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Comanche Aficionado

Comanche Aficionado (4/11)

  1. Fixed it! Turns out, it was a wiring issue which was somewhat my fault. The old starter had a post terminal and one spade connector. The new starter has 1 post terminal and 2 spade connectors, a small one and a large one. I wired the exciter wire to the same size (large) spade connector as the previous starter. Apparently this was just an auxiliary ground connection. I had to connect the exciter wire to the smaller spade connector. So I crimped on a new connector and she fired right up. I figured this out by connecting the exciter wire ( the small gauge wire leading to the starter) with a jumper to the + battery post. Nothing happened, so that meant the starter was dead or I wired it wrong. KISS right?
  2. From the battery to the relay? I'll clean everything up and post back tomorrow. Thanks for thinking with me.
  3. I think I'm going to try scrubbing/cleaning all connections and test the relay tomorrow. Visually everything looked good, but you never know right?
  4. Hey all, It's been a while since I've posted anything here. Mostly because my Jeep has been (mostly) problem free for years now. Been daily driving it for a long time now, so haven't done much in the sense of upgrades. Anyway, that's not why I'm posting. For the past year or so, it's been cranking slowly. Slower and slower, until it stopped entirely last Saturday. It simply did not crank at all, it just clicked and nothing more. I knew that the starter was going out, (there was a hole in it, it was super cruddy and old) so I replaced it. However, that did not resolve my issue. I've been doing some research but I can't seem to nail down what may be causing this. When cranking, this happens: - Fuel pump comes on - Starter relay clicks ( verified by noise and touch) - Starter solenoid clicks, though not every single time I turn the key. - My dashboard clock turns off, but none of the lights dim when attempting to start. Not the interior lights, nor the headlights. My current suspects are the starter relay and the ignition switch. However, for everything else the ignition switch seems to be working just fine. The fuel pump comes on, I can operate all electronics in its secondary position and so on. So it doesn't seem likely that it's the ignition switch. It also seems like a PITA to replace, so I'm hoping it's something else. The starter relay seems to click, but I don't know if it's actually carrying current to the starter solenoid. Other things I've tested: - Battery has good voltage. Haven't load tested it, but I did try jumping it with another battery, made no difference. - Battery terminals aren't pristine, but they're not dirty either. I can't imagine them being solely responsible. There's a large red wire running to the starter and a smaller green wire. Could it be possible to hook up the green wire to a wrong terminal? My new starter came with 2 tab connectors, but they were different sizes so I don't think it's that. Any tips on what to test next for the obvious fault?
  5. That enormous wheelbase and departure angle make me not want it. I hope they offer a single/super cab with a good size bed. If not, I'll be sorely disappointed.
  6. Was watching an old episode of Today's Homeowners. Don't know if anyone else had spotted it yet. http://imgur.com/a/yCRq1 Appears right at 11:05 : https://www.todayshomeowner.com/video/backyard-enhancement-makeover-part-1/
  7. I really, really love that front bumper man. it's so clean, but functional with a winch! How's it holding up? Any chance I could take a look at those DXF files as well?
  8. Howdy, got a question for you. You have the newer style header panel, which usually requires you to swap fenders as well. But it looks like you still have the stock Comanche fenders on there. How does it line up? Was any trimming necessary? Do you think you could post a few close ups of the fitment? Much appreciated!
  9. Oh excellent, I'll be looking out for updates on Betty. I'm still keeping an eye out for a 5.2 ZJ donor, hoping to do the same as you did.
  10. I still love seeing this Comanche. Especially the tire/lift combination is just perfect. How's Betty doing?
  11. Are you referring to the B pillar lights? The light fixtures are known for corroding and crumbling (old plastic). Euramtec sells a quality replacement, certain Porsche 911 interior lights will fit as well. As for me, I didn't have interior lighting for 14 months. That was, until I found out I had the dimmer switched turned off. You may want to check your dimmer switch as an easy fix.
  12. Hey I'm sure the a wrangler pick up would be amazing off and on road. But at € 101.204,00 for a 3.6 four door JK, of which € 60.000,00 are taxes, I just have to pass :yes: A Renegade with the 1.4 starts at just € 22.000,00. I may as well buy an SRT viper for the Wrangler money, haha.
  13. I really don't think you're in the minority. I'd say the majority of Jeep lovers want a full frame, solid axle pick up from Jeep. But underpowered small trucks? Relative to their weight, I'd say they're fine power wise. (Euro) Ford Ranger: 2.2 Duratorq or 3.2 Duratorq. 160 and 200 horses respectively. Can tow up to 7700 lbs. (Jap/euro) Toyota Hilux: 2.5 D or 3.0 D. 144 and 171 horses respectively. Can tow up to 6600 lbs. (Euro)Volkswagen Amarok: 2.0 D with 180 horses. Can tow up to 7000 lbs. The V6 diesel is up to 240 horses and over 400NM in torque. Does 0-62 in 7.4 seconds(!). Now these are all diesels, because diesels are regrettably all we get. But I don't see how they're underpowered :hmm: They're all around 3500-4500 lbs, depending on cab size and options. I'd say it's enough power, especially when you look at the torque figures and weight. Or are you referring to a 0-60 speed? I can understand how you want Jeep to retain their identity, but the reality is that Chrysler is fiat now. The wrangler may be the last hurrah for a lot of Jeep lovers, but that doesn't make it any less fiat. The WK2 is built all over the world and is still considered a Jeep. What is the difference with it being built in Italy? A lot of chrysler's stuff was produced in Mexico. Does that make it less Chrysler, or less American? The KL is being built in Ohio and that thing screams Fiat. Now don't get me wrong, I like that there are lovers and haters of the Renegade/KL. Who wants everyone to drive the same Jeep? But I just don't understand the reasons you are hating it. I personally couldn't care less if someone thought my Jeep was a Fiat. It's my Jeep, I drive it , I love it. What more do you need?
  14. The strada is more of a ute than a pick up. But I didn't know about the fullback. I kinda like it, aside from hating Fiat. I also don't see the point in such a short bed. Besides, I'd still like a Jeep. Even if it is backed by Fiat.
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