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The "Jeep Thing"


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I think i finally found the best explination to describe the "Jeep Thing" :typing:



This "Jeep thing" is like dating a really really hot chick, who is crazy! Its alot of fun, you spend too much money, your up all night ending up sweaty & greasy from it, your friends are jealous, you get admission into some sort of weird club... but it gets mad at your for no reason, throws fits seemingly randomly, has unexplained issues which it somehow solves on its own only after you try a bunch of different things (and spend a bunch of money) to solve it... and yet you can't resist getting in it every chance you can.

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That's a great story and way of looking at it. I am sure there are some people that will relate to it in that way, but the thing about the "Jeep Thing" is...it's not the same for most anyone which is why no one will understand it ;) :yes: ...that much we understand...get it... :dunno: :rotf:

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that is the story of my life lol i maried a red head that is bi-bolar and yes for the guys that know red heads she has the green eyes to :nuts:

she hates the mj i think its a compition thing lol

who can screw with me more :cheers:



Hey bigd - do you have cameras in my garage and house? You just described my current events to a freakin T!

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nope thay are all the same

red hair green eyes bad atitude

she don't hate all mj's just mine

she hates my semi to but loves everybody elses

good luck with yours i just quit asking mine i figure I'm getting yelled at if i ask so i might as well get yelled at for doing it or buying it lol :cheers: :chillin:

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that is the story of my life lol i maried a red head that is bi-bolar and yes for the guys that know red heads she has the green eyes to :nuts:

she hates the mj i think its a compition thing lol

who can screw with me more :cheers:


All women are Bi-polar.....

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i think it's insulting to say all women are bipolar. bipolar people are not that bad. :D


i have been saying for years that all women come with a twinstick transfer case. one happy, one sad. trouble is the transfer case keeps jumping out of gear. :brows:

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i think it's insulting to say all women are bipolar. bipolar people are not that bad. :D


i have been saying for years that all women come with a twinstick transfer case. one happy, one sad. trouble is the transfer case keeps jumping out of gear. :brows:

I think you mean bipolar people are not half bad


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someone that says all woman are bipoler has never delt with one that is

and no i'm not saying that thay are bad thay are just crazy and need meds to stay leval

mine was off meds til about a year ago better now but still has her days like today it was her b-day and was depressed all day :nuts: :cheers: :chillin:

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i think it's insulting to say all women are bipolar. bipolar people are not that bad. :D


i have been saying for years that all women come with a twinstick transfer case. one happy, one sad. trouble is the transfer case keeps jumping out of gear. :brows:


Thats not fair huh...

OK,, ALL the woman I've ever dealt with are Bipolar..

And yeah their not HALF bad... :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

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