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Comercial grade shell. My wife and I like to go to the American La Mans in Monterey and sleep at the track in a tent.

Um not any more. :thumbsup:

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It needs to be painted and mounted. Also I need to get the locks keyed as well and extend the bed of the truck to fit the shell, only one inch.

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Nice find, that cap will be perfect for camping. I've used a cap before, but recently picked up this beauty off craigslist for $40. I used it twice over the summer and love the thing, not too mention it looks really cool on a comanche. ( sorry about the pic. quality )

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  GreenF350 said:
but recently picked up this beauty off craigslist for $40. I used it twice over the summer and love the thing, not too mention it looks really cool on a comanche. ( sorry about the pic. quality )


ok, i have got to get one of those! who makes that? how well does it fit? any pictures of the inside?

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  GreenF350 said:
Nice find, that cap will be perfect for camping. I've used a cap before, but recently picked up this beauty off craigslist for $40. I used it twice over the summer and love the thing, not too mention it looks really cool on a comanche. ( sorry about the pic. quality )



That is friggin killer! I've seen them a hundred times before but never on a Manche. So, is yours specifically for an MJ?

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  86FUBAR said:
  xj_dummy said:
My wife and I like to go to the American La Mans in Monterey


hit me up next time ur in monterey for the races , me and the old man work most of the races setting up banners in and on the track

Thats so cool. You're on! Do you use the mj as a support vehicle? :eek:

Do you need another one? :D

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  xj_dummy said:
  86FUBAR said:
  xj_dummy said:
My wife and I like to go to the American La Mans in Monterey


hit me up next time ur in monterey for the races , me and the old man work most of the races setting up banners in and on the track

Thats so cool. You're on! Do you use the mj as a support vehicle? :eek:

Do you need another one? :D


iv been wanting to us the manch for it but havent yet , we usualy use my dads suburban as we can fit a bunch of guys and all the banners that we setup and maby one or two other trucks but i realy want to take it down through the cork screw. we can usualy always use more help and we are always done befor the races start .

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Ill try to get up more pics of the tent if I find them. Unfortunatly they'll be the same bad quality since I don't have any good ones. Anyways,that particular truck tent is made by LL Bean,and I actually have the original reciept sitting in front of me. The scary thing is, now that I look at it, the date on the top is 5/11/88! For description it simply says: Short bed mini pickup truck tent, and the price new was $149.75.

I found this thing by accident one night looking around on craigslist. It was an older couple who had it and posted it in the wrong section (cars for sale).Anyways, they said the only used it twice since new and had it on a Nissan pickup. They were very specific saying it would fit any mini truck except a Dakota. The thing is brand new, and fits the comanche perfect.....best $40 Ive spent. Actually, once I set it up at the camp ground, I drove it around with the tent on it to show it off!! :yes:

Check out LLBean to see if they still make em' cause its a real cool thing to have if you camp w/ your truck. There was plenty of room inside, alot more than I expected, not to mention you can zip it open to your cab if you have a slider, as well as side windows. Sorry for the hijack..........

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There is a retail chain and internet sales company called Camping World or Campers World. that also caries them. They come in small, medium, and large.


I have a camper on mine and the only thing I would add would be a 3/4" wood deck across the bed above the rear wheel wells. Would be nice to have a trap door in the floor up towards the cab too. But doubles your storage under the new bed and broadens the bed itself for you and the old lady, couple of kids or your dog or cat or backback or chrome piece etc.

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