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Evolution or Creation, should this discussion be allowed?



33 members have voted

  1. 1. Well?

    • let it be
    • kill it
    • undecided, let's see what develops
    • abstain

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Allright, so we can leave the original thread for the originally intended topic, here you can all bicker about whether a usually loaded topic, but in this case quite calm, collected and thought out discussion should be allowed in this here pub.


I myself say let it be as long as it does not become a flame fest.

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and if it does go nuclear, then it will go away. according to the rules:


Topics like Politics, religion etc are not outright banned, but they had better be handled in a polite manner.



I'm not here to be "big brother", all I'm looking for is that the members handle themselves in an adult manner. the fact that many of you voice your opposition will likely keep topics like this at bay. So maybe take a break from worrying about what might happen, and take a moment to have some pride in your club that nothing did happen. :cheers:

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some times people make a ww3 out of a lift kit topic, or a football thread, so should we not allow those either?


i say since it has been handled 100% properly by all involved whats the problem. no name calling, no anger, no personal attacks, just free exchange of opinion and views.

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some times people make a ww3 out of a lift kit topic, or a football thread, so should we not allow those either?


i say since it has been handled 100% properly by all involved whats the problem. no name calling, no anger, no personal attacks, just free exchange of opinion and views.

But there isn't free exchange of ideas. I am an ordained, Christian minister. I attended a church-affiliated college and my undergraduate roommate became an Episcopal priest. Other classmates became ordained in a number of other (generally Protestant) denominations.


Needless to say, I have strong opinions about the topic. I also recognize that other people have their own strong opinions, which may not agree with mine. Since, ultimately, none of us will ever know the truth until (possibly) after we have died, there is no point in arguing it. I refuse to proselytize, on this topic or any other. But it is VERY difficult when I encounter discussions in which a person holding one view does not simply state his view and leave it, but attempts to persuade others that his view is THE correct view, to shut up and back off.


There have been such posts in our "civil, adult" discussion. Out of respect for Pete's decision to let the thread run, I have not responded, nor will I. In fact, I no longer monitor the thread, because I know that if I refute some of the prosletyzing posts, somebody will get their knickers in a twist. So I shut up and stay out of it.


That is NOT a free exchange of ideas. There is an old saying, "Don't ask the question if you don't want to hear the answer." It's one thing to ask a loaded question. Having done so, it is (IMHO) unfair to then engage anyone espousing an opinion different from yours in an attempt to convince them they are wrong. If the thread in question were to be a free exchange of everyone's view on the topic, each person should have posted ONCE to state their view ... and then stayed out of it so other people would feel free to state their own views without worrying if they'd be attacked.


There is a reason why religion is usually a topic not to be discussed outside of the immediate family or your own church group.

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some times people make a ww3 out of a lift kit topic, or a football thread, so should we not allow those either?


i say since it has been handled 100% properly by all involved whats the problem. no name calling, no anger, no personal attacks, just free exchange of opinion and views.


There is a reason why religion is usually a topic not to be discussed outside of the immediate family or your own church group.


thats a very odd statement from a christian minister, we are to go out into the world proclaiming the good word.


i will agree though that most peole involved here are not gonna change their minds, and i don't try to think i can, but i will share my ideas, scripture and opinions with them as long as it stays on an intelligent controlled platform.

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oh wow. 11 pages. :eek: and most of it is just various people trying hard to push each others' buttons. :fool:


I think we'll be ok. :D The maturity level is better here. But I tell ya what, if the voters want it killed, I'll lock it up. :dunno:

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Good Gawd - axe this thing already! To those who insist on prolonging this, there are 100's of forums all over the net discussing this and other similar topics ad nauseaum. Go join one of them and post your "views" there forever and ever with others who enjoy endless debate over something you have zero control over. Why do y'all feel so compelled to post this stuff here on CC? Insecurity? :nuts:

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But I tell ya what, if the voters want it killed, I'll lock it up. :dunno:


that would be the weirdest closing of a thread i've ever seen. nothing going wrong, but lock it up, no name calling, no feelings hurt, no anger, no out of hand people or comments, but lock it up.


i'm so suprised by people wanting it to end because of the content. if you don't like it don't get involved, why keep thinking about it. i would feel this way regardless of the topic, and if anythread got out of hand it should be dealt with. i find this topic of people wanting the thread locked interesting.

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Good Gawd - axe this thing already! To those who insist on prolonging this, there are 100's of forums all over the net discussing this and other similar topics ad nauseaum. Go join one of them and post your "views" there forever and ever with others who enjoy endless debate over something you have zero control over. Why do y'all feel so compelled to post this stuff here on CC? Insecurity? :nuts:


Maybe because this club is more family-like than other random forums? :dunno: I'm betting that most of the guys that posted in the thread wouldn't necessarily seek out a religious-type forum on their own. I know I certainly wouldn't have taken part in that naxja thread. :ack:

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after the first day of this thread being opened i decided i don't care what others are believing and i think my relationships with those in our family will be stronger without knowing. why take the chance that animosity may build because of the views in this thread.


do i think it should be caned? no, i hope the people here decide its not worth the aggravation and just let it die naturally. but it could come back in a less controlled manner and this thread as well will have to be revisited.


hate to say it but humanity still needs policing.

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People typing on computers are funny. In the big scheme of things this post regarding the other post is the problem. I offer a challenge regarding both of these posts, type out everything you wish everyone else to know about your opinion, read through it, and make sure you are satisfied with its purpose, then click the back button on your browser and move on to something else. :cheers:

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