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Good Deal?

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At a local salvage yard there is a 94 jeep cherokee sport, HO. I went in there and asked them what they were asking for the head, exhaust man, and intake man.


They said they gave me a good "discount".


Head: $100

Intake: $50

Header: $100 (normal $250)


There is no warranty/guarantee on the parts whatso ever, and a 25% FEE to restock the items if returned.

Everything about the vehicle is in like new condition, with presumably low miles (>150,000) the only reason it was taken to the scrap yard was because of a blown head gasket


does this sound like a good deal?


thanks for lookin

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Good to know, they also said they would sell the entire engine to me for 350, but they said if i bring in my entire engine as a core they would take off a whopping 50 dollars! :eek: (sarcasm) That would make for a low low price of 300 bucks for an engine with a blown head gasket and absoluetly no warranty! :thumbsup:


thanks for the help guys.


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hmmmm I would be nervous dropping that much coin on a head that just blew a gasket, No telling if its even any good still. FWIW i bought an entire engine for $200, 4.0 with wiring and all the accessories. it also ran when it was taken out. but like said your location makes a big difference. Id keep looking

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Different prices, different parts of the country. Local, and only, P&P here.

Head $40

Int Mn $40

Header $30

Complete engine $250

I get $400 for an engine but I leave it in the car until sold so it can be started and ran. Know what they're getting.

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