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87 4x2 2.5 4speed. Engine has Delta Cam and flowmaster single in dual out. Used to have a clifford header. With that stuff if needed 80 with engine at 3000 rpm and sounding unstressed. Have been at 85 getting around a whole bunch of semi's traveling at 65 in order to not be behind them but ahead to get to and exit on I-70 in Missouri, but I don't like that speed in an MJ. If windy the buffeting is crazy because of the boxy body. (For those unfamiliar with I-70 in Missouri, it is almost always lines 10 to 20 cars/trucks long in both lanes going the same way no matter where you are.)

But I run on the interstate at 70 to 74. No faster. Don't like being over that cuz in 1966 I was with a friend in his 64 GTO and after slowing down to 50 to cross a bridge from about 130 sustained for about 10 miles, the right front tire (bias ply) blew. If that had happened at 130 .... :eek:

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My '92 XJ limits me to around 70. Part of that is from the no-longer-circular wheels that currently inhabit my rear axle as well as some shocks that are needing replacement. Barring those things, I could probably do 80, no problem-my transmission wouldn't like it, but I could do it-without being shaken like a rat in a dog's mouth.

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88 Jeep Comanche, 5 speed, 5.0L Jeep inline 6




that is not even twin turbo & supercharged let alone if they made this with a 24v :idea: . agreed :brows: with the with not going fast but some times there is a need for speed :brows: . my wife calls me at work while she is at home and said she needed to go to the doctors office :clapping: oh boy baby on the way :jump: i told her that i would be right there and hung up :hmm: and let me tell you what :fs2: my wife had just made it to the 2nd doctor's office she ask'd me how did i know she was here :headpop: i told her process of elimination :shake: and proceeded to explain to her that it was very dangerous for her in the state she was in to take any chances :doh: . i ask her to promise me :brows: that she calls the ambulance the next time. btw I had the needle peg on the way to each stop again i must have been very 8) on the outside but :fs1: on the inside. with this being said there is always place and a time :brows: just like the flats or track jamminz.gif

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a few years ago when she was stock i ran 110ish in mine and the fact that i did that just boggles my mind now. completely retarded. (not even a straight road).


i won't drive it over 85 anymore, probly cause the ex-DD volvo spoiled me. now THAT car would do 120 just cruising without being out-of-control at all.

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My stock Comanche (less the cat) will get up to 120 kph (75mph) with still more to go. Because the Comanche starts rattling at that speed I haven't pushed to the limit. With about 510,000 kms (316,000 miles) on the original engine, it's doing pretty good.

If I could peg the tach in 4th that be interesting to see the top speed.




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What kinds of junk are you guys driving that you won't take a MJ or XJ above 75?



someone has certainly been spoiled by living in a rust-free zone... :rotf:


We get some rust here, just look at how rusty the seams are on this VW after 24 years:

syncro8.JPG :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


I'm not looking forward to dealing with those rusty seams.


What kinds of junk are you guys driving that you won't take a MJ or XJ above 75?

Stock XJs and MJs.


The problem isn't the XJ or MJ, or me. I can drive just about anything at 150 MPH if the engine has the moxie to get it there. It's when some idiot cuts you off and you have to slam on the brakes while making a violent evasive maneuver that the high, narrow SUV chassis decides it wants to be upside down before you even have time to blink.


I have survived three serious accidents (none my fault, one as a passenger) and several near misses at legal speeds. I know how fast things can turn to zhit -- and if you're going 20 or 40 or 50 MPH over the speed limit, the zhit just happens even faster.


These are off-road vehicles, not sports cars.


I won't argue with you that a stock XJ isn't a sports car(although in 1991 a HO XJ would have given a 300zx non turbo a pretty good competition off the line).


And I won't argue with you that driving fast in heavy traffic is a good idea either.


But there are lots of places where its safe and legal to drive 75 or 80 mph, I drive on the interstate quite often at 80-85 mph in my XJ. I'm not talking about talking about doing 20+ mph over the speed limit on the interstate, just the legal 75 or 80 mph(I usually run about 5 mph over so 80-85mph when its clear).

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124MPH in 91' 4.0HO 5Speed, 2WD. New Motor 40 Over, No Muffler (with cat, however) exhaust dumped at bed, (New bushings, ball joints, and stabilizer, so no shaking)


However, it will be lifted and 4x4 in the next few months, so no more of this for me... besides I rolled my last XJ on the highway at 80mph.... so do NOT do as I do. soapbox.gif


The jeep tops out where my 67 Mustang does... the mustang just gets there a lot faster.

However the Jeep, as it sits, will run with a 2001 GT Mustang with a large driver, as long as it's not from a stop :banana:

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Did the mustang know he was racing?


Yes he was very aware... however, I doubt the motor was fresh. He got me by about half a car from 20 to 70.


But just a comparison Mustang weighs about 300lbs more than a non-4x4 comanche. And I would assume at 260hp, he probably had a good 55-60 hp on me (even with the new 40 over motor) But weight plays an important part here, especially since the driver had atleast 100 lbs on me.


But I never said I beat him :brows: just ran with him.

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