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Removing Door Panels

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The interior door panels? There's a bit of a track they clip into at the top. Window winders just pull straight off. You can kinda twist the door handle assembly a bit to get it through the hole in the panel, but I'm pretty sure you need to unscrew it first. Can't remember, but you may need to remove the armrests before you can get the panels off as well... they might screw into the door, not the panel, but that should be obvious.


It's a pretty quick and easy job. If you're going to have the doors standing open for an extended period of time, you may want to jam something in the switch to shut off the interior lights, pull the dome light fuse, or disconnect the battery so you don't drain it.

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The video is good - - oughta be pinned - - I've removed the panels/cards from my MJs & IIRC the AR type shown has to rotated about 90* for the upper end to release - - - The clips securing the lock & door handle rods can be a bit of a pain - - - I installed PL & PW in mine & found it easier to free everything on the panel 1st & after removing the 5 DH/DL bezel screws - The panel can now be moved a little back n forward to free the bezel & then by rotating the door panel upwards a little the bezel can be coaxed to slide through the opening - This worked best for me-not an original idea-saw it somewhere else 4-5 yr ago - - - - - - - - The plastic fasteners/xmas trees & the panel holes they're mounted in are fragile - - I quit using my fingers long ago & use a tool similar to what PeteM & WVZJ pictured - - - 

Rare Earth Magnets are good substitutes - A little epoxy/glue & the panel's secure - - Another non original idea - kits are made for this, but I found it way less expensive to buy the REMs online - - http://www.ebay.com/itm/50pcs-D6-1-5mm-Neodymium-Magnets-1-4-1-16-Disk-Rare-Earth-N35-/151235621371?pt=Kitchen_Tools_Gadgets&hash=item23365871fb




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Tool? remove panel? hell, I have two ... they are my hands ... start at the inner top and work your way around ... they pop out readily and pop back in the same way with a fist over the retainer. I just finished adding a set of XJ full armrests using nothing more than a screwdriver for the screws in the armrest.


Removing the two actuator rods from the door lock mechanism was the hardest part of the event. But still easily accomplish with my fingers.


go go, gadget hands! I suppose.

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this tool helps out with the christmas trees:



x2 that little tool will save you some time and aggravation 


If you don't have one handly a cheap snow scraper with a "V" cut in it works very well....


what can i say...truck came with an ice scraper in so cal, never thought id use it

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Rare Earth Magnets are good substitutes - A little epoxy/glue & the panel's secure - - Another non original idea - kits are made for this, but I found it way less expensive to buy the REMs online - - http://www.ebay.com/itm/50pcs-D6-1-5mm-Neodymium-Magnets-1-4-1-16-Disk-Rare-Earth-N35-/151235621371?pt=Kitchen_Tools_Gadgets&hash=item23365871fb




This sounds like a good idea, got any pics?


On another serious note concerning the magnets, do not let little kids play with these ever. If the magnets get ingested they can attach across the walls of the stomach or intestines, how do I know? When my daughter was about 8yrs old she thought they would make cute nose jewelry, she had them across her septum, took 2 doctors and 2 nurses to hold her down to get them out.

I know off topic, but when it comes to these magnets, please don't let your little kids play with them...

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