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REM stats, thoughts?

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Looking for anything wrong or improvements I should look at?

I know I'm stuck in open loop, and stuck in lean mode no matter what my o2 sensor reads 0.2v all the way to 4.95v

Short term and long term never move either?


Image from the xjbluetalk app with rem v5 bluetooth 


Idle after 30mins of operation 


70mph 25mins operating.


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Idle RPM's seem high (900). Does the EXHAUST PID switch between LEAN and RICH rapidly (close to the speed of light)? Does O2S voltage switch between 0.2v and 4.95v rapidly? OPEN LOOP will not change FUEL TRIM values. I'll take it that 5% for TPS is correct.

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14 minutes ago, Ωhm said:

Idle RPM's seem high (900). Does the EXHAUST PID switch between LEAN and RICH rapidly (close to the speed of light)? Does O2S voltage switch between 0.2v and 4.95v rapidly? OPEN LOOP will not change FUEL TRIM values. I'll take it that 5% for TPS is correct.

Idle 820-900ish 

Lean/rich doesn't appear to move, switch, flicker at all

O2Sv will switch quickly on road. But on it's own no. Just something I noticed driving that no matter where the voltage was lean/rich didnt change. 

Tps seems accurate to me. If anything it's more closer to 0. I have the throttlebody overbore.



Edit: just got it from nick

o2sv Rich/lean only updates in closed loop

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May have to compare TPS(%) with actual TPS (v) using a voltmeter. Use cruisers tip adjustment procedure. High Idle may also mean your sucking air somewhere. Possible faulty O2S (slow or NO response).

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2 minutes ago, Ωhm said:

May have to compare TPS(%) with actual TPS (v) using a voltmeter. Use cruisers tip adjustment procedure. High Idle may also mean your sucking air somewhere. Possible faulty O2S (slow or NO response).

O2s might be good, just got a reply from nick on it.

Rich/lean only updates in closed loop

It might be sucking at on the intake manifold gasket... I had hell tightening the bolts with the pacesetters

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If you STFT jumps to 255 (or 0) and remains there, the ECU will default to Open Loop.  The O2 sensor is detecting a lean condition.  This is according to the Renix Fuel Injection manual pp. 2-3 where it describes "Pulse Width Modification (ALFACL)" and Open v. Closed Loop.


Possible causes: low fuel pressure, clogged injector, or faulty O2 sensor.


Additionally, you could have an intake leak allowing more air into the system.  Possible manifold gasket or cracked exhaust manifold.

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55 minutes ago, 87MJTIM said:

If you STFT jumps to 255 (or 0) and remains there, the ECU will default to Open Loop.  The O2 sensor is detecting a lean condition.  This is according to the Renix Fuel Injection manual pp. 2-3 where it describes "Pulse Width Modification (ALFACL)" and Open v. Closed Loop.


Possible causes: low fuel pressure, clogged injector, or faulty O2 sensor.


Additionally, you could have an intake leak allowing more air into the system.  Possible manifold gasket or cracked exhaust manifold.

Time to spray around suspected areas with carb cleaner. 

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56 minutes ago, 87MJTIM said:

you could have an intake leak allowing more air into the system.  Possible manifold gasket or cracked exhaust manifold.

Going to check gasket.

Header is new.


1 minute ago, cruiser54 said:

Time to spray around suspected areas with carb cleaner. 

Had same thought...


It was difficult to tighten the manifold bolts down to begin with even with a new set.

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