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losing a pet


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Mac (my avatar photo) dropped into our lives 5 yrs ago after our neighbors mailbox was overflowing, so I did a welfare check and found him deceased. His 2 dogs were severely overweight and needed a home.

We took ownership of Mac, at the time a 140+ lb golden retriever mix (DNA test later ID'd him as a "Goldador - ~75% lab and ~25% golden retriever.) Never being an indoor dog his entire life, I built a large, fully insulated doghouse (build documented here https://macsdoghouse.blogspot.com/ with a heater for the winter and he enjoyed the A/C in my shop during the summer. Proper diet and exercise and we got him to a stable 90 lbs. 

Funny, some of the characteristics of a Goldador are "mouthy, sassy, and energetic" which was perfect. I couldn't talk on the phone out here in the shop unless first giving him a chew bone, otherwise he'd get mad and bark the whole time. He also hated power tools or when I'd weld, and if I crawled under the car, he'd take a toy and wiggle under there with me and stick it in my face and slobber all over me. His last act a few weeks ago was running out the garage door, into our neighbors back yard, and cannonballing into his koi pond while barreling over all the yard decorations. I still haven't told my neighbor that Mac did that :laugh: 

His health dropped dramatically in the last couple weeks. Appetite was the 1st red flag, then he just looked like he felt like crap and no energy. Vet visits confirmed his blood levels were a mess and suspected a rapidly evolving cancer; platelet count was rock bottom, had blood in his stool, and overnight he could no longer get up without me helping pick him up. 1 night later he couldn't stand on his own and his breathing was rapid, so we made the tough decision to send him to pup heaven. 

Hard losing a dog like that. We guess he was maybe 14 yrs old and we did what we could to give him the best 5 years of his life


Pictures below: can't resist jumping in the river on our weekly hikes, riding in the car, and taking a nap in the snow :laugh: 




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Really sorry to hear it.  I'm admittedly not a dog guy, but the lab/retriever crosses I've run into have always been super friendly, energetic and very personable dogs.  Definitely easy to get attached to.  You gave him a good loving home, and some great years, cherish that and remember him for being a great companion.

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very sorry for your loss, pets are truly family. i lost my wife in 2014, in 2019 at the start of covid i got a new puppy, her name is Tara shes the white pit on the right, shes a 75lb big ball of love. i swear my wife sent me this dog, shes my best freind. the staffy on the left is Jack he is my 9yr old sons best buddy. life just isnt right without a dog in your life, i hope you find another soon๐Ÿ‘image_1.jpg.ca649735c0e03c64e6d9aef6d8053cc7.jpg

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Mac had a sweet face, and lived the good life till the end.  :)  I lost one fur baby 12/29/19, and my other on 10/18/20.  Both should have had 2-3 more years with me.  It was a sudden cancer diagnosis and 4 days of doggie ER for my girl where she never came home.  Then my boy dropped over with a heart attack after beating Lymphoma twice.  Likely a weakened heart due to the chemo.  I am not in a place where I will get another any time soon.  They were the center of my world, and I think of them all the time.  My neighborhood is now crawling with German Shepherds.  I see 5-6 regularly.  One moved in next door, and another moved in across the street.  I darn near get "emo" every time I see them.   :(  

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