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Engine Bay Reference Pics: Through the Years

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This is my attempt at documenting the different year engine bays for the Jeep Comanche along with references to the Cherokee XJ. There is one eagle-eye-view image per year with descriptions of what changed year to year. I am most familiar with the 4.0L so bear with me. These images were sourced from online car auctions such as Bring A Trailer, Cars & Bids, Hemmings etc...

Each year photo was taken from a jeep of that specific model year.


1986 MJ Engine Options:

2.1 L Renault J8S turbo diesel inline-four

2.5L AMC 150 inline-four

2.8L GM LR2 V6


1987 MJ Engine Options:

2.1 L Renault J8S turbo diesel inline-four

2.5L AMC 150 inline-four

4.0L AMC Straight-6


1988-1992 MJ Engine Options:

2.5L AMC 150 inline-four

4.0L AMC Straight-6



Engine Bay Reference Pics: Documenting the 2.1L Turbo Diesel Engine Bay


The 2.1-liter Renault J8S turbo diesel inline-four engine was available on the Cherokee XJ from 1985 - 1987 in the USA. Some sources say in foreign markets the engine lived on in the XJ until 1994. It was available on the Comanche from 1986-1987. If you have a 2.1L in your Comanche, it might be the most rare unicorn car in existence next to a complete Hispano-Suiza!

The engine specifications for the two model years were as follows:

85 hp @ 3,750 rpm, 132 ft-lbs @ 2,750 rpm

Apparently, a variant was pushed out later on that achieved 92hp and 140 ft-lbs.

This engine was only available with the Manual 5-speed Aisin-Warner AX-5 transmission.



-expansion tank looks identical to 4.0L renix tank

-windshield washer looks identical to 4.0L renix tank




-no noticeable changes from 85-86

-photo shows vacuum canister in engine bay, but I don't think that's stock.




-dual hood latches introduced, no more center spring latch.

-interchange year, sometimes front hoot prop with new side latches

-hood prop arm position moved from engine bay front to the US passenger side of the engine bay.

-power steering reservoir beside the battery changed from a pancake shape to a tall vertical angular tank.




-relay block near windshield washer tank looks after market.



1989: missing photo



-After market power distribution shown in photo



1991: missing photo

1992: missing photo

1993: missing photo

1994: missing photo



Engine Bay Reference Pics: Documenting the 2.5L Turbo Diesel Engine Bay

The 2.5L VM Motori turbo diesel was available on the Cherokee XJ from 1994 -2001. This engine was never available in the US for the XJ or MJ. It was mainly a euro market diesel engine. However, with the 25 year mark reached, it's not impossible to import one to the states.

The engine specifications for the two model years were as follows:

118 hp @ 4,000 rpm, 221 lb⋅ft @ 2,000 rpm


1994: missing photo

1995: missing photo

1996 (LHD):

-the fuel filter is not stock, but most of what you see is original. 

-Image courtesy of @GonzoTheGreat




1997: missing photo


1998 (RHD):

-expansion tank designed to fit above dual diaphragm booster



1998 (LHD):

-expansion tank fits above AC compressor



1999: missing photo

2000: missing photo

2001: missing photo

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Engine Bay Reference Pics: Documenting the 2.5L Engine Bay

The 2.5 L AMC 150 I4 Engine was available on the Cherokee XJ from 1984-2000.

The 2.5 L AMC 150 I4 Engine was available on the Comanche from 1986-1992.

The engine specifications ranged from:

117hp @ 5,000 rpm - 130hp @ 5,250 rpm

132 lb-ft @ 2,800 rpm - 149 lb-ft @ 3,250 rpm

This engine was available with these transmissions:

  1. Automatic 3-speed TorqueFlite A904
  2. Automatic 4-speed Aisin-Warner AW-4
  3. Manual 5-speed Aisin-Warner AX-5
  4. Manual 4-speed Aisin-Warner AX-4



-missing photo

-carbureted with AMC CEC(Computerized Engine Control)

-V-belt driven(common)

-Serpentine driven(rare)



-V-belt driven(common)

-Serpentine drive(uncommon)

-Fuel Injection introduced

-Diagnostic ports mounted to firewall besides MAP sensor bracket

-Ignition Starter Relay bolted to passenger side engine bay wall

-Windshield washer looks identical to 4.0L renix tank



-Serpentine belt introduced

-Power steering bracket changed


-air box and intake hose changed

-vacuum line routing changed

-power steering pump, bracket and pulley changed. Remote reservoir added

-Diagnostic ports, and Ignition Starter Relay consolidated into relay cluster on US passenger side of engine bay

-Relay cluster cover introduced.

-Windshield washer looks identical to 4.0L renix tank

-C101 connector introduced to firewall

-dual hood latches introduced, no more center spring latch.

-hood prop arm position moved from engine bay front to the US passenger side of the engine bay.

-crank case ventilation changed

-Radiator mounting changed


1988 (archer bros):



1989: missing photo

1990: missing photo



-missing photo

-power steering pump design changed

-HO MPFI introduced


1992: missing photo

1993: missing photo

1994: missing photo

1995: missing photo



-windshield washer tank moved to US passenger side

-dual diaphragm booster + plastic tank master cylinder

-power distribution cluster and Chrysler electronics introduced

-MAP sensor built into throttle body

-overflow tank moved to US passenger side rear, same tank as used on renix 4.0L.

-Hard plastic injection wiring loom introduced

-coolant routing completely changed

-dual coolant lines routed directly to heater core

-front crank case vent changed

-valve cover changed

-throttle cable mounted across valve cover




-power steering canister became taller and more oval shaped

-windshield washer tank moved to fender well, just like on the 4.0L engine bay

-plastic oil fill cap introduced

-radiator changed to the same style as the 4.0L radiator.

-radiator hoses changed to be longer




-multi-port fuel injection introduced

-fan shroud changed

-radiator design changed

-radiator hoses changed




1998 (china):








2000: missing photo


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Engine Bay Reference Pics: Documenting the 2.8L Engine Bay


The 2.8 L GM LR2 V6 Engine was available on the Cherokee XJ from 1984-1986.

The 2.8 L GM LR2 V6 Engine was available on the Comanche in just 1986.

The engine specifications for the two model years were as follows:

115hp @ 4,800 rpm, 150 lb-ft @ 2,100 rpm

This engine was available with these transmissions:

  1. Automatic 3-speed TorqueFlite A904
  2. Manual 5-speed Aisin-Warner AX-5



-V-belt driven


-Ignition Starter Relay bolted to passenger side engine bay wall

-Image borrowed from GarageKeptMotors




-optional master cylinder fluid level sensor





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Engine Bay Reference Pics: Documenting the 4.0L Engine Bay


The 4.0L AMC Inline-6 Engine was available on the Cherokee XJ from 1987-2001.

The 4.0L AMC Inline-6 Engine was available on the Comanche from 1987-1992.

The engine specifications ranged from:

173hp @ 4,500 rpm, 220 lb-ft @ 2,500 rpm

193 hp @ 4,600rpm, 231 lb-ft @3,000 rpm

This engine was available with these transmissions:

  1. Automatic 4-speed Aisin-Warner AW-4
  2. Manual 5-speed Aisin-Warner AX-15
  3. Manual 5-speed Peugeot BA10/5


1987-1990: The Renix Years


-Hood prop arm position moved from engine bay front to the US passenger side of the engine bay.

-Dual hood latches introduced, no more center spring latch.

-Early '87 engine bays had a front hood prop rod. Holes were present for the passenger side hood prop arm but with no threads in the holes.



-side hood bumpers moved ~4in towards the front clip




-C101 engine bay harness removed






1991-1992: The HO Years



-Ballast resistor moved to drivers side rear of engine bay

-Fuel rail changed to input and return line up front. Fittings changed.

-Air filter box changed. Plastic clips on air box. No stainless pipe clamp on hose. Angle of air flow changed.

-Hot air intake tube option removed from air box. This tube mounted to the exhaust manifold and provided with instant heat.

-Throttle body size changed

-Chrysler computer controls added to right side of engine bay

-Open loop cooling replaces closed loop bottle

-Vacuum line cluster removed, vent line routing changed

-Engine PDC (power distribution center) added in place of relay block. Houses relays and fuses.

-Overflow bottle moved to renix distributor coil location

-EGR loop removed

-Power steering assembly changed. Easier to adjust

-Cruise control body sandwiched between PDC and battery

-Block temperature moved to front water pump bracket

-Injector wiring loom consolidated into rigid plastic carrier next to engine

-Retractable engine bay light shrunk into a small fixed light.




-Windshield wiper bottle moved to renix overflow bottle location

-This one came with some primitive ABS system?



1993-2001: The XJ Is Forever


-Right angle oil filler neck. oil filter now parallel to engine, not pointing up.




-Primitive ABS system besides booster

-no more ballast resistor




-Improved braking. Dual diaphragm booster with single plastic container master cylinder




-Single fuel line, new fitting

-Transition year, some come with driver side punch-outs for 1997+ under driver fender windshield washer tanks

-Stamped sheet metal valve cover with o-rings on bolts instead of cast aluminum

-ECU changed to thinner design, OBDII added




-New AC compressor tank in spot of previous windshield washer tank

-Driver side under-fender windshield washer tank added

-Revised Chrysler engine management.

-Direct heater core line routing, no more failing heater core valve

-10 / 11 blade curved electric fan replaces old flat blade style fan




-Primitive ABS module beside booster

-Engine bay light morphed into a fixed rectangular diffused light box.




-Curved style intake runner




-Y2K bug fixed :D

-Distributor replaced with coil packs on the passenger side of engine block






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  • Salvagedcircuit changed the title to Engine Bay Reference Pics: Through the Years

Updated with more photos and information. I pulled as much as I could find from cars & bids and bring a trailer.

If anyone has some photos of engine bays, that's very welcome too :beerchug:

Please feel free to chime in! Correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to make this a more useful reference. :L:


Happy Holidays!


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  On 12/24/2023 at 7:21 AM, Salvagedcircuit said:

Please feel free to chime in! Correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to make this a more useful reference


I edited your 2.5L for 84-86. Serpentine belt was around but it was incredibly rare for 84-85 and uncommon for 86. I speculate it was an optional set up and with what parts were available from AMC. But I have seen 84-86’s with serpentine belts. 

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  On 12/24/2023 at 7:43 AM, eaglescout526 said:

I edited your 2.5L for 84-86. Serpentine belt was around but it was incredibly rare for 84-85 and uncommon for 86. I speculate it was an optional set up and with what parts were available from AMC. But I have seen 84-86’s with serpentine belts. 


I was wondering why I was finding 1985 / 86 photos with V-belts. Thanks!


  On 12/24/2023 at 7:55 AM, eaglescout526 said:

Ok maybe a touched up a few more things haha. 


No problem :L:


  On 12/24/2023 at 2:09 PM, cruiser54 said:

The 2.1. Sure it was available in 1987 through 1994 in the US? It never lasted more than 2 years IIRC. 

I have seen automatics behind the 2.1. I'll never forget that customer. Complained of low power. No $#!&!! It was a dog. 


Thanks, I just corrected this. It seems the 2.1L was available from 85-87 in the USA and it continued on for a few more years in other markets.

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  On 12/24/2023 at 9:35 PM, Eagle_SX4 said:

One thing to add early '87 4.0 liters had a front hood prop rod. not sure when they switched to the side mount one. However they had the holes for the side mount one but no threads in the holes.



Updated. Keep em coming :L:


Didn't the 2.5L have both a plastic and metal valve cover? Does anyone know when the switchover was?

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Added some more photos and info. I have higher resolution photos of each image. I can continue to host them here and add a link to the original sizes via imgur or something so the post history is preserved, but you can still zoom in as well. let me know what you think.


Also, still looking for some more 2.5L engine bay images. If anyone has one for a missing year, come on down


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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just found something else that changed between 87 and 88. The hoods are different. What changed was the side hood bumpers. They moved forward about 4 inches. I found this out by puting 97+ fenders on my 87 and the side bumps don't line up with the chamfer on the hood. Looking through the photos that are posted it looks like before 87 they were back about center of the hood and 88 and forward they are at about the front third of the hood.


Here I have circled the difference.





Also the picture labeled 1990 is actually an late 87 based on those hood bumpers and side mount prop rod

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  On 7/13/2024 at 1:55 AM, Eagle_SX4 said:

Just found something else that changed between 87 and 88. The hoods are different. What changed was the side hood bumpers. They moved forward about 4 inches. I found this out by puting 97+ fenders on my 87 and the side bumps don't line up with the chamfer on the hood. Looking through the photos that are posted it looks like before 87 they were back about center of the hood and 88 and forward they are at about the front third of the hood.


Here I have circled the difference.





Also the picture labeled 1990 is actually an late 87 based on those hood bumpers and side mount prop rod


Woah, what a find. I had no idea. I gotta hunt down a new 1990 photo. Thanks for such a keen eye!


  On 7/13/2024 at 6:05 AM, Torq_Shep said:

Note in 1996 4.0 the ECU also changes. 


Added! Thanks.

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