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Alternator/Battery Emergency!

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Alright, so one day after school my truck wouldn't start, of course i immediately thought it was the battery because it tested bad prior to this situation. I replaced the battery and all was fine for a day or two. On the way home from work the truck cranked over very slowly, then i tested the alternator and it supposedly tested at zero voltage, Replaced the alternator and then got the brand new battery recharged.again ran fine for a couple days... and now my truck will start but when i shut it off IT won't START AGAIN UNTIL AT LEAST A COUPLE HOURS LATER :???:  :???:  :???:


I am extrememly confused as whats going on and i really need to solve this problem because this truck is my daily driver ( i have an 86 2.5L 4x4, 4 speed manual)


any suggestions on what to check/test???


wiring, connections, voltage, corrosion etc... i need all the help i can get, THANKS  

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  On 10/12/2014 at 10:46 PM, projectMANCHI said:


  On 10/12/2014 at 10:40 PM, 88whitemanche said:

Sounds like common issues of the cps...

Try disconnecting it and reconnecting it and it should fire right up or if it doesn't it finally gave out already...

crank position sensor? correct, and where is it located?





From the driver's position-


It is about 10:30 on the bell housing where is mates with the engine, two wires with a plug at the end. Plug is just behind the TBI.

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  On 10/12/2014 at 10:47 PM, Jeep Driver said:

If it won't turn over for a couple of hours- it's the starter.


If it turns over but will not start.......see the above post. Assuming it is TBI.

yea it will crank over after sitting all day but after that it won't crank at all

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  On 10/12/2014 at 10:53 PM, projectMANCHI said:


  On 10/12/2014 at 10:47 PM, Jeep Driver said:

If it won't turn over for a couple of hours- it's the starter.


If it turns over but will not start.......see the above post. Assuming it is TBI.

yea it will crank over after sitting all day but after that it won't crank at all


Check your grounds and cables.......after that I'd be looking at the starter.



Also, there may be, should be, a starter relay, these are on the passenger side fender well right behind the battery. Could be bad.

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  On 10/12/2014 at 11:04 PM, Jeep Driver said:


  On 10/12/2014 at 10:53 PM, projectMANCHI said:


  On 10/12/2014 at 10:47 PM, Jeep Driver said:

If it won't turn over for a couple of hours- it's the starter.


If it turns over but will not start.......see the above post. Assuming it is TBI.

yea it will crank over after sitting all day but after that it won't crank at all


Check your grounds and cables.......after that I'd be looking at the starter.


any specific grounds you would make sure to check? thanks man

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It's either the starter or the alternator. I would take both to the nearest Auto Zone or Advanced Auto and have them bench tested.


Unfortunately, it isn't uncommon for "new" (especially rebuilt) alternators to be dead-on-arrival.

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  On 10/12/2014 at 11:49 PM, Eagle said:

It's either the starter or the alternator. I would take both to the nearest Auto Zone or Advanced Auto and have them bench tested.


Unfortunately, it isn't uncommon for "new" (especially rebuilt) alternators to be dead-on-arrival.

ill definitely try that haha I've become a local at advanced auto ever since i bought this truck, but I'm leaning towards the CPS also because my fuel gauge recently froze up and i read that was one of the symptoms.

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  On 10/15/2014 at 12:24 AM, projectMANCHI said:


  On 10/14/2014 at 3:42 AM, cruiser54 said:

What year?


Click on the link in my signature and do Tips 1,3,4, and 5 if 89 or later. Add 2 and/0r 27 if 88 or earlier

alright man ill do my best, i get very confused by wiring though haha



It ain't rocket science. Unplug plugs. Clean any corrosion off. Spray with contact cleaner. Plug back in. 

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Try jumping the starter next time its dead, not that hard and all you need is a screwdriver if it cranks fine when you jump it you have an issue somewhere else in the electrical circuit and you can rule out the alternator and battery for good.

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