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round or rectangular?

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just thinking ahead of myself again. as far as aftermarket lights mounted on the bumper/grille area (stock bumper), i can't decide which i like better.....square/rectangular lights or round ones. if i can ever get my hands on a roll bar, i know exactly how i want my lights set up, but on the front end, its hard to visualize. i wanna see lots and lots of pics to help me make up my mind! i know about 85% of you guys out there have some lights mounted. let me know your opinions

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I have to agree. I've had rectangles on my XJ forever...it just figured. I bought round KC's for my MJ and took them straight back to the store after I held them up there. Just didn't look right....but everybodys got their own idea of what looks good.


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thats what i was thinking too....but ive seen some good round ones as well. i guess it depends on if theres a brush guard or grille guard or anything like that. if i had a roll bar, id go with two big round ones (one on either side - furthest out) and probably four rectangular evenly spaced between them. but then id want a grille guard with maybe two round ones. the really simple looking guards that i see on here alot....you know, just a rectangle that covers the grille and nothing more

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On an 87 I use to have I had the rollbar w/lights and on the front bumper I had the rectangular dark amber fog lights in front of the grill and under the bumper on the ends I mounted the low profile clear lights. they were something like 4" or so long by about 2" tall. With that setup the lighting was wonderful at night. Unfortunatly I do not have any pics, sorry.

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this is helping a lot with my decision :cheers: thanks for all the pics

I'm really liking the round lights anywhere above the headlights. and the grille guard on that red XJ is exactly what i was talking about

and dirteatr717 - i really like that rollbar....you should get the lights working :thumbsup:

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