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In '02 on my way back from Ouray we passed through a herd of Elk (we slowed as we came to a corner in the hwy because we saw an old Malibu headed the opposite way with steam pouring out from under the hood and a headlight hanging. He had hit the biggest male and it was in the middle of the road thrashing around still when we got there) and saw so many bears, deer, antelope and other critters, it was like we were on a safari!

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Last time I actually seen one of those was when I was little. My brother-inlaw opened up the trunk of his car and told me he had a surprise in the big white cooler. I open the lid only to find the head of one staring right at me. :ack: I nearly sh@t myself. Had nightmares for weeks.


Thanks for bringing back my childhood fears. :eek:



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Last time I actually seen one of those was when I was little. My brother-inlaw opened up the trunk of his car and told me he had a surprise in the big white cooler. I open the lid only to find the head of one staring right at me. :ack: I nearly sh@t myself. Had nightmares for weeks.


Thanks for bringing back my childhood fears. :eek:



I just spit a mouth full of Mountain Dew out on my desk..... Thanks alot!!! :clapping: :rotfl2:

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You should get out into the woods a bit more then, ya might get over that. :doh:


Funny story though.


Yeah, the whole hunting thing just never clicked with me. Don't have the patience and end up shooting the breeze.


I just spit a mouth full of Mountain Dew out on my desk..... Thanks alot!!!


Sorry. :cheers:


He still teases me to this day about that. He kept it in the freezer for a long time saying he was going to get it mounted but waited to long and had to throw it out.

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Kind of a town like Spuzzum is huh?



There's lots like Spuzzum, and worse...


One of my favorites is a place called 'Progress' - it's about half way between Dawson Creek and Chetwynd. 2 abandoned/burned buildings, 3 occupied buildings, and a big tent that they keep sand for sanding the road under. Yeah, that's Progress!


Stoner is a good one too... And Won-o-Won (101 mile point on the Alaska highway, you can tell the natives named it)...

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