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stroke not the good kind


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just to let u all know i won't be on much for awhile my mom is in the hospital she had a stroke sunday between noon and 2 pm we found her at 10:30 mon mornimg

and yes she is ok she can't talk right side is dead from hip up to mouth eye working just mouth down dosnot it was caused by a blood clot don't know were it is yet or were it came from exspect good but slow recovery :wall: :help: can't fix this whith a wrench :wrench:

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Same thing happened to my grandmother.


I sincerely hope your mother is able to come back from it. One of the biggest problems is going to be that she will feel incredible frustration while she learns to do things that used to be automatic.


God bless.

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A stroke is not a good thing at all. You will be amazed by how much recovery can be made with therapy. My wife had a BAD stroke in her early 50's - Rehab did great things for her. Encourage her not to give up hope. Push the rehab, work her @$$ off at it. Huge rewards!! She can come back most of the way.


All the best to you and your mom.




just to let u all know i won't be on much for awhile my mom is in the hospital she had a stroke sunday between noon and 2 pm we found her at 10:30 mon mornimg

and yes she is ok she can't talk right side is dead from hip up to mouth eye working just mouth down dosnot it was caused by a blood clot don't know were it is yet or were it came from exspect good but slow recovery :wall: :help: can't fix this whith a wrench :wrench:

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thanks agin guys she is back in local hospital now doing rehab when thay let her out she will be living with me till she can go home she is moving her hand more and saying couple words at a tume still comfused most of the time she knows what she wants to say or comunicate but not coming out right (example jom at j&c )she wrote jamce takes a while to decifer but getting better will keep u all informed and thanks again :wall:

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