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  • Location
    Marion, Ohio
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    Jeeps, mainly Gladiators & Comanches

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  1. That is the exact style I am looking for. How much would you want, shipped to 43302?
  2. Just wanted to add my 2 cents. A trick when putting them in is to use some silicone. Clean the wheel opening up real well, add a couple dabs to the cap, and snap it in. Wipe off any excess. Won't lose one ever again but still easy enough to remove when needed. Have done this for years ever since my cousin who worked for AMC told me about doing this at the dealer he worked at.
  3. I can't find one of these things anywhere, use to come across them all the time. Probably have one somewhere in my basement but it eludes me. I've seen several of the Wagoneer style ones for sale on ebay and such, and yes there is currently a set of badges for an XJ Wagoneer that include what I want, but I'm not paying that and don't need all the other badges. Thing doesn't need to be perfect, I'll be repainting it anyways. Just can't be a bent up mess. Only need one. LMK what you got and how much, shipped to 43302. Thanks!
  4. I have no means of producing a reproduction myself, but I'd be glad to provide the png or vector to someone that can. They would need dimensions of the decals though to truly reproduce it. Since I am MJ-less still, I am planning on modifying it to fit my application since I'm swapping out the crappy 247 for a 242 in my WJ very soon. I'll be using the example Cruiser provided since it's wider and keeps each description on one line.
  5. Cruiser, coming through just like old times!
  6. Anyone around here able to grab a good clean pic of that for me? I can't find any doing searches online. I can still buy Command-Trac stickers, but not Selec-Trac. So if I can get a good pic, I'm just going to make my own. Thanks!
  7. Just curious since I've never heard these called this before, but I'm taking this is what stops the door from opening too far? If so, since these tend to break, could a "solution" be to add something like the Wranglers had/have? Just a strap that hooks from body to door that prevents it from swinging open? Of course the door still wouldn't hold it's position, but that's not something I'd be worried about. Just wouldn't want it to swing too wide.
  8. comancheclub.com Those are 31's, forget the lift size that thing had. Maybe Rob or someone else will chime in, don't feel like digging. I think it was only like 2/2.5" though. That's my personal favorite for stance if you're not going to go off-road really.
  9. One I'm looking at buying has some diamond plates like those along the top of the rails, no clue what they did for them but they look good.
  10. They're very close to '98 Grand Cherokee seats, but the back is off a bit.
  11. No matter what they are, we know they aren't Eliminator wheels. Those look like this only not painted:
  12. GirsMJ86

    '05 Wk Parts

    This thing is going to be strictly an on road mall crawler, it's the pure AWD model without 4lo or Neutral. Most off road it will see is when it gets taken to the campground in Put-in-Bay and gets parked on the grass. lol
  13. GirsMJ86

    '05 Wk Parts

    Need a few things for my newly acquired '05 WK. I'll hit up the WK/Grand sites as well, but I know y'all hit up J/Ys too. Passenger side vent in the back of the center console, light grey color Image Not Found Also a set of fog lights and the multi-stalk would be great too. No automatic lights. Once again, very easy to remove. http://www.jeepforum.com/forum/f67/how-2005-2009-grand-cherokee-wk-fog-light-install-832364/
  14. I second Rob, horse mats. They work great, better then the factory one IMO. Used them all the time when I lived on a farm, had one in the bed of both K-10s and the Silverado. Only reason to find a factory one is if you just have to have the Jeep logo.
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