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Future101 is a brand new member. He just joined on Saturday.  His first and ONLY activity is to message me. He sent me an email address that he claims is someone selling a detours backbone. I placed a wanted ad for one recently.    


in short the whole thing smells.....he sent me a stock photo from the old detours page, will not reveal his location, doesn't take paypal yada yada.


wanted to give everyone a heads up.  Buyers beware.

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yeah, please do not interact with "members" that have no posts at all.  :L: 


random tip for checking if a seller actually has the item (as opposed to google-sourced pics), ask for a more detailed pic of an area, any area, so they have to snap a new photo. 

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On 2/9/2021 at 1:27 AM, Pete M said:

yeah, please do not interact with "members" that have no posts at all.  :L: 


random tip for checking if a seller actually has the item (as opposed to google-sourced pics), ask for a more detailed pic of an area, any area, so they have to snap a new photo. 

Nice tip, thanks pete

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