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Mad Max 4 Fury Road with M715's!!!


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I have the first three on Bluray, and to attest to my agedness I remember Madmax was released twice not just once in 1979. The first time it came out they dubbed the voices so the English was American, later after Road Warrior they re-released with the original Madmax with the Australian vernacular and colloquialisms. "What the molly F", "windscreens", and "mongrels to work with", and such, it was a much better release. I like these previews, it looks like they are using the original "Melbourne Taxicab cop car concept" of the original, and the Ford F150 is being replaced with the M715 which I think was used in "beyond Thunderdome".


http://www.madmaxmovies.com/mad-max-bey ... index.html


Outside of Madonna I think this will be a good picture, as Madonna will never be a Tina Turner (Beyond Thunderdome).

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That video was uploaded to youtube back in 2011...

Its new to me. :yes:


I've been waiting 30 years for a real sequel to The Road Warrior, (sorry, but Thunderdome wasn't it)

don't ruin it for me. ;)

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I have the first three on Bluray, and to attest to my agedness I remember Madmax was released twice not just once in 1979. The first time it came out they dubbed the voices so the English was American, later after Road Warrior they re-released with the original Madmax with the Australian vernacular and colloquialisms. "What the molly F", "windscreens", and "mongrels to work with", and such, it was a much better release. I like these previews, it looks like they are using the original "Melbourne Taxicab cop car concept" of the original, and the Ford F150 is being replaced with the M715 which I think was used in "beyond Thunderdome".


http://www.madmaxmovies.com/mad-max-bey ... index.html


Outside of Madonna I think this will be a good picture, as Madonna will never be a Tina Turner (Beyond Thunderdome).



I don't remember anything about the original release beyond the movie posters, and seeing this TV commercial over and over and over again:



Part 2 still has one of the greatest opening scenes EVER! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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Here's an interesting tid-bit......


That rat rod truck that is getting alot of photo press for this movie......... was bought, not built for the movie.


Here's a video that the owner/builder did in '09:




The end is hilarious........ how the guy gets out of the truck.


Just found it interesting that the movie makers didn't contract to have cars built, it appears they're buying stuff already made. Certainly keeps costs down I suppose.

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I've been waiting 30 years for a real sequel to The Road Warrior, (sorry, but Thunderdome wasn't it)


This! Couldn't agree more! I wasn't even around when the first round came out, but that doesn't change the fact that this jewel of a franchise ended in an unfair and unfinished style. Max couldn't have said it better himself:


He was so full of living, you know? He ran a franchise on it. Now there's nothing. And here I am trying to put sense to it, when I know there isn't any.


Thunderdome was no way to finish. "Now there's nothing"? No, now there is hope of a new beginning to a a spoiled ending. Thank you, Max. Thank you!

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  • 2 years later...

Not at all. I'm not suggesting that the Mad Max franchise will continue on to more endeavors, but think about all of the movies featuring James Bond. Some would say that the character should've stopped after Sean Connery... others will say that Roger Moore was the best (not to skip over George Lazenby, but who even remembers that Bond anyhow). Then there was Timothy Dalton and the other two in the more current Bond roles. In my opinion, those two can remain unnamed as I consider the classy concept idea behind the James Bond character to have died after Dalton... who was a stretch but just barely made it.


You get my point. Just because a person isn't playing a recurring role, that doesn't mean that the character needs to stop. I think it's the perfect time to take a dip back into the Mad Max pool as there's been plenty of other successful restart or continuations from past concepts. Transformers... Star Trek... Planet of the Apes... countless comic book turned movie characters... don't forget to stay tuned for Star Wars to return... There really haven't been a whole lot of movies over the past number of years that I've been really interested in that wasn't a new, independent idea. That's the kind of movie I dig on... something that I already pretty much know the story line before it happens but still get super excited when I see that same something happen. Not to mention that I totally saw that something coming from a mile away. It's probably just the thought of familiar memories from way back when that was now interpreted in a new way.


I say bring it on. Just because Mel Gibson isn't playing Max by no means sets in stone that the storyline can't continue forward. If someone can tell the story just as well or better than an original character, I'm fine with that. Think of like as if you were reading it in a book that wasn't just a script.  At no point would you be reading along and then come across, "I think we've got some hoon trouble," said Mel Gibson as Mad Max... just doesn't roll off the page too well.

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I like the Cast but I too Feel it Just won't, no Just can't be a Mad Max Movie without Mel...

I am sure it will be a Great Movie but Unless it is a Remake of the original which I am not sure if it is or not just Yet as IMDB.com does not mention it as a Remake

and if not a Remake I don't feel it as part of the series ...


As for the James Bond Mention well remember the Bond Movies are Never intended to be a series that ties into each other film besides the character Names...

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... the Bond Movies are Never intended to be a series that ties into each other film besides the character Names...


That's true too as it just wouldn't work as a continuous storyline because the poor guy would be getting a little old and running out of steam by now. I meant it more as the continuing shenanigans that the character keeps running into.

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Well as I said, it can be pulled off if this one falls into an earlier timeline where he was younger, that's all. But then take movies like Red Dawn, yes it was a good movie but nowhere near as good as the original. Sometimes it works, sometimes not but I will go see MM4 anyways as I grew up with all of them.

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  • 10 months later...

Bringing back an old thread!... again!


So this finally happened, eh? Went and saw it at the drive-in this weekend. Mel or no Mel, I think this was right on par with classic Mad Max movies. Not much for a plot... action... cars... action.... people dying... action... more people dying... action... the end.  :D

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Bringing back an old thread!... again!


So this finally happened, eh? Went and saw it at the drive-in this weekend. Mel or no Mel, I think this was right on par with classic Mad Max movies. Not much for a plot... action... cars... action.... people dying... action... more people dying... action... the end. :D

So your honest opinion, was it a total remake of the original, a totally different storyline or was it somewhere between one of the first three timelines?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Went and saw it . Thankfully the theater had the sound cranked to 11.

It just plain assaulted you and it was great.

Totally different story than the others, but as was said Max falls into somebody's business.

It's worth it just to see the mechanical fabrications and what they do with them. Not a lot of CG. At least not with the machines and that's all I cared about.

Joe's Cadillac is awesome. Go watch it.

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As to timelines, definitly before Thunder Dome maybe before the Road Warrior. He had the Interceptor which was blown up in Road Warrior.

Can't remember if it was destroyed in this one.

It wasn't prominent in this story. Maybe a couple minutes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I have seen the movie and have it downloaded to my HTPC movie collection...


It was a Good Movie but by no means should it ever have been called Mad MAX more like just Fury Road and he should have been Frank or Bob as the movie really had nothing to do with him...


If they ever decide to do another I hope that they get a NEW Director because I expected soo much more from George Miller since He directed all the other Mad Max movies...

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