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Drahcir495's Build-up

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More emblems I picked up at the Pasco EZ pull it -> 


I had hoped the blue interior was the right color, but it was the Smurf blue color :dry:

I saw some cool valve stem covers on a Jeep and for under $5 I ordered a set of five. They will probably be stolen, but that is just karma for “borrowing “ them off cars as kids :nono: ->

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I haven’t seen another new Comanche in over several years. I’ve seen two in the last 3 weeks :banana:. Took a picture of the one at Just Jeeps ->

I hope to get a picture of the other one if I get the chance to. Supposedly there have been a lot of customers asking about mine and if I would sell it :shaking:.


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My bumper and brush guard look horrible. Surface rust and faded finish. Nothing too bad but it does look like crap ->


While removing the bumper off the Comanche I snapped off one of the rusted bolt sending my knuckle into the lower bumper steel. Apparently the mechanic heard me lighting the parking lot with a slew of obscenities and came over to find out what happened :laugh:. He looked at the cut and said I should go get it checked out. Nah, just went into my tool bag and pulled out the duct tape. Wrapped up the knuckle and returned to removing the bumper. It actually hurt worse taking the tape off because it pulled open the flap of skin again ->


If my day couldn’t get any worse, I managed to roll into a fire ant mound :brickwall:. I swear those bastards waited to get their ranks in position before the launched their coordinated attack. By the time I was able to roll out from under the Jeep, they had lit me up good. I hate them with a passion. If I could, I would magically remove them from existence along with the mosquitoes that kill 1 million people each year. It was well worth it in the end -> 



TBC Rich

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Little strokes fell great oaks” - Benjammin Franklin, so I try to tackle a small project a week. Sweet Amazon has got 4 Nilight LED spotlights and a four-lead wiring harness with relay/fuse. I took the rack off the Comanche’s topper and brought it back home. The holes for the mounting bolts were already drilled for the lights I had on it before. It looks great with those lights on it :beerbang:-> 


TBC – Rich 

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Got the Throttle Body off my engine today. I had put in an engine from a 1998 XJ with low miles, so it has the HO throttle body. I’m having the TB sent to Jeff Liegh to be machined to a larger bore. As you can see in the picture it’s nasty ->




I would imagine if I just cleaned it out I would have noticed a difference :D. I should have the “after” TB picture in two weeks


TBC - Rich

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On 3/19/2024 at 10:27 PM, 89 MJ said:

They look really good cleaned up! Page 20 of my thread has a comparison for Renix TBs where it is easy to see before and after condition and shows the size difference. 

I will check that out now :L:

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I am so pleased with the 97+ XJ side view mirrors on the Cherokee that I’m doing the same thing to Comanche. Took the old factory mirrors off ->




Three bolts hold them in ->


I also picked up the cover plates that hide the bolts ->


Quickly got the new ones on. I did have to cut off the wiring that is used to operate the motors in the mirrors, because I am never going to use them anyway. The after-> 





I really find these mirrors to provide a greater field of vision than the factory ones. I preferred to keep the original look, but I can’t ignore how superior these are over the stock mirrors safety wise. 


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The 97+ do have a considerable better field of view. I never was able to do it to my truck because I also prefer it. On the rare occasion that I tow a trailer with it, I wish I did the mirror swap. 

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It arrived! My bored out throttle body from Jeff Leigh. The one that came off the motor (1998 HO) was really junked up -> 







The TB is nice and clean. It’s pretty obvious compared to how I sent it out ->





The only thing that can’t be evaluated is how it affects performance? The truck has been parked around 5 years, so I don’t remember how it ran with the old TB. 

TBC - Rich

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Now there are 3 Comanches at the Jeep shop! The last time I’ve seen this many MJs in one place was at jeeptoberfest a few years ago. Now there are two LB and the one SB ->




I just need to get a Comanche Club business card in this one. 

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I got around to putting in the Euramtec B-pillar lights while my son was playing with the neighbor’s kid. Not a lot of opportunities to get to work on the MJ before 10pm, so I jumped at the opportunity. It took me maybe 10 minutes to get them installed. The hight was correct, but the length had to be addressed. Took a little off each side with the dremell tool and they snapped right in -> 




Now I will use the information that I found on the forum to hook the lights up to the factory connectors ->A190CA48-60EE-4C81-8C0A-FBA5F9739640.png.55d20073787aaf08af7d6031ff3b3100.png


Baby steps 😁

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I escaped to the garage, avoiding the wife’s household chore list, to finish up one of the tail lights. I am hoping that she thinks I’m organizing her gardening tools instead of getting a little MJ time in. It could end up being a poorly executed plan :laugh:. It came out pretty good. Of course, the on the right is the polished one ->

Not really a challenging process. The tough part was trying to get the dried polish out of the nooks and crannies. 

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I about soiled myself when I was working under a TJ on the lift. I heard a loud bang and then the Jeep moved a little. I gave the other guy a look of what the hell was that? We lowered the lift back down to figure out what was going on. The pin that holds the pulley for the chain to ride on backed out 😳 ->141A7E3F-5B3F-4E8C-9A9C-14ADE912113B.jpeg.4826f94aa1c0342168bcf77113a4b48c.jpeg


It could have been worse than a change of boxers . . .

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On 4/18/2024 at 12:22 AM, Drahcir495 said:

I about soiled myself when I was working under a TJ on the lift. I heard a loud bang and then the Jeep moved a little. I gave the other guy a look of what the hell was that? We lowered the lift back down to figure out what was going on. The pin that holds the pulley for the chain to ride on backed out 😳 ->141A7E3F-5B3F-4E8C-9A9C-14ADE912113B.jpeg.4826f94aa1c0342168bcf77113a4b48c.jpeg


It could have been worse than a change of boxers . . .




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