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Interests On Group By For Smsheadliners Custom Made Headliners For The Comanche


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Out of 20 orders from the group buy, I have completed and shipped 13 headliners with 5 still to make and 2 pending payment.


For the 5 headliners I still have to make, I got somewhat back logged an may not have gotten them out in the time specified in our communication.


I have to go out of town this coming weekend, 2/16 & 2/17 and will not be shipping any out on 2/18. My tentative goal is to have all 5 shipped out by 2/25 but no later than 3/4.


I want to thank everyone who participated in the group buy and I appreciate your business!


Just another reminder for those who have not ordered a headliner that the group buy price of $100 will end on 2/28.


Thanks again! It has been a pleasure doing business with you all!



SMS Headliners,llc

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I updated this offer to also include recovering sun visors. If you wish to have your sun visors recovered along with purchasing a headliner panel, I do charge $40 for the pair. All you will have to do is ship me your sun visors and I will send them back with your headliner panel already covered and ready to install with your new headliner panel.




PM'd you, visors on the way.

Installed the headl;iner yesterday ... by myself ...you have my respect if you do these regularly without losing your sanity!

I was missing one J hook and had no velcro except in the back, that didn't help!

Everything looks good now, tho, just a little off at the LR corner.

At least two worlds better than before, thank you for making this headliner replacement, I have 3 stockers and none of them would been a good base for new cloth!

It gave me the incentive to do some other work on it too!




Would post pics (took a few) if I was smart enough to do it ...

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Hey, I'm still interested in a headliner and visor recovering but won't be able to afford it this month. If you will honor the deal for the waiting list through March, count me in for a medium gray headliner and visors. I'll give you more info when I can. Thanks! :thumbsup:

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Hey, I'm still interested in a headliner and visor recovering but won't be able to afford it this month. If you will honor the deal for the waiting list through March, count me in for a medium gray headliner and visors. I'll give you more info when I can. Thanks! :thumbsup:


I will place you on the waiting list. Let me know when your ready to purchase and I will send you a paypal invoice. I will need your email address.


More questions on this email me at SMSheadliners@windstream.net



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After a great response from the group buy, I have taken a lot of orders and have seven Comanche headliners to make with 4 members on a waiting list.


I had to create a waiting list because my orders are backing up on me. Unfortunately there is a 3 week window now on shipping headliner panels. I am working them in the order of them being paid.


I still have to fulfill my ebay orders but in a stricter timeline. But still try to place importance on your orders as well.


I just shipped 4 headliners out today and should be able to ship 3-4 out on Monday 3/4. The remaining 3-4 headliners will ship out on Monday 3/11. At that time I will start filling the orders on the waiting list.


I am still going to honor the group buy price of $100 which includes shipping through Mar 31, 2013 for those who I have placed on a waiting list.


If you want to be placed on my waiting list for a headliner panel, please contact me via Email with your Comanche club username, Actual Name, shipping address, Color needed, along with an email address I can send a paypal invoice to.


I will not send the invoice until I have made contact with you via email or through PM messaging on this venue. After I have firmed up the order at that time I will send the invoice.


My email address is SMSheadliners@windstream.net


Thanks again!



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hey steve, have you ever thought about going big time? there's a ton of older (classic ) car comunities that would pay for quality head liners. is it possible to get templates and lazer cut. i'm not sure of the process but just a thought.

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