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Who watched the big debate?


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Had no desire to watch it... All it would do is confirm to me that there is no good choice for president and it really doesn't matter who gets elected...we're screwed. Obama is a great "stage act" with no experience who is going to "change things". McCain is just more of the same crap that we have now. :cheers:

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Of course, we're not supposed to be politcal here... :popcorn:



I read about some of the debate, and got the impression that Obama was defensive the majority of the time. I guess that leads to: If he was to be president, how will he stand up to the blustering, posturing blowhard world leaders? Will he always be on the defense?


I, too have a real problem supporting one who does not hold dear what we, as a nation, have sent good young men to die for. Whether you believe armed conflict is wrong or right - we still have national pride, and the president is one who should abide by it.


Having said all that, I view the race as a choice between the lesser of two evils.


just my .02

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I usually do not respond to political threads as they never go well.


But I gotta say we are in fact, seeing a pattern here, the past few elections seem to have been a choice between the lesser of two evils...


I am very very concerned about Obama as our president. Just look at what the democrats have offered for the past 2-3 elections. If this is the best choice they have to offer, they are in a VERY sorry state. For the most part I like what the republicans have to say and what they do.


McCain has also had his issues, but he is a decorated American soldier. He is a man has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, he will lay down his life and put this country's needs BEFORE his own.


I am very afraid Obama will sell us all out. Further more, with Obama, we simply get a polished speaker who is offering nothing more than lip service. He has proven NOTHING to me. His statements are double talk and miss-information. I question almost everything about him. Not the least of which, his faith, where his priorities lie, what kind of man he actually is and what he actually brings to the "table". Not much as far as I see.


Just my humble opinions,


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I am very afraid Obama will sell us all out. Further more, with Obama, we simply get a polished speaker who is offering nothing more than lip service. He has proven NOTHING to me. His statements are double talk and miss-information. I question almost everything about him. Not the least of which, his faith, where his priorities lie, what kind of man he actually is and what he actually brings to the "table". Not much as far as I see.

Gotta disagree, CW.


Obama isn't a "polished speaker" at all. Oh, sure, he does fine when he's reading the screen of a teleprompter. But if the teleprompter fails, or when he's on his own like in these debates, he can't string together half a dozen coherent words.


Of itself, that might not be terrible. I'm sure there have been decent (if not great) presidents who weren't great orators. The scary part is that as a candidate for President, this man is supposed to be convincing us that he has a "plan" for America. He's been on the campaign trail for six months or more, giving speeches at least once a day, and probably two or maybe three times a day. So why is it that when his teleprompter goes down and he has actually "speak" (as opposed to "read"), he can't even remember what his plan is?


To me it says two things: (1) He doesn't have a plan, and (2) He doesn't write his own speeches. Most major politicians to day don't write their own speeches, but they at least have some control over them so they know what they read will reflect what they believe. Obama literally still doesn't know what he's saying when he reads those speeches. He's not telling us anything about who he is or what he believes -- he is only reading empty words that a team of writers puts together to sell their candidate.


It's discouraging, is what it is. It isn't limited to the Democrats, either. [Disclaimer] If any of you are old enough to have been following politics when George H. W. Bush (George I) was running for President, some journalist once asked him what his plans were regarding the direction of the country. His response: "Read my lips. I'm going to be President of the United States." In other words, he HAD no plan. His lack-luster, one-term presidency proved that beyond any doubt.


With Obama, we would be getting the same thing, wrapped in a Democrat wrapper.


I believe they have an expression in Texas for people like this: "All hat and no horse."

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Yeah, I watched the whole thing and was not to impressed with the empty words from Obama. I think the thing that was most irritating was the fact he showed no respect towards McCain as he constantly referred to him as John and one time called him Jim. McCain not once called him Barack or Obama, but always Senator Obama. Obama was definitely on the defense and would interrupt McCain trying to defend his position. Hearing Obama stammer and stutter proved what many have said, that without his teleprompter, he can't speak let alone express his plans or policies for leading the country. I'm not saying McCain is a lot better, but as many have said, it's the choice of the lesser of two evils. I'd rather have the one with more experience and is in touch with this nations military veterans.


Plus, McCain owns two Jeeps. jamminz.gif



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there was a "debate"?







to this point, I've seen only petty bickering directed FROM democratic candidates (ironically, most of them are female and are discouraging a female simply because she's republican) TO republicans.


while this is to be expected, it's unfortunate that the republicans have sunk down to that level.


that said, I'm falling back on one thing;


who has the hottest VP? :brows:

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to this point, I've seen only petty bickering directed FROM democratic candidates (ironically, most of them are female and are discouraging a female simply because she's republican) TO republicans.


really? because from my view I see the complete opposite

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All this blah, blah, blah isnt worth a poop if we don't pull the curtain to drop that ballot....


McCain might not be the greatest choice, and Obama might not be funded by extremest, but if "we" don't get proactive then don't b!tch when your right to choose is stripped from your lifeless souls you pukes..... :D

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the thing that pisses me off is i hear alot of "lesser of two evils". who says i HAVE to vote for ANY evil? i say @#$% that, if its a choice between evil and evil I'm not going to do a damn thing when it comes time to vote. Me and my girl were talking about maybe going to the voting box and penciling in Jesus for president :D sorry but Jesus owns all!!!! jamminz.gif

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the thing that pisses me off is i hear alot of "lesser of two evils". who says i HAVE to vote for ANY evil? i say @#$% that, if its a choice between evil and evil I'm not going to do a damn thing when it comes time to vote. Me and my girl were talking about maybe going to the voting box and penciling in Jesus for president :D sorry but Jesus owns all!!!! jamminz.gif


Thats a better option than not voting.


I get pissed when I see people not voting period, you should at least be registered, and go cast your vote. even if that vote is blank or you write-in your own name for everything.

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the thing that pisses me off is i hear alot of "lesser of two evils". who says i HAVE to vote for ANY evil? i say @#$% that, if its a choice between evil and evil I'm not going to do a damn thing when it comes time to vote. Me and my girl were talking about maybe going to the voting box and penciling in Jesus for president :D sorry but Jesus owns all!!!! jamminz.gif


Thats a better option than not voting.


I get pissed when I see people not voting period, you should at least be registered, and go cast your vote. even if that vote is blank or you write-in your own name for everything.

i've heard this also. here's how my brain is thinking...I vote for evil or evil or write in, hmmm so i decide to write it in, then what? i wasted my time when i could of been sleeping or working. I'll reconcider what I've been thinking all along IF someone gives me an example of when a "write in" even came close to winning let alone even got mentiond on ANY news program after the votes.
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the thing that pisses me off is i hear alot of "lesser of two evils". who says i HAVE to vote for ANY evil? i say @#$% that, if its a choice between evil and evil I'm not going to do a damn thing when it comes time to vote. Me and my girl were talking about maybe going to the voting box and penciling in Jesus for president :D sorry but Jesus owns all!!!! jamminz.gif


Thats a better option than not voting.


I get pissed when I see people not voting period, you should at least be registered, and go cast your vote. even if that vote is blank or you write-in your own name for everything.

i've heard this also. here's how my brain is thinking...I vote for evil or evil or write in, hmmm so i decide to write it in, then what? i wasted my time when i could of been sleeping or working. I'll reconcider what I've been thinking all along IF someone gives me an example of when a "write in" even came close to winning let alone even got mentiond on ANY news program after the votes.


You are aware there are more than 2 presidential candidates on the ballot right?

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wow, i must have watched a different debate then the rest. to me, mcain seemed defensive and juvenile by laughing and shaking his head when obama talked.

i don't care if mcain has been to war or served in the military. does that automatically make you ready to be president? he is just another bush follower. get rove, cheney and the rest of the oil slaves out of the white house.

we need to change the way the world views america and make allies, not continue to make enemies. unnecessary wars will not help that.


palin is clueless and has no right to be a vice presidential candidate.

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