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Anybody have problems with pollen or such?


I live in a mill town. Pulp, paper, plywood, regular lumber... And there's a lot of pollen too. It's driving me nuts. Even when I was on my last tour, in a totally different climate/town/area, I was still reacting. Stuffs me up and makes my eyes itch.


Anybody have any luck taking anything to deal with it?

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Surprisingly enough, pollen doesn't seem to affect me much. :hmm: I've got allergies to just about everything else though. Well, the non-lethal ones at least. Cats, dogs, dust mites, evergreens, etc. I even developed an allergy to antifreeze from the long term exposure I got at a former job. :roll:

For nose related allergies I can usually get by with a decongestant.

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Anybody have problems with pollen or such?


I live in a mill town. Pulp, paper, plywood, regular lumber... And there's a lot of pollen too. It's driving me nuts. Even when I was on my last tour, in a totally different climate/town/area, I was still reacting. Stuffs me up and makes my eyes itch.


Anybody have any luck taking anything to deal with it?


Didn't you recently relocate? Your body slowly builds immunity to certain things and allergens are something your body grows accustomed to in the area you live. that's why an excessively dry or wet spring will reek havoc on people. Because it allows different things to happen your body isn't accustomed to.


One other thing is that your body is constantly changing. I battled spring time/early summer allergies since mid hi school days. Now for the past 2-3 years NOTHING!! I haven't had to take anything!!!


I used to like the 24 hour one.. sorry cannot remember the name. Good ole' benadryl is a good one buy it knocks many people out. That's another thing... I used to be able to take is with only good effects. I mean no allergy symptoms and I could still work and do everything fine. Now if I where to take one, half hour later I'd be out cold on the couch!! I took one one time when I was driving a truck and had to pull over at a stop, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I woke up about 4 hours later!!!


Good luck, I feel for ya brother!!



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Cats, pollen, dust mites mold spores.


Take a 24 hour Claritin in the morning, and if they're bad I add 2 Benadryl before going to bed.


If it's really bad I take another 2 Bendaryl as soon as I get home from work and crash on the couch.

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The older you get, the weaker your immune system gets too. It doesn't matter if you are in top physical condition...it still weakens. I don't have allergy problems, but I was always getting colds 3-4 times a year like clock work. I found a natural product that has been a godsend to me and my wife as well as many of my friends & family members that are using it now too.


It is a little expensive, but I have not had a cold or been sick in any way in over 2 years now since I started taking it. It is called Transfer Factor and there is nothing on the market that can do what it does. I was so impressed after what it did for me that I decided to become a distributor...so yes...it is a product of the MLM world, but I am not "recruiting" here, nor do a ever really. I only have 3 people signed up under me and they have come through my website and I have only ever talked to them by email ;) .


Anyway... Click Here to get more info from my website if interested :cheers: .

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I had terrible pollen allergies as a kid. Now, at 46, they are almost gone. I have had luck with Allegra, but it isn't very strong. Does absolutely nothing for some friends with bad allergies. My wife had no allergies when young (whoops, she is still young. Hope she doen't see this :D ), now she has spring and fall allergies.


As far as the cold thing. I was constantly getting colds and such. After leaving the dealership environment, haven't had more than sniffles in a year and a half. Probably touching all those damn steering wheels and shift knobs. Gross just to think about now! :eek:

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My wife has always had allergies, but I never had them until we moved to Virginia. Now, tree and grass pollen in the spring, and mold spores kill me. When I get a flareup, I steal a couple Loratadine (Claritin) from her, and they clear me up within an hour or so.


I'll go into sneezing fits in the evenings that last 15-20 minutes....drives me crazy.



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My wife has always had allergies, but I never had them until we moved to Virginia. Now, tree and grass pollen in the spring, and mold spores kill me. When I get a flareup, I steal a couple Loratadine (Claritin) from her, and they clear me up within an hour or so.


I'll go into sneezing fits in the evenings that last 15-20 minutes....drives me crazy. Jeff


Yeah, must be something in the VA air. When I lived there, I'd start sneezing on the first day of spring and continue until the first frost arrived in the fall. Down here, the only time it bothers me is when I cut the grass, so I don't cut it much anymore. :cheers: Benadryl works best for me........

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Down here, the only time it bothers me is when I cut the grass, so I don't cut it much anymore. :cheers: Benadryl works best for me........


Try wearing a respirator when you do the yard work. People look at me like :nuts: when they pass by but I don't suffer later so :banana:

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Down here, the only time it bothers me is when I cut the grass, so I don't cut it much anymore. :cheers: Benadryl works best for me........


Try wearing a respirator when you do the yard work. People look at me like :nuts: when they pass by but I don't suffer later so :banana:


I do wear a paper mask, but it doesn't do much. I'll try that. Thanks!

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I'm going to have to pick up all the products mentioned in this thread...


Didn't you recently relocate? Your body slowly builds immunity to certain things and allergens are something your body grows accustomed to in the area you live. that's why an excessively dry or wet spring will reek havoc on people. Because it allows different things to happen your body isn't accustomed to.


I moved about 9 months ago. Stayed in one place (what is truely northern BC) for 4 months, and it was totally different than where I used to live. Then moved a bit south of there, where is technically my home address but I travel constantly for work. My tours are 2-4 weeks long, and always in random places. Last time was at the coast. And I generally get a week or more off after a tour and go 'home' to where I used to live. So yeah, I think I'm probably leaving my body guessing at every corner...

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If you get Claritin get the one that says Claritin-D. Works better.

P.S. Don't mix it with Rum.


Just rum? I'm not much of a rum drinker after the last time I had it. We were wheeling in the coast mountains, camping in some hell hole of a campsite nicknamed 'little iraq' for all the empty munitions on the ground, it rained every day, and I drank 26oz of cpt morgans and wound up having a LONG next day since 9 or so of the 12 rigs carnaged major parts.


So, not big on rum anymore.

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If you get Claritin get the one that says Claritin-D. Works better.

P.S. Don't mix it with Rum.


Just rum? I'm not much of a rum drinker after the last time I had it. We were wheeling in the coast mountains, camping in some hell hole of a campsite nicknamed 'little iraq' for all the empty munitions on the ground, it rained every day, and I drank 26oz of cpt morgans and wound up having a LONG next day since 9 or so of the 12 rigs carnaged major parts.


So, not big on rum anymore.


I don't know :dunno: , but I'll try tekilla, vodka, and wisskey over the weekend and let you know how it works out :rotfl2:

And don't tell CW but if you add plenty of lime to the rum it cuts out the hangover.

That and extremely spicy shrimp.

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