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Parking spot etiquette.


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A little rant...


So, I live in an apartment. Parking is assigned. One spot per unit unless requested otherwise. All spots have power (for block heaters).



Anyways, I came back tonight, and somebody was IN MY SPOT. Okay, so, that shouldn't be a big deal right? It's not a car I've seen before, so it's probably a visitor. But, the area where I am assigned is mostly vacant (the far fence) as a lot of the renters here don't even own vehicles. But, I leave my freaking bright yellow block heater cord out and obviously leading to MY SPOT. Why would somebody pull in and choose one of the few spots that actually has a cord left out? Cord = obviously used.


I don't get it. It was a little jetta. I was going to push it aside with the diesel but decided that would be more trouble than stealing somebody else's spot and moving my cord.



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I had a similar situation when I lived in my apartment. I left a note a couple times but that didn't work. I worked nights, so when I got home there was zero parking spots. I was having a bad day, came home and the same idiot was in my spot again, so I called a wrecker. The wrecker came and hauled the car away. The next day I had a deep key gouge on my tailgate. I never saw the car again, otherwise I would have hooked a strap to it and dragged it down the street. :headpop:

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My wife used to have a little adhesive sticker (that I am sure was printed just as a joke) that had a picture of Micky Mouse on it flipping someone off, and the text said " I hope you don't screw like you park, cause you'll never get it in."



I always wanted to stick that to someone's car.... :D :yes:

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So, guess what? I drive in today at 7:45ish. There's a mid-90s 1/2T chevy sitting in my spot. My spot with the BRIGHT @#$%ING YELLOW block heater cord. There isn't even any 'snow' to lose sight of it in. The 4 spots around him are empty, and none have cords.


And even better, he managed to park only mostly in my spot, partly being in another spot. Which is the one I could easily steal (cord would reach). So, I snuggled the dodge up about 5" door to door on his driver's side. Then wrote down the plate just incase my truck gets any new dents tomorrow.


F'ing idiot.

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I thought you were going to move out into the country???



It takes time... I haven't even been 'here' for 3 weeks now. I just got back for monday. Kinda makes it hard to find something worth looking at, look at it, talk to the bank, etc...

I think you should put a sign in front of your spot say'n Please don't park in my spot. Or maybe get you some orange cones and put in that spot or something.... d@mn fools!

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I feel your pain brotha...at my apartment i get a couple jackasses that do that. So here is what i do since if i get them towed I have to pay for it.


I write down the licence plate number, then leave them a note stating that i have reported their licence plate to managment and not to park in my spot again, i leave my cell phone number and tell them that when they want to leave they can call me. So i park DIRECTLY behind them(sideways if i have to). The only way out is to break my windows and realese the parking brake (which wouldn't be smart cuz i would know who did it), or simply call me so i can meet them face to face and tell them not to do it again.

thats my method, my managment company is usually pretty good about getting repeat offenders towed :D

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Once the spot is open, spray paint your name on the spot or license number with "all other cars will be towed". If there is notice the spot is taken, they have no excuse. I hauled 15 cars out of my spot at the last apt I lived at (I came home at 11PM from work and I was PISSED to not have someplace to park! Especially since I paid for the damn spot and it was posted!)

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