 85k
Roll bar
Needs rockers and some body work

Here are some pics

My xj in the background

Took the bench seat carpet and some trim out

What a pitta the lower seat belt bolts are

Mostly surface but has a couple poke through spots on the drivers side

Passengers side mostly surface and nothing too major

Comanhe- $900
Shipping- $625
Cost to date- $1525

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  • 2 weeks later...

Made some small progress on the mj


swapped the doors from a 99 cherrokee ( still need the door strickers )


The Donor Doors









Another after pic, Must of delete the before pic :doh:



Still have to line up the body lines, and wire everything up but is comming along slowly



This weekend i will finish up sanding up he passengerside floor Monstaline the interior and start on fixing and doing the wiring


Anyone have a good write up on column to floo shift? The tranny is being refreshed this week and i would like to do this swap before the carpet goes in



Doors- Free from work :thumbsup:

Cost to date - $1525


Will add in the other parts i have as i install them

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Made some good progress on the MJ today

spotted this little jem at my work and will be working on the price with the boss, will hopefully have it at the house this weekend comming up

no rott or rust anywhere just a dent on the lower rear corner



Sold the rims/tires and front brush guard the manche came with for $160


The first 3 came off like butter, the 4th was stripped and would not come out. ending up drilling the studs to get it off




will be replacing with zj studs since i will be doing discs in the rear at some point


Got the bed off :) what a pitta lifting by yourself


Some 5.9 zj rims i tossed on, had left over from a part out, will use for rollers






Little present from the PO



Happy to say the frame is rott free with some flakey undercoating and minor surface rust




Misc picture of the load sesing valve, will be eliminating when i redo the brakes



Do these leafs look correct? seem kinda funny with banna shape they have



made some more progress on the passenger side floor, alot of rust but no holes bigger then a skittle lol



Bed removal was pretty straight foward, with no broken bolts ( soaked them all in crc freeze off for two days ) Gas tank had new hardward which was great and made it easy and even came with a little over a quarter tank :)


Making some progress and will hopefully have her in the garage so i can work on it at night after work



next weekend i will get the frame and under carriage pressure washed, and weather permitting get the monstaline rolled on :banana:

Previous total - $1525

Parts sold- $160

Cost to date- $1365

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Made some small progress on the manche today, Got the frame and under carriage all pressure washed, still have a few more spots to hit i missed


In the process



No rott, Just som minor surface rust and flakey unde coating





Tomarrow i have some grinding, sanding and some prep work before the monstaline goes on ;)

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  On 12/9/2012 at 5:16 AM, Rymanrph said:

Looking good dude. What happened to that leaf?


I bought the jeep like that, does not appreared to be lifted. But would like to correct it or get a replacement pair

Any ideas why it's shaped like that?

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  • 1 month later...

Been awhile since ive updated my build, Stripped the front end of its sheet metal 2 weeks ago, and Finally made some real progress last weekend and got the engine pulled, figured it would be easier to replace the exhaust manifold, motor mounts ect and paint the engine bay with the engine out the way.

First time pulling a motor and it went fairly good with a few broken items but nothing too major










Gave the engine a quick bath and who would have knew my block is blue lol






Been a little nervous putting all this time and money into this engine that i never head run since the trans was in the bed when i bought it.


Takes a small edge off of things knowing it was rebuild at sometime




And the engine bay after a pressure wash




Tomarrow i will start on replacing gaskets and some engine goodies :) more pictures to come tomarrow

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  On 1/20/2013 at 3:38 AM, Minuit said:

Love the progress you're making. Can't say I've ever seen a 4wd with an auto on the column. Great work!


Thanks I've been debating on doing a floor shift swap, but kind of like the old school column shift lol

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Starting to clean up the motor one side at a time, Got the intake and exhaust manifold pulled ( to my suprise all the bolts came out very easy )





Knew the exhaust manifold was cracked and prevously welded a few times




Time for an upgrade, picked up some pacesetter headers off ebay a few months back for $147.50 shipped




Quick coat of paint since they had some paint chips from being moved around. ( also painted the motor mount )




Cleaned and painted the intake manifold and heat shield




Block after a cleaning and some paint





Throttle cable bracket cleaned and painted as well




Painted the bolts and will have to swap the washers with the new ones that came with the headers ( forgot all about them till i called it a day )




Shinned up the brass fittings with a wire wheel




Exhaust mocked up


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All assembled


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Hopefully i can find a good egr tomarrow from the jy, Apparently the egr tube needs to be modified to fit the headers, its off by a solid 5/8 and need to get the one bolt in behind tube 4. Think i will try to grind it down some


Previous total - $1365

Headers $147.50

Cost to date- $1512.50

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  On 1/21/2013 at 4:26 AM, jerrymmbeer said:

Hope that motor runs after all that hard work. But I just started my rebuild on my 92 and I'm sticking money into something that Ive never driven. Good Luck


I hear ya deffently a gamble, but the owner i bought it from was pretty on the money as far as what was wrong with the jeep, so i have my fingers crossed

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Had another good weekend on the comanche and made some more progress on the engine


Pulled some accessories off the front



Did not take too many before pictures, but here are some of the almost finished product


New Waterpump and painted pullys



Upgraded the fan clutch with one from a 98 ZJ and painted the fan




New high flow thermostate housing and 180 degree stat



Cleaned and painted the a/c compressor and brackets



Picked up a new to me valve cover from work, Nice upgrade



Upgraded the oil temperature sensor for when i do the gauge cluster swap



Front assembled



Changed the plugs and wires and they sent me the wrong cap and rotor http://comancheclub.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/fist shake 1.gif



Not too bad for a few hours of work


Still need to swap injectors

Add a second coat of paint to the valve cover and install

Wait for the brown santa to bring me alternator

Order a new cap and rotor

Change oil pan gasket and paint/clean

decide what to do with my throttle body ( really want to add the h.o one )

Swap in water temp sensor for futue gauge swap

I know I'm forgetting a few other items on the to-do list


If theres anything else i should swap out or upgrade feel free to chime in


Previous total - $1512.50

Water Pump- $30.00

High Flow Thermostat $50.85

Zj Fan Clutch- $44.95

Autolite Plugs- $9.00

Taylor wires - $43.95

Valve Cover- Work Perk

Cost to date - $1691.25

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  On 1/28/2013 at 2:50 AM, 88whitemanche said:

Looks awesome you can tell by the first pic you placed in the post! Huge difference in the look of the engine....


Thanks it's coming along, not as quick as a prefer but should look good when all done :)

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