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Motion vs Rusty's coil springs

Which spring is better??  

  1. 1. Which spring is better??

    • Motion Offroad
    • Rusty's

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What's bad about rusty's offroad? I have a cross member from them for my ax-15, it seems well made and lined up perfectly. Also had fast shipping.


Then again that could have been a fluke because the eBay store I bought my "ax-15 wana bees" mounts had a good rateing but shipped the wrong part twice!

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Can't comment on Rusty's stuff, never had any. I've got Motion's 6.5" progressive coils now. Very good on and off road. The truck is actually very stable on the highway and I ran it confidently without a sway bar for several weeks. Haven't seemed to weaken in over a year, no issues at all. I think its equally important to quality set of shocks.

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My only beef with rustys is they don't refund your money they keep it and give you store credit.

my house in florida sits at the end of a dirt road,florida being mostly sugar sand means a dirt road can become a

sand pit. which is exactly what is in front of my house.all i own is jeeps so it isnt a problem for me.

when i left iraq last year i ordered alot of parts for the comanche i was going to buy when i got home.

hoping when i got home theyd all be there waiting for me. well the ups drivers didnt like my dirt road.

some of the parts got delivered,but i guess the heavy rear spring set and the sand were just to much for the driver.

so after being home 2 weeks and my spring still havent showed up i call rustys and they say the springs were returned to them

i said well I'm leaving in 2 weeks i don't have time to install them now anyway after hearing them say theyd try and resend if i would pay another shipping cost. i said no thanks just refund my money to my credit card. they said we don't refund money just give a

store credit you can use anytime.i still have that store credit actually.

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i said no thanks just refund my money to my credit card. they said we don't refund money just give a

store credit you can use anytime.i still have that store credit actually.


I've been in this situation.

When everything else fails,

a claim to the credit card usually does the trick.


As far as Rusty's vs everyone else,


I'm down to just 2 Rusty's items on my Jeeps:


steering brace on the trail MJ (repositioned & rewelded to fit around a set back winch)


and 3" ft springs on the Grandpa MJ (sagged to ~2.25", good match to level 22 year old 2wd rear springs)

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IMHO, just from what I've heard, I'd never go with Motion, it is run by a fella named LEAD_NOT_FOLLOW if I am not mistaken. He has claimed on multiple accounts that he was selling stuff saying that he made it, and he didn't, and he was reselling this stuff for like 2x the price claiming it was his. He never did back up his story, and if someone on GreatLakesXJ called him out, he banned them from his forums with no reason.


http://www.jeepforum.com/forum/f11/anot ... ow-269026/


Read the thread.


I've also heard not-so-great things about Rusty's.


Just my 2 cents.

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From all the complaints I have heard about Rusty's, I have never heard one about their coil springs. Then again, their coil springs are made for them by an outside company.


I also don't know who makes the coil springs for MO, but I have a set of their 4.5" ones and have been happy with them. Correct amount of lift on a 4.0 (may give an inch more on a 2.5), and nice comfortable ride.

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I for one am kinda tired (not just here) of the motion bashing, the rusty's bashing, the quadratec bashing, the RRO bashing, the kevin's bashing, the "you name it" bashing of every aftermarket provider that goes on, on every jeep forum on the freakin web. Buy or make your own stuff and live and learn, its called "life" gentlemen and good or bad suppliers exist in every field from toilet paper to crate engines to shower curtains. Get used to it, some are good, some not as good. I buy Motion because I can call Adam and ask, dude do you have such and such on the shelf? Cool, here's my card number, send it now! Then I get it two days later, not such as good luck with Quadratec or the other major suppliers.,,,,,,not plugging motion, but if you want something, call, don't order over the net, talk to a real person, confirm they have it and the person you talk to can explain the product with reasonable, professional advice about your particular application, or don't order it from them. Go somewhere else or find it your dang self in a JY. Too many think they can post a tech question on the web and think their rig will magically fix itself, or they can just order some panaceac part and their rig will magically be able to handle 42" tires and if not then its the freakin part provider's fault.


I'm going to stop before the jeep noob horde zombifies and comes and eats me in my sleep, the freakin' retards.

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Comanche County, I respect your opinion and right to state it. But my opinion is that wanting/needing to purchase products instead of making your own is not a license for a company to lie to you and/or steal from you. The off road world is full of companies who do just that. And telling other people about it is not just carping, but a "heads up." I have to wonder if you followed the link that TylerJY posted or, more importantly, the links within it.


Many off-road places (auto performance in general) re-sell others' products. Heck, when I first visited the M.O. website it was immediately obvious that many of Motion Off Road's parts descriptions on his website were copied and pasted from the sources' websites. I saw this pointed out to him and it seems he has modified some of the descriptions. Here is another example of a product that he claims as his but appears to be bought and re-sold for a higher price:

http://motionoffroad.com/catalog/index. ... ucts_id=65


R.R.O. appears to be the source for his SOA kit and they are $56 cheaper. The ad copy used to be nearly identical. I assume he is an authorized re-seller or I would think that R.R.O. would put a stop to this. See this > http://www.rocky-road.com/wholesale.html The only disturbing part of this (to me, anyway) is this: "Model: MO3.9015 Manufactured by: Motion Offroad "


It does look like many of "his" products are from other sources. I strongly suspect his cages are S&W ($100 cheaper there), as well. Again, if he IS making identical products himself ( which I doubt ) it is still wrong to steal someone else's design to re-sell at a higher price unless he is "licensed" to do so. A buddy knocking one off in a garage for personal use is not nearly the same thing.


Is this wrong? Nope. Not until you claim that they are YOUR product that YOU designed and built. Although you may not have to say that you are sourcing them from elsewhere, making the other claims is wrong and calling someone on it is not "bashing" IMHO.


That link above from TylerJY was very disturbing to me and probably others if you follow all of the links in it. I had been unaware of it. A good webs search may turn up other items of interest if one was so inclined.

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Well I've heard bad things about both but I've only delt with motion and can say I got the fastest shipping and best help when I ordered online then called. I could have gotten the idem a bit cheaper from some where else but I would have much rather supported not only a good member on this fourm but some one who helped me out when I ordered his product.

But just for the springs just because of the spring rate I would go with motion.



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I have never heard a bad thing about M.O. customer service either. When I had a bad experience with Rough Country everyone agreed. Even the best that their defender could add was that they give you free stuff to make up for their constant mistakes.


Again, re-selling other people's items is very, very common. Nothing wrong with it. M.O. may be more like many on-line 4x4 shops: an office and a website that orders things for drop-shipment from the manufacturers. If you are happy with the price and service than it is all good.

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