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Where Do I Find A The Door Window Rubber And Trim

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Only issue I have had with team Cherokee is if the parts you need are not in stock (ie they order from someone else once they get your $$). Then they are a ROYAL pain...no info no call backs broken commitments, etc. etc. That was 2 years back... I would recommend that you confirm (repeatedly if necessary) that the item you need is available to ship immediately BEFORE you give them a card number. and only order using a credit card so you have the bank to back you if there is an issue. The last order I gave them was for new door latches. I received the (in boxes OEM$$) latches 48 hours later. that was three weeks ago.....


Oh and yes all the seals and weatherstripping parts I got from them.

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I recently pulled every single piece of weather stripping of a 99' XJ at the JY.  They tried to charge me 1.99 per foot...I had at least 50 feet of it.  I haggled with the guy and he charged me for 10', so $20.00 bucks and its all still perfect.


The wing window seals are pretty good, but everything else was cracked and junky.  I may grab the 97+ full windows and put them in the 89' doors.


The other JY I frequent doesn't even charge for rubber, hoses, belts etc.


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Stay away from Team Cherokee. I posted a very long and detailed "buyer beware" thread in the pub section of the forum. They do not use OEM Chrysler parts like they say in some ads. They are Crown Automotive or Omix-Ada parts that can be had at any online vendor (Quadratec, Morris 4x4, 4-Wheel Drive Hardware, etc.) for usually cheaper. Even if its more expensive, I will never deal with them again and I have purchased thousands of dollars worth of product from them in the past. 



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  • 4 months later...

Team cherokee was a joke. I struggled with them for three months and never did get all the parts I ordered. Most parts were wrong at least once and there must have been 25-30 calls to get what I got from them.

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