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Brake bleeding issue

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I finished up the WJ booster/MC upgrade and the lines to the prop valve. I also deleted the load sensing valve and line from the prop valve. Now bleeding the rear brakes is not a problem but the right front is not bleeding much fluid or air like the rear does. Am I missing something or do I need to start over with an XJ prop valve? If I need a new valve which year's do I need to use? Thank you.

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You should not be having any problems. The front brakes on the MJ are fed the same as on the XJ. The big difference is the second line to the rear. Did you replace the front flex hoses? If they're old, the inside may have deteriorated to the point that a flap of material is blocking the flow.

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I did not replace the front soft lines. When I first got the MJ the MC was leaking and I replaced it. I bled the brakes then and fluid came out just fine from that caliper. After further searching I did see that I bled the brakes wrong with the load sensing valve still hooked up. Braking did not improve due to a leaking booster (could hear a vacuum leak when braking). Went the WJ booster route and this is where I am at now.

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Good time to replace the soft lines anyway.


Have you removed that bleeder completely and checked for blockage?


For those of you needing help bleeding brakes, check this out.



I'm going to get me one of those since it's a pain waiting for my brothers to help me bleed brakes. They also don't pay attention when pressing the pedal so it's inconsistent...
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Good time to replace the soft lines anyway.


Have you removed that bleeder completely and checked for blockage?


For those of you needing help bleeding brakes, check this out.



I'm going to get me one of those since it's a pain waiting for my brothers to help me bleed brakes. They also don't pay attention when pressing the pedal so it's inconsistent...


I got a Mityvac kit at HF for about $35 dollars with a 20% off coupon. Works great when your doing brakes by yourself.

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Installed the new hoses and had to re-flare the rear line again on Tuesday. I got the brakes working much better after doing the hose into a bottle of brake fluid bleed. I will be revisiting the vacuum bleed to see if I have anymore air in the system. Thank you for the help everyone.

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Speed bleeders. 10 bucks a set, easy one man job. Just crack open and pump brakes until your good to go


I have a set of these and have never installed them. From those of you that have used and/or are currently using them to bleed your brakes, what's your real world opinion on how efficiently they work? The old helper/pump/stop/hold/pump/etc. system is getting, well, old. I've searched and haven't found anything worthwhile here regarding using speed bleeders.

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Speed bleeders. 10 bucks a set, easy one man job. Just crack open and pump brakes until your good to go


I have a set of these and have never installed them. From those of you that have used and/or are currently using them to bleed your brakes, what's your real world opinion on how efficiently they work? The old helper/pump/stop/hold/pump/etc. system is getting, well, old. I've searched and haven't found anything worthwhile here regarding using speed bleeders.


I have not used the bleeders. 


However, since going to the mightyvac..............there is no other way. 


I clear my lines now when I bleed. You can pull an entire line through in 3-4 minutes by yourself.......only way.

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Thanks, but I'd like to hear about the speed bleeders.

How many bleeders have you rounded off or broke in the last 30 years you've been wrenching?



I have, plenty, in my more than 30 years of bleeding brakes, did so just 2 months ago. 



And you expect a check valve inside a bleeder to work 4 years from now?


Gimmick. That's why I have no experience with them. 


I'm trying real hard to be positive. :)

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I have only broken bleeders that have been installed for 15 years. I have never had a problem with speed bleeders and I have them for a long time. I also go thru and crack them open yearly so they don't freeze later. I don't find them to be a gimmick. They are cheap and just as good as normal bleeder screws in my opinion. But to each their own.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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HornbroD, like you, I have some speed bleeds in my box of "things to do."  When I bought them, I was told the front and rear bleeders are different sizes.  The guy at the counter (PepBoys) told me that there are none made for the rear brakes (D44 drums).  I did not follow up with his comment.


Are there speed bleeds available for a D44?  or was the guy incoorrect?

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I have a rear D44 but with Ford Explorer disks. The Ford caliper uses the same bleeder screw size as the front stock Jeep caliper.


Also, according to the 87-90 parts manual, the front MJ/XJ bleeder screws are the same p/n as both the rear D35 and D44 rear wheel cylinder bleeder screws. So either the parts manual is incorrect, or your guy is incorrect Tim. My money's on the part manual being correct.  :yes:


I'm going to install my speed bleeders and see how they work. 

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