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Truck only Starts in Neutral???

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I went out this morning and started my truck normally and drove it about 100yrds to my lower Garage. After sitting for about an hour i went out to come back to the house and the truck wouldent start......no clicking, nothing but the blower fan was running so i knew i had power. After fooling with some connectors i decided to shift it to neutral and it fired right up. Now i can only get it to fire when its shifted to neutral from park.


Its an 88 4.0 Auto 4x4, i suspect some type of NSS but figured it would be easyest to ask here 1st.


Thanks for any help :dunno:

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where excatly is it located and how tuff of a job would it be 2 swap it out... Its just wild how within an hour period of sitting it just failed all the sudden b/c it started right up this morning.....O Well I'm sure it can be fixed :roll:



I found this link and it seems like rebuilding the switch is my best bet :smart:


http://jp.automotive.com/93239/154-0805 ... index.html

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Haven't actually replaced one yet, so I'm not sure where its located. When the one went out on my sisters 98'XJ it was where it worked one minute, shut it of for maybe 30-40 secs (just moving around in a parking lot at the time collecting traffic cones) and it wouldn't start for almost 2 hours of wiggling the shifter around in park and nuetral.

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Yes, it is pretty much guaranteed to be the NSS. This is another write up for cleaning it. It's not at all hard to do and doesn't take very long. It is best to do it now in your garage instead of waiting for it to strand you in the middle of nowhere.



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  reson46 said:
It is best to do it now in your garage instead of waiting for it to strand you in the middle of nowhere.



...and it will do that. When it fails completely, the truck will not start at all no matter what you do and that could be right in the middle of the street :idea:

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  reson46 said:
  james750 said:
#1 reason the manual tranny can be better in trucks---> No neutral/clutch safety switch. jamminz.gif


Yes, manuals do have a NSS. They are required in many states.




True, correct me if I'm wrong, but the manuals in our MJ's/XJ's didn't have them, I know mine doesn't. I was referring to our trucks not so much the whole array of manual trannys on the market. :thumbsup:

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Most vehicles - manual or automatic - made within the past 20 years do have a NSS. I had a manual '84 Volvo that had no NSS, or, if it did, it no longer worked. But, turn the key on a newer vehicle with a manual and you'll get a whole lot of nothing. :brows:



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O boy, we hyjacked this one. I thought it was a GM thing to hold the clutch in to start. Now you tell me it depends on the state. My 86 XJ and 88 MJ do not have a NSS. The only advantage of the key on the steering column is so you can start by just reaching in the window. When they were on the dash, it was a bit of a reach. I quess I'm too dumb to turn the key back if the car starts moving.

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  james750 said:
To my knowledge there is NO NSS of any sort on the manual tranny XJ and MJs from 84-2001, though all the autos did have one (at least with the AW4).


there is, however it doesn't really do much, if anything. it's simply a switch titled NSS that the parts stores like to tell us we need (this is my suspicion)


anyways, the NSS is on the passenger side of the transmission, right in front of the transmisison cooling lines. it is shaped like a baseball diamond and is mounted to the same shaft as the shifter cable is.


I have not once had luck getting them off in one piece, so I just bypass them when they fail. B and C black wires (at least in a 95) together on the connector, solves the problem.


there are several write-ups on cleaning them. it is a $120 part, so cleaning is the best fix if it's not too fubar. write-ups on MADXJ and GOJEEP If I remember correctly...

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  carnuck said:
I added a button on my dash long ago that goes straight to the starter in case of an event like this. Neutral switch isn't on the std trans, but a "clutch to the floor before it can crank" switch is on the std trans rigs.


clutch-to-floor safety is not on any of my MJ's. matter of fact, I've never once seen an xj or mj with it that's pre-1995

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  JeepcoMJ said:
  carnuck said:
I added a button on my dash long ago that goes straight to the starter in case of an event like this. Neutral switch isn't on the std trans, but a "clutch to the floor before it can crank" switch is on the std trans rigs.


clutch-to-floor safety is not on any of my MJ's. matter of fact, I've never once seen an xj or mj with it that's pre-1995


They probably already broke and had to be bypassed. Mind you, they were required by all states (they are in WA)

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  carnuck said:
  JeepcoMJ said:
  carnuck said:
I added a button on my dash long ago that goes straight to the starter in case of an event like this. Neutral switch isn't on the std trans, but a "clutch to the floor before it can crank" switch is on the std trans rigs.


clutch-to-floor safety is not on any of my MJ's. matter of fact, I've never once seen an xj or mj with it that's pre-1995


They probably already broke and had to be bypassed. Mind you, they were required by all states (they are in WA)

That's not correct. I purchased my 1990 5 speed brand new off the lot. I start it in neutral without the clutch depressed and if I start it in gear without the clutch depressed it lurches forward. It's done this from day 1 and I'm in California where all the safety laws flourish. JeepcoMJ is correct.

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